Can Autism Be Cured? | ABA Therapy For Children with Autism (2024)

Can Autism Be Cured? | ABA Therapy For Children with Autism (1)

There is no cure for autism, but experts agree that the best way to manage symptoms and develop independence skills is through ABA therapy. It’s important to remember that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complicated condition that presents differently in every individual.

As research continues to discover the cause of the disorder – prenatal condition, genetics and other unknown factors – health providers should focus on helping people with ASD live full and satisfying lives. At Therapeutic Pathways, our therapists and behavior technicians share the goal of improving the lives of our clients through science-backed, individualized behavior analytic treatment.

You can’t “get rid” of autism, but you can help your child or family member enjoy a higher quality of life. The therapists and behavior technicians at Therapeutic Pathways want your loved one to thrive, and we work closely with every client to make that happen.

Below, we’ve outlined some of the treatment options available for your child or family member with ASD. Some of the symptoms we work to reduce include:

Behavior Problems

This is a broad category that includes tantrums, self-injury, problems with emotional regulation, and aggressive or violent behaviors. Therapeutic Pathways treats behavior problems at both The Kendall Centers and The Behavior Centers. Those with dangerous, aggressive and self-injurious behaviors are most appropriately treated at The Behavior Centers.

Sensory Differences

These are common symptoms that may cause distress and frustration for individuals with ASD. Therapeutic Pathways provides treatment for hyper- and hyporesponsiveness, sensory and tactile defensiveness, and methods for handling sensory overload, attentional shifts, and selective attention.

Speech and Communication Problems

At Therapeutic Pathways, we use the most recent and research-based findings in speech and language pathology in each child’s treatment plan. Our speech, language and communication goals are integrated into our comprehensive Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) treatment plan to help children develop the skills they need to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and needs.

Social Skill Developmental Issues

Therapeutic Pathways offers services to help children, teenagers, and adults with ASD improve their social and interpersonal functioning. In our guided social skills groups, we work with children and teens to manage behaviors that interfere with self-acceptance and self-regulation, necessary skills for productive social interaction.

We use a “kids helping kids” program to develop social skills of those with ASD by interacting with their peers.

Autism Treatments

Therapeutic Pathways offers treatment models that are data-driven and evidence based and rely on the science of ABA. Each one of these treatments are individualized to maximize the client’s ability to function by reducing the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. These treatments are individualized, supportive, and designed to help individuals with ASD enjoy a higher quality of life. Treatment models include:

  • Early Intensive Behavior Intervention
  • Focused Treatments (Feeding, self-care, functional communication, ; speech and language therapy)
  • Parent/family training & coaching
  • Social Skills Groups

Behavior and Communication Therapy

There is a wide range of social, speech, and behavioral difficulties associated with autism spectrum disorder. ABA therapy can help children, teenagers, and adults with autism develop the skills to better interact with others, including emotional regulation and appropriate social interaction. We don’t just show them how to interact, we facilitate the learning process and interact with them directly.

Many experts consider ABA the most studied intervention for autism. It’s a structured scientific approach that teaches social skills, communication, self-care, and many other skills through methods of repetition and reinforcement. Most individuals who have autism struggle in at least one of these areas, and our experienced ABA therapists are here to guide, teach, and support our clients towards their individual goals.

There are volumes of research suggesting that this approach can also reduce problematic behaviors in individuals with ASD. Therapeutic Pathways has had great success in helping children and adolescents achieve independence through ABA.

ABA Speech and Language Therapies

Therapeutic Pathways offers speech and language therapy through integrated ABA treatment to help individuals with ASD improve their verbal, nonverbal, and social communication skills. We help children and adolescents with ASD communicate in more functional ways to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs.

Some of the goals we work towards improving or developing include:

  • Improving spoken language
  • Learning nonverbal cues such as gestures and facial expressions
  • Learning to communicate through images or technology (this is known as Alternative Augmentative Communication)

An important part of our integrated speech therapy is helping individuals with ASD learn how to effectively communicate in social settings. At Therapeutic Pathways, our Behavior Analysts and RBTs provide the social skills groups with typically developing peers to further develop competency in interactions and observational learning.

Family Support

Therapeutic Pathways offers in-depth ABA therapy for clients and extensive parent training to strengthen relationships between children with autism and their families. Our parent coaching program addresses areas in which parents or caregivers can improve to create a healthy, supportive, and inclusive environment for their child with autism.

We work closely with family members to identify the specific needs of every child in our care. Our goal is to give parents and caregivers the resources they need to create the best environment for their child’s social, emotional, and academic development. This ensures that children are supported and receive the best conditions for growth towards independence.

Some of the areas of training we provide include:

  • Managing and preventing tantrums
  • Navigating developmental changes
  • Promoting speech, language, and communication skills

Therapy for Autism

Our treatment centers help people with autism achieve personally set goals that help them on the path to independence. We aren’t “getting rid” of autism; we’re developing and using treatments to help people with autism thrive. Our evidence-based research and integrated ABA therapy plans help target the specific needs and strengths of each client, which is why we have so many success stories.

Our ABA behavior therapies will help your child develop coping skills for times when they feel overwhelmed or distressed. They will also reinforce positive behavior patterns that help build self acceptance and self esteem in our clients. Our integrated speech and language therapies will teach them to communicate their needs, thoughts, and feelings in an effective and positive way.

You are not alone in this journey. Therapeutic Pathways is here for you every step of the way with our evidence-based autism research and the goal of enriching the lives of our clients and their families. Call our corporate office at (209) 422-3280 or contact us here for more information.

Can Autism Be Cured? | ABA Therapy For Children with Autism (2024)


Can Autism Be Cured? | ABA Therapy For Children with Autism? ›

There is no cure for autism, but experts agree that the best way to manage symptoms and develop independence skills is through ABA therapy. It's important to remember that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complicated condition that presents differently in every individual.

Can a child outgrow autism? ›

They looked at 213 children who had been diagnosed with autism at 1 to 3 years of age and reevaluated them at 5 to 7 years of age after receiving some form of intervention. They found that by around age 6, more than a third, almost 40%, of the children no longer met the criteria for autism.

Can a child with autism grow up normally? ›

Some have traits of mild autism while others face more challenges and have higher support needs. The differences can greatly affect what everyday life may look like. With that said, many autistic children learn to live on their own, get jobs, have children, and more.

Can autism improve with age? ›

Yes, some children with autism become more engaged with the world and show fewer disturbances in their behavior as they mature. In fact, those with the least severe problems eventually might lead normal or near-normal lives.

Will my 7 year old autistic child ever talk? ›

Some may develop language and communication skills at later ages than their peers, and some may develop their language in a different order. Some autistic children will develop spoken language in a typical way, but they may need support in other areas of communication, such as social communication or fluency.

What does level 1 autism look like? ›

Children with autism level 1 often struggle with social interactions. They may find it difficult to initiate or maintain conversations, interpret nonverbal cues, or understand social norms. They may have limited eye contact, struggle with reciprocal play, and find it challenging to make friends.

What does level 3 autism look like? ›

Most children with level 3 autism exhibit self-stimulatory and repetitive behaviors. These behaviors may include moaning, flapping, door slamming, or violent rocking, which are potentially extreme and difficult to manage. There may also be physical symptoms such as sleeplessness, epilepsy, and gastrointestinal issues.

What age does autism peak? ›

While symptoms may peak in early childhood, it is still possible for adults with autism to experience challenges throughout their lives. However, with appropriate support and treatment, many people with autism are able to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Who carries the autism gene, mother or father? ›

Autism spectrum disorder affects about 1 in 36 children in the U.S. While the genetics of autism are complex, scientists had narrowed it down to moms being more likely carriers. Or so they thought! CSHL scientists have now discovered that dad's genome may play a bigger genetic role.

At what age is autism usually noticed? ›

The behavioral symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often appear early in development. Many children show symptoms of autism by 12 months to 18 months of age or earlier. Some early signs of autism include: Problems with eye contact.

Can an autistic child speak normally? ›

Because autism spectrum disorder varies in severity with each child, there is no hard and fast rule. It is not uncommon for children with ASD to begin developing speech in the same manner as typical children, as well as to regress in speech and language comprehension around two years old.

Is autism curable if detected early? ›

No, there is no cure for autism. There are numerous types of autism treatment and programs that can be recommended for an ASD diagnosis, such as early intervention and ABA therapy. These are designed to mitigate symptoms and help developmental outcomes, but they are not cures.

Can an autistic child speak? ›

Some autistic people may not speak at all. In fact, around 25 to 30 percent of children with ASD are minimally verbal (which means they speak fewer than 30 or so words) or don't speak at all. When an autistic person doesn't speak, it's known as nonspeaking autism. You may also see it described as nonverbal autism.

What is the best medicine for autism? ›

Risperidone (Risperdal) and Aripiprazole (Abilify) are the only drugs approved by the FDA for children with autism spectrum disorder. Risperidone can be prescribed for children between 5 and 16 years old to help with irritability and aggression. Aripiprazole can be prescribed for children between 6 and 17 years old.

Do autistic kids laugh? ›

Of course, autistic individuals laugh when they are happy, or if they find something funny. However, they often laugh to release fear, tension and anxiety. What is very difficult for their parents to comprehend (and accept) is that they might laugh or giggle non-stop when someone is crying.

Will my 10 year old autistic child ever talk? ›

Researchers published the hopeful findings that, even after age 4, many nonverbal children with autism eventually develop language. For good reason, families, teachers and others want to know how they can promote language development in nonverbal children or teenagers with autism.

Can a child lose their autism diagnosis? ›

Nearly 40% of children diagnosed with autism as toddlers may no longer qualify for the classification as they grow older, suggests research in JAMA Pediatrics.

How long do children with autism usually live? ›

Long-term research that involved following a group of individuals with autism for two decades indicates that the average life expectancy for some autistic people is about 39 years. Furthermore, this population generally succumbed to health complications about 20 years earlier than individuals who do not have autism.

At what age does autism show? ›

The behavioral symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often appear early in development. Many children show symptoms of autism by 12 months to 18 months of age or earlier. Some early signs of autism include: Problems with eye contact.

Can level 3 autism improve? ›

Individuals with level 3 autism may struggle with daily activities, have difficulties forming relationships, and require assistance in managing their behaviors. However, with appropriate interventions and support, these individuals can learn and develop skills that can improve their quality of life.

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