David and Armand series (mm/mm) (2024)

The rest of the story. Fictional. With tie-up fiends who have erotic interest in each other. All male.

Diary, Sunday evening, May 3rd

It’s actually Monday but I’m going to tell about yesterday. Sunday was busy and I didn’t have time for writing; David said I was to take my time and make this entry a tale of what happened. I’m off diary duties for three evenings.

So on Saturday night I wrote until bed time. I had a quick snack that David brought me halfway through but I was left on my own. I fared better than Charles and Guy: once they’d done their chores, they were bound, gagged, ear-plugged and blindfolded so the others could have a meeting and speak without being heard.

David came to take me to the cot I’d slept in the night before. He strapped me in and kneeled next to me, putting his package within reach of my fingers.

“It’s a bit late for real sex, but maybe you can lend me a hand,” he asked, pressing his polyamide-covered genitals over my hand. I knew what to do; David had gotten in a perfect position for a hand job. This was great and he soon darkened his red shorts with cum.

He patted my own genitals, with my co*ck still in its cage.

“Sorry I can’t give back. It’ll have to wait.”

He gave me a peck on my cheek and he left me alone. I fell asleep but Aurelian and Thomas woke me up. They had Guy with them, but when they saw me looking at them, they decided to head to the small office I’d written my diary in.

From what I heard, they used him for sex. I had to guess from the sounds, but this didn’t give me a clear view on what happened. I imagined many different positions or possibilities of the two fiendish blond boys with a good-looking fellow who was –from what they said– very submissive. After a while, I crossed out oral sex; the grunts Guy made were filtered by a gag.

They eventually came back; they slipped Guy in a sleeping bag which they laid between their cots.

The light was at last switched off; with many fantasies running through my head, I managed to doze off.

David woke me up the next morning. He took me to the bathroom and cleaned me up before he dressed me up in a clean football kit. He dragged me to the kitchen.

Everybody was up, and a routine to have breakfast and prepare for the day was already under way. David fed me some toast and a glass of milk before he gagged me with one of his socks, some surgical tape and two scarves.

“Go help your friends, we’re having breakfast and there is never too little staff.”

I joined and helped to wait on the table, with my hands cuffed in front of me. This went fine, with all the boys not saying much and just eating their breakfast. The bread was toasted, there were sausages and eggs and they didn’t find a reason to complain about our service. Eventually, it was over and we took plates and glasses of the table.

“Well, my young ones,” David started from the head of the table, “You’re in luck for this morning you might have a little rest. Now, stand at attention on your master’s right.”

Charles went to Kevin’s chair, Pendergast went to Max’s and I was at David’s side almost immediately.

“Good, let me give you today’s schedule: this morning we won’t require too much energy from you, as we will lecture you on the club. You know, the rules, the kinds of games, how we all got here…”

“How we all like to fondle bound boys,” Aurelian added dreamily.

“Yes, this too,” David continued. “You might all wonder what the deal is, and since you will be the club’s pets for quite a while, considering how many penalty points you’ve all racked up, it’ll be only fair to let you know a bit more about our ways so there’s no misunderstanding. So, finish clearing off the table and then we may get back to the attic.”

We got busy, with Kevin scolding Charles for opening the fridge door too harshly; my little brother was becoming a merciless guardian.

Then we were taken back to the top floor.

I hadn’t changed, and it seemed my fellow-captives wore the same shorts they’d been given when we’d been rid of the sticky ones last night.

I feared a whipping as David pushed me to the chair, but he made me sit down. Then he supervised Walter binding me, giving advice and checking things as my younger cousin was adding strand after strand to trap me into an inescapable web. I was soon one with the chair; David praised Walter for his good job.

“You’re all done with the bonds? Time for the gags!”

Walter, Aurelian and Max removed their shorts and underwear, pulling their shorts back up once they’d retrieved the briefs. I was to be given Max’s underwear. It went in addition of David’s sock; I was glad that David wore ankle socks and that Max had some skimpy Speedos, otherwise my mouth would have been too small. But they all fitted OK; Max’s fingers were thin but strong and he accommodated it all in my mouth. They tasted like they smelled: of dick, or rather of boy cum.

I was starting to wonder how many org*sms there had been over the last day in the house; Max had had his share judging from the small navy-blue swimsuit.

David was in ambush with a rubber swim cap and a roll of wide white surgical tape. An X over my mouth first, which actually covered most of my lower face, and then the swim cap before a few turns mummified my head and locked my jaws together.

Guy and Charles were undergoing the same treatment.

“Kevin, please?” David asked my brother.

Kevin let Max handle Charles. He went to get a plastic bag, which he brought to my friend. David removed the knot keeping the bag closed; I knew before I could see its content these were our soiled shorts from yesterday.

“While you have to listen to us, it would be good you also get better acquainted with each other, and there’s no better way to do so than by sniffing your cummy shorts.”

“Ew,” Kevin said, “It hasn’t gotten any better overnight.”

David put a pair of rubber pants and shorts on my lap.

“All for you, pet, they’re Guy’s; I’ll make sure you fully enjoy them, let me first dispatch yours to Charles, here we go Charles, and yes Armand did cum a lot in them; and for you, Guy. Walter’s made sure you wouldn’t be deprived of a treat and he got Charles to keep them moist and smelly.”

He was back and he folded the shorts in a square. It was the length of his hand. He applied it over my lower face. The part that touched my nose felt wet and gooey. The smell was impressive; it was becoming a little stale, but it sure smelled of a horny boy. I distinguished Guy’s specific aromas, which I’d experienced already when bound at the pole on Friday.

A piece of tape from cheek to cheek kept the soiled pad over my nostrils. David picked up the rubber pants. He put them over my head, waistband first and slid my head in the right leg. He pulled it all so it covered me from my neck to under my nose, he arranged the folds in front; the smell was a bit the same, but the plastic made it a bit stronger, I thought.

He wrapped one turn over my neck and the waistband. It couldn’t slip down, and the loose leg was kept in check, but with all the openings I also could get some fumes; I was trapped with Guy Pendergast’s manly smells.

I could turn my head –which didn’t loosen anything– and see that the tree of us ‘pupils’ were submitted to each other’s creamy, smelly shorts.

“We’re all set. We’ll start with Aurelian telling us how he managed to spot that Guy liked being tied up.”

The boys sat down on the floor; it didn’t make me feel much superior being on a chair, with this apparel clinging to my lower face. Every breath made me hornier, and with my co*ck still in its plastic prison, this wasn’t very pleasant. I must say, stories like the ones Aurelian told us didn’t help either.

“It was five months ago, during the Christmas holidays. There was a workshop for the alto voices and Guy’s parents couldn’t pick him up so they asked mine if he could sleep over. Of course, I agreed; sleepovers are great to play tugs, and usually a good moment to check out new players. I’d noticed Guy blushed when he was mishandled by younger boys, and I once saw a stain under his ear that looked awfully like glue from tape that hasn’t been removed completely.”

“Guy is a stinkpot!”

“Yes, but this wasn’t exactly his hygiene I was interested in. At least, not right away. We were home at four; my parents were gone and it was planned they would come in quite late. They told me we should be in bed by the time they came, which was supposed to be eleven. Anyway, we had the house to ourselves. We caught a snack and then I showed him my room. You know, we’ve discussed the best way to ask about tugs with David, and I don’t believe in beating around the bush. I’d left ropes and tape over my bed, three long coils and some duct tape too. I fired up my computer to show him the games I had, and I couldn’t help seeing Guy cast glances to the ropes and tape. He hadn’t said anything so far, so he didn’t find it weird. At some point, he could no longer hold: ‘What are these for?’ he asked pointing at them. ‘Playing escape artist, why? Want to play?’ He agreed.”

I could see Aurelian’s audience; they seemed to enjoy themselves and I expected they’d wank if the story got saucier. But I didn’t have to wait for intimate details. Aurelian got into telling how he’d convinced Guy to wear only Speedos for the attempt, just like real escape artists. This got Thomas to rub his dong through his shorts.

The detailed telling of the chair-tie got all the others to join the wanking, except for David. But even my friend and master let his hand drift to the south when Aurelian started telling of the gagging, which involved worn socks, shoelaces, duct tape and bandanas.

“And there he was, all trussed up on his chair, completely unable to make a sound. So what was I to do? I had to see to his welfare, and he had something growing in the front that I had to investigate.”

“You wanked him?”

“I prodded his crotch; it was nothing abnormal, but I knew of one way to get him to deflate, so, yes, I wanked him.

One by one, the wankers squirted their cream. They didn’t bother getting their pricks out of their shorts; I wondered if they were making new chemical weapon to assault our noses. Max didn’t seem troubled by the reaction of his listeners; he went on with other episodes, when Guy came back for more.

He’d experienced all the same tie-ups I did at the hands of Aurelian, who got a hand from David, but then also from the two blond devils.

“… it sure has been some fun time. One really good anecdote is when Guy’s little brother joined us to check on his big brother.”

His fate seemed parallel to mine. I knew his brother Timmy: he was Kevin’s age, and he had joined the choir a couple months before. He was really small, it was .

“And he couldn’t be here last night,” David explained, “but he should be any time now.”

Darn. It seemed the pool of captors never died. But until this last gang member arrived and I could see him behave, Aurelian gave a taste by telling of the first time Timmy was involved.

“Guy and his little brother get along well, so Timmy sometimes hung out with him and his friends. On a Saturday, two weeks after we first had a tug, I went to Guy’s as we’d planned to have some quick tug over the afternoon. We had nothing on schedule and his parents were away visiting some relatives. His little brother was there and so Guy pretended we were to play video games. That’s when I surprised him! I told of a book I’d read about escape artists and asked them if they would want to try out some escaping.”

Five pairs of eyes were riveted on Aurelian, who was turning around Guy’s chair, patting him over the head.

“Timmy loved the idea. I’d brought some rope and I proposed him to try his hand first on Guy. I even offered to give him a hand: I know my knots from three summers sailing. Guy was a bit embarrassed, but he agreed, boasting we couldn’t keep him in ropes anyway. We did a chair tie to start with. Timmy quickly picked up how tying up people worked. That’s the cool thing with the escape challenge trick, you can show real, tight bondage and it’s easier to see if your audience likes it.”

Aurelian’s audience liked it, but they were still recovering and they weren’t in a mood for self-pleasure yet.

“Timmy seemed to like it. He was making lots of comments like ‘no bossing me around me now, Guy!’ and some taunts about how long he’d have to stay like this. We had him trussed up well with five coils of rope. That’s when Guy got an even bigger surprise.”

Aurelian paused, eliciting requests from the boys sitting cross-legged in front of us.

“Come on,Aurel, what was it?”

“The phone rang! Timmy went to answer it. It was their parents and they had to extend their stay overnight for some reason. ‘No mommy, we will be OK, don’t worry. By the way, can Aurelian sleep over? He’s out in the den playing video games with Guy.’ So far, out little friend here,” he said rubbing the tip of his finger over where his captive’s lips were, “had behaved very well, but it seemed he thought his brother was willing to keep him a captive the whole weekend. I think he wanted to talk to his mom, but I handgagged him before he was able to make a peep.”

There were satisfied grins over the onlookers’ faces.

“Timmy finished the phone call, promising that they would behave. I kept my hand over Guy’s mouth. He was making some noise and trying to get out of my grip. ‘So Guy, he said, what about raising the stakes on the escape challenge?’ He didn’t expect an answer and seemed fine with my handgag. ‘Let’s say if you can’t escape in half an hour, then you’re our prisoner for the weekend?’ I was fine with this, but I requested stuff to make the gag more permanent. It was really fun to see Guy really annoyed by having his brother willing to keep him prisoner. I couldn’t risk having him yell on him!”

“You couldn’t!”

“The gag! The gag!”

“Yes, my friends. I got Timmy to remove Guy’s shoes and socks. We crammed one of them in his mouth and I asked for duct tape, which Timmy went to get from a closet. It was his first gagging, so I told Timmy to do three turns around Guy’s head to make it quick and so it’d work. I had one coil of rope left to use in the escape challenge. I did some chest harness that also wrapped around his arms so he was completely pinned to the chair.”

“And after half an hour, he hadn’t managed to escape!”

This wasn’t a question Thomas asked. I’m sure he’d heard the story already.

Anyway, I’ll pause for now. It is late Monday evening and David is coming over so I’ll take a break until tomorrow.

Sunday, Part 2

So I go on, it’s Tuesday evening. Things happened today but David told me to scribble down some notes for later and go on with what happened on Sunday. So we had Aurelian telling how he’d convinced Guy’s little brother Timmy to play a tug with them.

That’s when the doorbell rang.

“Speak of the devil,” Aurelian said.

Kevin rushed to open the door. He came back with Timmy, who was exhilarated by the sight of the three older boys roped to their chairs.

“Armand, I’ve heard of your feats. I can’t wait to play with you too. What’s up Aurelian?”

Aurelian explained he was telling the story of this first weekend he’d abducted his big brother. We had two tellers from there on. Actually they were really fun to listen to.

Guy spent a few hours on his chair, where he got to smell Aurelian’s socks, to Timmy’s great delight. They then hogtied him and this is how he spent the evening while they watched TV. They had him spread-eagled over his parents’ bed the whole night; Aurelian turned down the questions about sexy stuff and told of the next day, when they’d taken him outside and bound him to a tree before they brought him back inside the house where he spent some time in a large closet in the hall.

Timmy was adding details; he showed off a bit by making them technical, with knot names and anatomical terms when explaining where the ropes were laid out. I really found it hot, having a pair of brothers who had the same kind of relationship I had with Kevin.

If some of the boys in the group weren’t aware yet of what David, Kevin and I were up to, the next tale set them straight. Kevin had printed my diary and he entertained his friends with long excerpts. Of course, there were comments from some of the participants in our games like Walter and Max. Aurelian picked up. He read the entries where they appeared; my Saturday with the blond cousins got a huge reaction from the crowd, and lots of praise for their ideas and their stamina.

I must confess that though it felt weird at the beginning, this actually made for proper entertainment for the group, and time flew; I guess almost half the diary had been read when it was time for something else. There was no time for Charles to be humiliated: it was soon time for lunch.

David gave quick guidelines as to who did what and who supervised whom.

We were released from our chairs and chained. Timmy was very fond of seeing three bound boys at a time. He helped out with getting us shackled; he wasn’t shy when it came to touch us. There was peer pressure in the group. It seemed Timmy was good friends with Aurelian and Thomas, and they’d pranked teachers or done some misdeeds together.

With so many younger kids bossing us around, it was a miracle we managed to set the table; Guy cooked spaghetti, which made them all happy. As we waited on them, which required for all seven of them to sit down, we were closely inspected as we got the spaghetti full of sauce in our captors’ plates.

“Don’t spill it!”

“Don’t let sauce dribble down!”

It was Charles who got some to fall off Walter’s plate.

“Good thing you’re coming over tonight, Charles, I can give you some private lessons so you learn to be a better waiter.”

Once the plates were full –with some of our guests having started to eat before we were done– we stood at the right of our ‘masters’, for lack of a better word. Charles with Walter, Guy with Aurelian and me with David.

“It was fun hearing stories about our waiters. Tell us about the first time you saw Charles tied up, Tom.”

Tom was sitting facing me; he brightened up.

“This was long ago, like the end of last summer. I was riding my bike close to the woods over by the hill, you know, where Saint Anthony’s church is. I was staying at my great uncle’s place, so riding my bike or reading was pretty much all I had to do.”

“Yeah,” Aurelian said, “I could only come for two days.”

“So, here I am, riding and I see two boys stepping out of the forest on a dirt road. They were laughing hard. They didn’t see me and I hid behind a hedge. It was Paul and John, Charles’ big cousins. I knew who they were, because they went to our school, and Charles was in the choir, so, yes, small world. But we all see people from school when we’re on holidays. What was interesting was what Paul and John were saying as they walked past me.”

He stopped and breathed to get in character.

“’Man, with all the ropes we’ve used, Charles is not likely to slip away.’ I let them pass; I hid my bike in a bush at the entrance of the path and I went into the woods. It took me ten minutes before I eventually found him. Here he was, trussed up in ropes to a tree, a white scarf bound over his mouth. I’m sure he recognized me, for he started mewling and begging to be let go. I told him his cousins were jerks, but that they’d done a fine job and that I didn’t want to mess it up. It was so funny feeling him squirm as I loosened the ropes. I didn’t know as much about ropes then, but enough to manage to get him off the tree and controlling him throughout. Once I was done, his arms were bound behind his back, he was hobbled, and I hadn’t touched his gag to make sure he wouldn’t beg to be released.”

“Right on!”

“Best way to do it!”

“I hadn’t thought the whole thing through. I could take him to some other place in the woods where his cousins wouldn’t look for him; I didn’t fear they’d be back soon, anyway. See, I thought they’d just bound him before I arrived, but they’d actually checked on him and he told me later he’d kept the tree company for three hours. And it was noon! But I didn’t give in; I grabbed his arm and I pulled it over the path. I knew the woods well, and by walking an extra half-mile, we could get back to my great uncle’s without having to go on a big road. So I dragged Charles behind me. We reached the back of the garden. My great uncle is well-off and his house is an old farm and there’s a big garden all around. There is a large garden shed and what we call the summer house, which is a small cottage closer to the woods; it has two rooms, a sort of kitchen with a dining room and a living room in the back with beds also. I knew where the key was hidden. I’d made a plan of keeping Charles in there as we walked. What was the first thing I did?”

“You hogtied him?”

“You improved on his gag?”

The audience had some fancies that didn’t change much.

“No, I took him to the bathroom! He was fidgeting so much even I took the hint. I had him pee in the sink.”


“And I rinsed it well. Then I bound him to a chair. I’d gathered some of the ropes I’d removed from the tree, which turned out handy. Then I could remove his gag to interrogate him. It turns out it wasn’t the first time young Charles here had played tugs with his cousins. This was a moment to get some help. I gagged him with clean dish towels and I called David.”

My friend was up to tell his part.

“Yeah, you were a bit short on gear. I filled a backpack with supplies and I rode the two miles to Tom’s great uncle’s place at record speed.”

“You made it fast. It was more fun being two to handle Charles; and you know, boys, David is good advice when it comes to abducting and trussing up your friends!”

“It’s easier thinking with someone in such occasions. We had to make the most of it; we needed to make sure his cousins wouldn’t call the police once they’d find he wasn’t bound to the tree any longer and then organize for a nice afternoon and possibly the night.”

“You were great Dave! It took one phone call to handle his cousins.”

“We had Charles give the call; well, he read from the paper we’d prepared. He got John’s voice mail and told him he’d escaped and he was staying at a friend’s overnight. His cousin felt really bad, but he wouldn’t say a thing. And managing to tell my parents and Tom’s great uncle that we would spend the night in the summer house was child’s play.”

“This was a great time; you taught me a few things about knots and we could experiment fully. Charles didn’t seem to mind. It took me a while, but I eventually caught he was having a woody tenting his shorts.”

“He was in shorts?” Timmy asked.

“Yup, short and shiny shorts. This looked really good, but it showed his boner. Not that I minded, you know, but this isn’t always the case when you tie up someone.”

“We had a very sensitive subject,” David smiled.

“I don’t remember exactly what we did next, but over the course of the afternoon, we tried a few positions; the spread-eagle over the large dining table is what I remember best. He was on his back first and David wanked him, which proved he really was a bonds lover.”

“We had him try and escape too. But he never managed. He tried, don’t take me wrong, but our bonds were getting better and better.”

“Yeah, it was getting a bit boring and when it was time to warm up the dinner I’d gotten from my uncle’s kitchen, we decided to have him wait on us.”

“Indeed, Tom, and this was the first time I’d used hobbles rather than bonds, but it worked fine; and having a prisoner is fun but having a slave is better.”

“You don’t do chores!” Kevin chirped.

“You get breakfast in bed!” Timmy said.

“You’ve got a nice little butt to knead while you’re being waited on for dinner,” Tom grinned, extending his hand to pat Charles’ shorts.

“And a warm mouth to suck you off once you’re done eating,” Aurelian roared.

David was glad his followers saw so many advantages at having us being their slaves.

“We did get all kinds of fun with Charles as our slave. I’m done with my meal, by the way.”

Tom was done with the story too, and it seemed Aurelian’s idea of using a slave was shared by his fellow-captors. David did too, and I was rid of the layers trapping the foul underwear and sock inside. I waited for him to pick it up and he had me kneel. I saw the two other captives had to honour their minder too. David turned his chair a quarter turn so he faced me.

David had me kiss his shorts lightly first, and titillate his member through the fabric. There were stains showing he leaked precum too. I could feel his co*ck growing with every flick of my tongue; the taste and the smell were amazing.

Eventually, he squirmed and pulled the shorts’ waistband down to let his co*ck free, its moist tip rubbing over my face while David adjusted in his seat.

“Go for it, pet.”

I took him straight in my mouth and I did my best to please David. He came and I swallowed hungrily. But I wasn’t done; Aurelian was next. David helped me to turn around and satisfy Aurelian, who came with his shorts down already.

“Here you go, Arm, suck on a real man’s co*ck.”

I’d have liked to see David’s face; the co*cky blond boy had insulted him, probably without even realizing he had.

I performed my duties and Aurelian put his cleaned up dong down his shorts a little while later. He handgagged me and made me stand up. We sat at the table. The other slaves followed our example and we were fed a meagre plate of spaghetti with a little sauce to colour them.

We were handgagged the whole time they were not getting food into our mouths. They seemed energized by the blow-jobs we’d given.

David told me to stop and proofread while he comes over and gets me in bed.

Sunday, Part 3

So it’s Wednesday evening, and I finish telling about what happened on Sunday afternoon.

We had lunch, even though ours wasn’t very pleasant. We gave blow-jobs before we were fed, but our captors remained horny. They decided we would all spend the afternoon in the attic. Judging by their comments, more sexual activities were on the agenda.

They started by gagging us again, with the same gross socks and undies we’d had in our gobs all morning; they went for swim caps and tape to complete the setting. They used surgical tape to seal our lips and then liberal amounts of duct tape to mummify our heads.

“No squealing from our young pups as we play with them later on,” David bluntly stated.

Our arms were done in the reverse prayer position, which is really uncomfortable. It forces you to stay straight and your shoulders always end up hurting.

Our knees were hobbled and they marched us to the attic laughing and joking. I was no longer afraid; I just hoped their games would involve binding my arms into another position soon.

I wasn’t the first one to be the centre of their attention. Timmy suggested his brother spend a couple hours over the chair with a butt plug stuck over the seat. This was of course welcomed by his friends. Poor Guy Pendergast was grabbed by Thomas, Aurelian, and Walter who pulled him towards the torture chair. At least his arms were unbound.

I don’t know if it hurt when they made him sit, but he sure yelled loudly into his gag.

“Lovely feeling, Guy,” Aurelian said, “I know you’ve longed to get back in this chair. Let’s see how much you like it.”

The blond boy produced the co*ck cage’s key and removed it; Guy immediately used the privilege to sprout a major boner. Guy didn’t have shorts on and the huge hard-on he waved around sure didn’t signal distress. Yet it attracted attention from its current audience.

“It would be a shame to waste such a nice woody; let’s have Charles sit over Guy’s lap,” Kevin proposed.

Timmy gave him a hand; Charles wasn’t a fighter anyway and he did as they told him.

They removed his knees’ hobble, then his shorts and Speedos. Kevin rubbed lube up his crack. Aurelian was handling Guy’s penis, sliding down a condom over the whole length. The lubricated rubber glistened over the rising member.

The young handlers had Charles bend forward and take little steps backwards until the still hard prick made contact with the slick butthole.

The three boys handled their prisoner so everything would fit. Once they’d lined up everything as required, they had Charles lift his shoulders and they helped him to impale himself over Guy’s co*ck.

“You’re supposed to make Guy come quickly, boy, so get to it,” my little brother commanded.

Charles had his feet well-grounded on the floor and he flexed his leg muscles to make little up and down moves to pump Guy’s prick. It worked; Guy started making weird noises through his gag; their meaning got clearer in the end, in the last seconds before he came and then shrieked into his gag.

Charles seemed very frustrated; I couldn’t blame him, these chastity cages tended to dampen your enthusiasm.

I had been on the chair the day before, and wondered how it felt to him. I had had vibrators stimulate me, not a boy’s arse.

David didn’t let me watch the aftermath. He pulled me towards the beam with the braces on the side for the forearms. I sighed as quietly as I could as he undid the ropes keeping my wrists between my shoulder blades.

“So, pet, your friends are having some fun, and I wouldn’t want you to be jealous.”

He guided my arms to the grooves and strapped them into them, getting my arms over my head. I felt his hands depantsing me; he lubed me up and I heard him open a condom.

“I hope you don’t get too frantic, pet, for I’m not getting you out of chastity.”

His chest was against my back; the tip of his co*ck rested over my ring and he pressed lightly, sliding inside me without any resistance.

His words rang in my head; my co*ck was trapped in its cage and there was the beam right in front, so there was no hope of release; I focused on welcoming David and pleasuring him.

He took his time; I loved his breath over my shoulder and feeling his cheek rub against mine. It didn’t last really long, but enough to be a nice break.

There was more sex for the next couple of hours, with different pairings; I got to sit over the chair again; yet I wasn’t given the same favour as Guy, and with my co*ck trapped it was less fun than the day before. I had to stay on it for the longest time; Aurelian even used me to demonstrate the rudimentary vibrator the chair featured; by turning a wheel on the side, small arms beat on the base of the plug thanks to some mechanism. When he spun it fast enough it did have an effect.

The co*ck cage forbade the effect to work on me. At least, my arms were no longer in the reverse prayer position. It had to be close to five when David stood and called the end of the games.

“We’ll have to head home soon. There is one last formality to go through for our guests.”

“The contract!” Timmy exclaimed.

“The contracts indeed. Considering you’re still under our control as you haven’t redeemed all your points, we’re going to sign an agreement. You will commit in writing to doing whatever we want, whenever we want and wherever we want. This also states our duties to you. We can’t sign the contracts just like this, though. We need to make the place worthy of this important ceremony.”

The five other boys got busy. There was a trip to the bathrooms; we used two considering the number of participants.

We were dressed in the uniforms we wore the day before. Our captors put on their school uniforms; the shirts were pressed, as well as the trousers. They looked elegant and they didn’t show their legs as we did, which made them look older.

Thomas and Aurelian went back up first to clean up the attic. We followed soon afterwards. Our gags hadn’t been removed, so we still had the swim cap and duct tape head gear.

Our forearms were linked at wrists and elbows by three links of chain, which made for a stringent but bearable restraint. Even though our legs were free, hands held us throughout our climbing.

There were three stools in the middle of the large room, with three cushions in front. We had to step in front and kneel on the padding that would alleviate the strain.

The six captors made a half circle in front of us. David handed Timmy a piece of paper.

“Before we sign the agreements, we’re going to read it. I’ll leave the honour to our youngest member.”

Timmy beamed. He shifted to a grave look when he began reading.

“Agreement between captors and prisoners of the Saint Theresa Choir Tugs Club. “

“Nifty name, isn’t it,” Kevin told me.

“Hush, I’m reading. Responsibilities of the captors: The captors will pay attention to the prisoners in any situation. They will see to their safety and general welfare. They will make sure they don’t get in trouble at school or with their parents. Duties of the prisoners: the prisoners will behave so they’re well-considered at school or with their parents. They will obey any order of the captors and accept being handled by them in any manner the captors see fit. This includes being punished for doing something wrong or disobeying the captors.”

The cute little boy stopped. He raised his eyes from the paper and looked at us.

“That’s it!”

“Yes,” David took over, “we didn’t want to make it overly complicated. I think it covers all possible issues. This means that now, when you’re at school, you will have all of us overseeing what you do. And off school, you’ll always have one of us to keep you company. Don’t you like it?”

I nodded, not too eager to commit fully.

“No questions or any point you boys would like to raise?” my friend asked looking at us intently. We remained quiet.

“Off for the signature ceremony, then. We’ll start with Charles.”

He was to my left and Guy was on my right. No one came to handcuff his hands. Walter brought the agreements and pens, plus a little box. He set the pens and papers on the stool and opened what turned out to be an inking-pad.

“Of course, you can’t sign with your hands,” David explained, “but your nose print and a picture of you sticking it over the contract are as binding as a signature.”

“More so because they will leave DNA on the page,” Thomas added.

“You sign first, Charles, then we’ll all add our signature to make it official.”

“And binding!” Aurelian laughed.

I saw my fellow-prisoner lean down; he reached for the inking-pad with his nose and then he went to set it over a page next to him. He raised his head; the tip of his nose was dark blue.

The six boys took turns kneeling at the stool to affix their signatures to the contract.

I also inked the page with my nose. They all smiled at me as they signed. Walter and Aurelian even told me: ‘welcome to the club.’

Guy signed also and had a procession of autograph givers add their mark to his contract.

“It’s over, lads. The initiation is over. Now we go for the real stuff. What do you think of bringing them home bound and gagged, my friends?”


They were unanimous; the six fellows launched into fifteen minutes of cleaning-up. They gathered anything that didn’t belong to the house. They checked there was no tell-tale sign of what had happened. We were left kneeling the whole time.

When everything was tidy, we had to stand. My knees weren’t too sore but I couldn’t run.

The rainwear used to conceal our tight bondage was pulled over our heads. They took some time, adding a scarf around Guy’s throat and lower face to make sure his gag couldn’t be seen as he had to go through a livelier part of town than the one I’d go through.

We walked downstairs, David and Kevin framing me. They said good bye to their friend and we were off home.

We were a solid two miles away but we didn’t dawdle. They hadn’t hobbled my legs so I could keep up with David’s brisk pace.

We crossed people twice. I walked straight forward, bending my head down and hoping the hood flaps protected me from being seen in my bound and gagged state.

My heart pounded but we made it home safe. My parents weren’t home yet; I wasn’t released from any of my bonds to enter the house. David took me upstairs while Kevin stopped in the kitchen to snack on something.

David followed me into my room.

“This has been a great weekend, pet. I think you’ve really made big steps ahead since we first played together. I can’t believe it’s only ten days ago. I think I’ll relieve you of your diary duties this evening. Instead, I’m sure some rest at your pole for the first part of the evening will allow you to relax.”

He went to the drawer with the ropes and started fitting them around the beam. I tried to retreat in the bathroom: my legs weren’t hobbled. I wanted to convince him that I didn’t like this reward.

I didn’t get this reaction at all. He saw me and leaped to catch me and bring me towards the pole.

“No, you don’t. Should I remind you of your oath? It’s still all over your nose!”

I relented and I let him truss me up to the beam. It seemed every time this happened, they managed to get it tighter; I was truly their helpless captive.

“You won’t be doing anything naughty, pet. I’ll go check on Kevin. I wouldn’t mind eating something. Who knows? I might even bring you something. Behave!”

I heard two people climb up the stairs a few minutes later. David had a tray with a club sandwich on it, a glass of soda and a bottle of water. Kevin was amused by seeing me trussed up to the beam.

“The weekend finishes like it started, doesn’t it, Arm? Now I’ve signed the contract, it’s my duty to get you bound to your pole more often! Silence rule on, of course, if you want to enjoy the sandwich David made you.”

David didn’t handgag me when I ate; I had no desire whatsoever to shout and I was at a loss for words. A good night’s sleep would help me process all I had gone through. The soda between bites of the sandwich was heavenly and even the extra water at the end revived me.

“Let’s gag him, Kev, I need to go. I asked Tom for his Speedos, but I don’t have any tape with me.”

“Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

David crammed the smelly, soiled undies inside my mouth and clamped his hand over my lips.

“He took them in without giving me any grief.”

“He’s improving. I’ll tape his lips if you don’t mind, Dave.”

“Go straight ahead, Kevin.”

The wide sticky surgical tape went around my head twice. David picked up the swim cap. He pulled it over my head, caressing it with his hands inside the silicone headwear.

“You’re up, Kevin.”

My little brother climbed on the small stool he had from when he was smaller and methodically locked my jaws with another two turns of tape.

David had a cushion and two leather straps that he used to pin my head to the beam.

“Have a good evening, lads, I’ll come and get Armand in bed later on. He’ll benefit from a little alone time.”

He stuck to his word and came back at eleven.

“Let’s get you in bed, pet. I still find it super-hot to see you bound at your pole, but I want you to get a good night’s sleep. You’ll have to do well in school tomorrow.

Diary, Monday, May 4th through Thursday, May 7th

So it’s Thursday evening. David has asked me to report on what happened to me since Monday. He said I could skip the details on getting up or going to bed and should tell of what I found out over the week. I was allowed to take brief notes, so here we go.


On Monday, there was a change in schedule for the choir. Our end of year concert comes up in two weeks; we will practice all afternoons this week and the next one so we’re ready.

I sat for lunch with David, Walter and Aurelian. We left the cafeteria and headed straight to the aisle where the choir meets. Instead of walking through the big doors leading to the small chapel where we practice, they grabbed me. Aurelian handgagged me; both held me tight. There was a small cloakroom on the left to store our choir robes. This is where they took me. David had the key to the door and he let us in.

We weren’t the first ones. Kevin, Thomas, Timmy and Max were there; so were Guy and Charles.

My brothers in bondage were on their knees; they wore their underwear and socks only. They were imprisoned in ropes and the knots of the scarves tied over their necks told of gags even if they had their backs to us.

Without a word, Thomas and Timmy joined the trio holding me; they took my clothes off and I was soon bound between Guy and Charles. I had a hankie stuffed in my mouth; it was moist, and from the smell and taste, I knew someone had wanked in it.

They used scarves to prevent me from spitting it.

David stood up; he crossed his arms and looked at us. Silence fell upon the room as he raised his hand to let his goons know he wanted to speak.

“These afternoons are not going to be about singing for you, my little bunnies, as you might have already noticed. But as you now have signed our pact, you’ll have to train further in some specific areas. This afternoon, for instance, you’re going to learn how you should wank us. We’re going to bind your wrists in front so you may practice. You’ll stay on your knees and we’ll all give you advice on how to best please us with your fingers.”

The boys got busy and we soon had our hands cuffed in front of us. David, whom I knew well, was my first ‘client’. I didn’t need lessons, but kneading him through his Speedos was always a pleasure.

Walter had his undies down, and he got me to grab his dick fully by closing my fingers over his throbbing sausage. He came in my hair, but he wiped it with a towel before Aurelian could take his turn.

Aurelian requested the same technique that I’d just used with my cousin. He also creamed over my hair. Thomas requested to be made to cream his Speedos; he explained he didn’t want me to see his co*ck. He hadn’t been shy two days before, but I had to obey anyway.

And this lasted for a solid two hours. Our captors made sure not to make any noise whenever the other singers were in the hall. Eventually, we were freed and cleaned up briefly before it was time to go home.


On Tuesday, I was again ‘kidnapped’ after lunch but by Thomas, Timmy and Kevin this time. They brought me to the cloakroom and I was the first to arrive; I was bound in a simple kneeling frog tie, with my ankles crossed and my knees apart. My wrists were crossed also and there were pillows for my knees. They gagged me with a foam rubber ball and a square of surgical tape. It was the very sticky, stretchy one and I sure couldn’t make much noise.

Charles was brought in next by Aurelian and Walter; Guy followed suit at the hands of Timmy, Max and Kevin. Our captors didn’t waste time and got down to their underwear.

“This afternoon, after you’ve proved how good you are with your fingers, you’re going to show how you perform with your mouths. Of course, this will all take place under a strict silence rule. You are not to be heard. You will actually be gagged with dicks a good share of the time anyway.”

David’s words got the lads to chuckle. He stepped in front of me; on my left, Walter faced Charles, and on my right, Aurelian leaned into Guy’s face. The three accomplices peeled a corner of the tape sealing their gagged boy’s lips and tore the four pieces at the same time. No grunt was heard. The swishing sound was loud.

David stuck his fingers inside my mouth to retrieve the crushed, soggy ball. I had to lick his black Speedos first. Once I’d made them slick and had grown his boner a bit more, the Lycra tensed so much he had to lower them and free his dick. I caught his knob with my lips in a dodging move as the nice, hard dong flew in front of my face.

We stayed in the cloakroom all afternoon. Aurelian, Walter and Timmy let me see and taste their dicks. I got to know them better; there were differences in shapes, size and taste. Charles and Guy enjoyed it too. Of course, being in chastity all this time was a torture. This wasn’t the worst one they could inflict on us.

We went home. I had my story about Sunday to tell, so I was bound and gagged at my desk. Kevin got me in bed; David wished me good night from the webcam window over the LCD monitor. He told me to hold on with the chastity. It took me a while to fall asleep. It had been an exciting day, and retelling my Sunday didn’t bring the agitation down much.


On Wednesday after lunch, Max, Walter and Aurelian grabbed me and took me to the cloakroom again. I was quickly wrapped in tight ropes and gagged with hankies and tape. The rest of the gang was there soon. Guy and Charles were bound and gagged as well as I was.

“Some of you have asked if we could bugger up our slaves. This could be a nice start. I know some of you like being sucked or wanked better, but do not fear. This can still be done afterwards.”

Thomas, Aurelian and Walter were in to have sex with us while the others watched. We had to kneel; our forearms were bound at wrists and elbows in front. We bent over, resting on our elbows with our butts sticking up. They kneeled behind us. Aurelian had picked me; the more the others talked to him, the harder and faster he grew.

When he was done, he wiped me up. I had to kneel as in the days before and suck off David, Max, Timmy, and eventually my cousin as well.

“I think you’re an amazing co*ck sucker, cousin.”

His briefs down at his ankles, he came towards me, his five-inch co*ck aiming at my mouth. Walter had a big morsel for me to eat, and I was still hungry for some. Despite the chastity devices, I loved the setting. And there were no spanking or long hours spent bound to a pole all alone.

Our minders were almost done; Thomas and Kevin were even dressing up again; I was the last one sucking co*ck and giving Walter his blow-job when the sound of a key turning in the lock got everyone to freeze, even Walter, who quit grinding and turned around, yanking his dick out.

Theodore stood on the threshold. He is the choir director’s assistant and leads some group work. He arrived after Christmas. He’s not unpleasant, and I find him cute myself. He was staring at us. I no longer was sucking Walter, but my cousin’s rapidly deflating dick pointed towards the young assistant. He was gobsmacked.

Before anybody said or did anything, he’d stepped back and shut the door. David addressed his goons in whispers. We were released, allowed to clean up and bound for our trip home in our concealing rainwear. I had my story to finish, but I thought about the episode of Theodore before I fell asleep. Kevin had brought me home. David and Walter had stayed at the school. Had they gone to speak to Theodore?


So today, on Thursday, I wondered what would happen in the cloakroom. I was going out the cafeteria when I saw four boys standing in the hall and blocking the way: Timmy, Thomas, Max and Walter. Max smiled at me.

“Come here, we’ve been asked to take you somewhere.”

Once I was within reach, they seized me. Max loved a good handgag, and the others were trying out various arm-locks and judo takes.

They didn’t take me to the cloakroom; we climbed the stairs that led to the attic on the third floor. Walter took a key out when we got to the landing and opened the door. He turned to his three friends keeping me helpless and under control.

“Hold him tight, we never know. What he’s about to see might be a shock.”

The grip of the six hands and matching arms and legs was tighter; I could feel all three of them rubbing their bonered-up trousers over me. Once on the landing, cuffs snapped around my wrists. Max slid a rolled sock inside my mouth and Thomas taped up my lips. Walter pushed the door open.

I could see a young man bound with his hands above his head. He was covered in dark fabric; it shone from where we were. As my abductors pushed me towards him, I saw his eyes and I immediately identified the irises and the eyelashes. It was Theodore, his ankles bound together, his wrists cuffed and held to the ceiling with a chain.

He was yelling and reacting, but the simple tie-up was strict, his limbs really immobilized.


A mask held his lower face; from up close, it appeared to be leather. It certainly hid some wadding. I still could detect the young assistant’s distress was genuine.

I took in my surroundings. Everyone who took part in our games was there. Guy and Charles were restrained as I was. The five other boys looked at David, who was running the show.

“There’s cause for joy, lads! Theodore is our guest. He’s certainly going to appreciate the change in scenery. Not talking about the location, for he’s going to be kept in pretty much the same places he’s been since he arrived. He’ll see different faces throughout the day, though.”

David turned to me, offering a comforting smile.

“I was telling about what happened yesterday, pet. Let me go over it again quickly. Last night, once the three of you had been taken care of, we went to look for Theodore with Walt. We wanted to ask him what he’d seen and what he thought of it, trying to reason with him.”

“He was nowhere to be seen. But we knew a few things…I’d had strong suspicions about what Theodore enjoyed doing in his past-time. I had spotted marks at his wrists that told of ligature, as they say in forensic fiction. And I’d spotted some of the lecherous looks the choir director gave Theo.”

Walter barged in.

“So we went to the director’s office. Mr. Jenkins welcomed us and asked what we were still doing so late at night. He didn’t hustle us out but wanted us to leave. He smiled a bit too much. He didn’t think we heard it, but there was some faint humming coming from a closet door.”

“Yes,” David continued, “and he had left the roll of wide surgical tape on his table! When we got out of the office with Walter, I let him in on my plan. Mr. Jenkins hadn’t locked the door behind us. I told Walter to go and open the closet while I blocked Mr. Jenkins. It worked just fine. The old man stood with the door unlocked and we rushed to him. He stepped aside and Walter opened the door just as planned.”

My cousin was beaming.

“Behind the door I found Theodore! He was rather heavily bound and gagged; Mr. Jenkins didn’t seem to be a novice in the art of binding. It was all rope, but poor Theodore could not move any of his limbs. He was wearing some satiny boxers and a jersey but nothing else. His gag was a leather muzzle. It completely held his lower face. He looked quite distressed, but super-hot too!”

I really wanted to know more, and how Mr. Jenkins had reacted, but we all heard the noise out the door.

“Listen! I hear some steps, Walt.”

Everybody fell dead silent. This part of the building was remote from any big hallway, so there were seldom visitors. A soft rap at the door suggested some agreed code. David recovered and smiled; he pointed to the door. Walter opened it.

Mr. Jenkins stepped inside the room. His clothes were of course in stark contrast with ours, as he was wearing his perennial tweed suit. He smiled at Theodore, who looked at him wide-eyed and made some small noises behind his gag.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen. I see you’ve all met Theo.”

He took a few steps towards his assistant.

“You seem to be doing fine with your new friends, Theodore. I’ve been considering David’s offer, and of course I would be delighted to let him have you as a guest. He’ll keep you here on the premises with his friends. They’re willing to help training you.”

David was in full agreement and so were the other captors, who nodded.

Mr. Jenkins looked at me. I was really intrigued by his coming onto our games. He wasn’t too unpleasant, but I had no peculiar fondness for him either. I had trouble picturing him doing the binding and gagging job that had been performed on Theodore.

“Theodore has spent the night bound to a beam in my bedroom. I wasn’t very happy with him last night. I had forbidden him to snoop around the building, and here he comes telling me of what he’d seen in the cloakroom. As if it was any of his business!”

He paused, scanning the faces of our captors who were eager to learn of the discipline he had inflicted on his poor, enslaved assistant.

“Thank you for giving me a hand bringing him into my quarters and coming to pick him up so early this morning. The way you tied him to the beam was just perfect to teach him a good lesson.”

Mr. Jenkins was one of three teachers who benefitted from housing on the school premises.

“It was a pleasure, Mr. Jenkins. We’ll certainly be able to have some positive interaction with Theo. I’m sure our own captives will be happy to socialize with him. They like good-looking guys, you see.”

“I have amply benefitted from his looks, I’m only too happy to share.”

The old man’s enthusiasm didn’t really ring true. I had trouble associating the rather mild person I’d known since I joined the choir two years ago, with a ruthless kidnapper who’d somehow gained control over Theodore and held him restrained outside of the ten hours a week the young man spent performing his assistant duties.

“It’s a lot of work handling a prisoner like Theo. I’ll give you the key to his travelling chest and you can also go see what’s in this cupboard over there. If there is any issue, please call me on my cell phone. And there’s everything needed to help Theodore indulge in his most peculiar fancies inside his chest.”

He had a lecherous smile that uncovered his teeth.

“We’ll make good use of the accessories you’ve provided, Mr. Jenkins,” David replied.

“I’ll let you lads get to know Theodore better. I’m sure our three restrained friends will like to see him from closer up. I dropped by to give you the keys to the back entrance and the other rooms we talked about so you can get around the school discreetly.”

David confirmed he knew about the lair they’d planned for us and the best paths leading there. . Walter locked the door behind Mr. Jenkins.

“It’s now going to be much easier to have our way with our three students when we’re here. Old Jenkins can always manage to get us out of class; and whenever there is time for the choir, we’ll have four captives to take care of.”

He approached the choir assistant and laid his hand over his chest. It didn’t make me feel jealous; I found it hot, actually. But the discomfort of the co*ck cage still imprisoning me got worse.

“So, Theo, you heard your boss. From our little chat last night, I know you’ve been rather naughty in another school and that Mr. Jenkins keeping you in custody is in retribution for having misbehaved with other boys. Of course, you can’t really tell us about it right now; you’ll write a report later on. For now we may just inspect you to see how to best handle you over the next three days.”

David let Max, Aurelian and Walter come around the young man, who had his arms raised in the air; they inspected the numerous bonds keeping him in such a vulnerable position.

“Hey, he’s got clothes that can be removed without untying him!”

Aurelian’s keen eye had spotted a small zipper running along the side of the top covering Theo’s torso. He pulled it down; Walter and Max had spotted another one over the shoulders that allowed them to bare their captive’s chest while keeping his wrists cuffed above him. “He’s got no hair under his armpits!” Aurelian said. His hands lingered on over the smooth skin of the helpless young man.

“Mr. Jenkins must be a stickler for cleanliness: he keeps him shaved.”

Theo nodded in approval. He couldn’t help but feel excited, thus falling into these little perverts’ claws.

“And I bet he’s got you shaved all over,” David stated and reached for the captive’s groin. He grabbed a handful through the fabric, sizing the whole thing with his fingers. He then lowered Theo’s shorts, revealing his buttocks and turgid manhood, even though he couldn’t pull them down very low.

“I guess not.”

Theodore had a well-sized prick, which stuck out obscenely. It featured a nice bush of dark hair at its base and some hair on his balls too. There was a glint at the tip revealing the quick caressing had aroused the prisoner tremendously; it soon turned into a drop, which Walter caught with the tip of his finger.

“Boy juice,” Walter said, bringing it to his nostrils. “We’ll see if you need to unload to behave, but first things first, we can’t have you sporting this little bush of hair and have these balls hairy. I’m sure Jenkins will be more than happy to get you back tidier. I think there’s all we need to take care of this in the cupboard.”

Walter was already in search of the razor, the basin and the shaving cream. He fetched a towel too.

Timmy and Kevin unbound Theo’s legs and removed his shorts and underwear. They bound his ankles again, and linked the ends through a ring screwed in the wood floor so his legs were useless.

My cousin stood in front of Theodore.

“Let’s get it over with, Theo. Off with this nasty, smelly hair.”

Walter kneeled and lathered up the co*ck and balls fully. It got little moans from Theodore and it sure didn’t get his boner deflated.

“You should get him to shoot his load, Walt,” David advised, “It’s throbbing like crazy and you might cut his prick.”

“We don’t want that, safety first,” Walter said, getting down to wanking Theo with his lathered up palm and fingers. Theodore let out some really weird gasps, and he did super high-pitched noises when Walter had him shoot. It was an impressive shooting; it landed five or six feet away.

“He’s calming down already.”

Walter grabbed the basin with some clean water in it, the razor in the other, and with small, delicate touches, my little cousin did a perfect job under his friends’ admiring looks.

He worked in a meditative silence, troubled only once by the whooshing sound of the foam expelled from the can and the slight sound of the razor removing large tufts of hair. He eventually wiped the razor on the towel.

Theodore breathed heavily but regularly; he’d kept still so my cousin wouldn’t make some misguided move.

“It’s much easier shaving a boy who’s happy, lads.”

“He’s not happy, he’s hard,” Timmy protested.

The cheers in reply made the younger boy proud.

“Oh yes, he’s already getting at full size again. Help him out, Timmy!”

“Maybe,” Timmy replied ruefully, “but when everybody’s gone.”

Walter didn’t pursue the taunting of the younger kid; it felt normal he wouldn’t discuss his desires in public so soon.

Walter noticed there were a few imperfections when he wiped the shaved co*ck and balls with a wet towel; he got a walnut of foam over the few spots he’d missed the first time and cut a few patches here and there. In the end, the manly co*ck was much less manly.

“This will make you feel more at ease with us, Theo. I think you should get used to being treated like a little boy. You’re part of the gang!”

“Not until he’s undergone initiation,” Kevin whined.

“Kevin’s right,” David confirmed, “We still have to get him through our rites. Let’s get him dressed up to have him straddle the pommel horse. He’s got rosy cheeks, so we might show him how we spank disobedient captives.”

The boys gathered around the chest. They got leather shorts out and a leather harness that they put on him at the same time they released his wrists from the beam to cuff them behind his back. Theodore didn’t even try to resist. His captors were all smaller, but there were six of them and he didn’t really start with an advantage with his ankles still anchored.

Once the captors had secured his arms, they released his legs and got him to walk so they could watch his thighs and buttocks move.

Theo was still hard. Max wondered if they should somehow check that he was fully functioning around the loins. Apparently his concern was shared, for approvals ensued.

“Go ahead and check,” David said.

Max took a hanky out of his pocket. He wrapped it around the young man’s big prick and started wanking him while making jokes that Theodore was about to flood the building since he must have been left without cumming for a long while.

Under the six boys’ cheers, Theodore got closer and closer to org*sm until he froze, mewling behind his gag. The front of the silk sheath grew darker as the young man exploded.

“His dick works just fine,” Max said and wiped him off with the scarf.

Timmy kneeled at Theo’s feet; he had him lift them one by one to put leather shorts on. “These shorts are just your size,” the boy said as he adjusted the piece of clothing. It really enhanced its content, both in front and back. Kevin and Thomas came to check it out.

“Right, let’s get him to straddle the horse. We’ll give him a small sample of what may happen to his bum if he doesn’t behave,” David ordered.

They dragged the poor Theodore towards the apparatus; he was as docile as we were. I got to see his bum once he was spread over the pommel horse. He had round, muscular buttocks and nice strong thighs sticking out from the shorts’ legs.

Theodore was no hunk: the lack of hair made him look younger when he was in the buff. But he had the build of a man, and his tight fleshy arse pleased me.

The boys didn’t go too hard on Theodore’s butt. They gave six cuts of the riding crop and Theodore didn’t even grunt.

They left him bound where he was. Between his legs, he got to witness a long series of boy on boy sex acts, with Guy, Charles and me being used the same ways we’d been throughout the week.

We stayed in the attic for two or three hours. Theodore was sat over a chair halfway through, and he got a demonstration of Max and Walter’s binding skills. He soon found out how good they were. They spread his legs open and bound his ankles to the back of the chair, his calves resting on the lower seat. This was strict; Kevin had sometimes done my legs this way while I was writing my diary and it made me long for release.

My little brother noticed the time it was and got the group to move. I wasn’t privy to all the details. Aurelian and Thomas stayed with Theodore, and the grins they sported meant he wouldn’t be bored; the rest of us were to leave. Walter and Kevin cleaned me up and had me put the poncho on.

We walked back home after having gone out the school through a back door I’d never really noticed before. It got us in a small lane running along the long schoolyard brick wall that led to the road we took to walk home. It was a bit of a short-cut for us as it saved some walk back to the entrance on the other side.

They had to release me when we got home. My parents were there. We helped out for dinner and we all sat together around the table. We headed to our rooms soon after. I had a long diary to write.

I’ve been in my room since eight. David is on his way to get me to bed, and I can proofread one last time before he gets here.

Diary , Friday, May 8th

It is Friday, late afternoon, and I am to start telling of this weekend. David said I wouldn’t have time to tell it all because they had planned activities with me for the evening. So I will stop when my captors come and tell me to.

Diary, Friday, May 8th, part one: morning

I got some relief from my co*ck cage around midnight. It didn’t last long, but I got a quick wank from David after he’d taken me to the bathroom. Then he wrapped me in my sleep sack on my bed. He stayed over, but he actually fell asleep soon; he didn’t even wank.

I got to suck him when we got up, but I stayed with my plastic cage on. David left me in Kevin’s hands for breakfast and headed home to get ready for school.

We met one hour later at David’s, where he took us to the garden shed.

“I’ve got your poncho and everything we need here to get you dressed up properly for school,” he said, holding a large bag.

My abductors weren’t swayed by my shrugs and the annoyed look on my face; they put me in an inescapable bonds prison and concealed it under the rainwear.

They took me through the small lane when we got close to school. Kevin tapped on the door; Timmy opened up. With no one in sight, they pushed me in.

The coast was clear inside too: they whisked me away through the courtyard and we entered the building through a small door. We climbed one floor and there we got into more familiar territory. Two minutes later I was back inside the attic, with my –now– three fellow-captives.

Max was putting the finishing touches to Guy’s elaborate binding. He had him on tiptoes, his wrists cuffed and his forearms stuck together with duct tape, his arms pulled up and linked to the beam above. His gagged face was stuck in his arms.

The next prisoner, Charles, was kneeling in front of a beam; Aurelian and Thomas were making sure he stayed well trussed up to the post, in a rather uncomfortable position: his ankles as well as his wrists crossed behind the post.

Theodore also had his back to a beam. What looked truly amazing was the way they’d done his legs. He was trussed more or less the usual way, with ropes going around his torso and the beam, and some linking, lashing pieces added. But whoever had bound him had done such a good job that he’d been able to lift Theo’s heels and fold his legs in two, binding them to the pole. He hadn’t slipped down, apparently. If he did, even slowly, it wouldn’t get him any closer to freedom anyway.

“Do you like the way we roped Theodore, Armand?” Aurelian asked me. “It’s been a fun night overseeing our new friend. He’s trained already and he’s been rather obedient.”

“We didn’t let our guard down, though,” Thomas added. “We used all sorts of restraints to make sure we’d control him when we had to move him around. It’s so tight he doesn’t need to have his feet on the floor”

He cupped Theodore’s chin in the palm of his hand.

“You’ve been a good boy — you were even rewarded for it!”

I’d been in Aurelian and Thomas’ paws, so I had an idea of what prize they had given Theodore. He mewled, begging for more attention.

“Hush! You got your prize, now you’d better behave and give us reasons to grant you more. So, not a peep, Theo.”

“Well said, Aurelian,” David praised. “I don’t know if you’ve told Charles and Guy anything about today. We didn’t tell Armand.”

We slaves were clueless; my fellow-captives both shook their heads.

“Mr. Jenkins has us all out of class to prepare for the choir retreat this weekend. It’s all settled with your parents, lads. As for you, Theo, this will be a change to get out of the school grounds for a couple days. We’ve planned some fun with you today; we need to practice some knots, and Max has come up with an original tie-up. I’m sure these activities will help getting Theo acquainted with us.”

They kicked off by having a knot workshop. David and Max went from group to group.

I was at the hands of Timmy and Thomas. Timmy wanted to learn how to achieve a better ball-tie, and Thomas was all too happy to show him on me.

Thomas had Timmy help him to keep my shins on the floor the whole time; I kneeled first and sat on my heels. They folded me and wrapped me in a network of ropes that kept me pinned to the floor.

The boys’ hands were everywhere. They were getting better and better at arousing us with their touch. I was lucky to have had some relief overnight, but the ordeal had started over, and earlier in the day this time.

The others didn’t fare much better. Aurelian and Walter were trying to make Guy into a pretzel; Kevin was on his own with Charles, testing some new gagging method: a condom with really big stuff in it. My brother crammed it inside Charles’ willing mouth.

Kevin then taped his lips with an X. But Charles was about to experience an even tighter gag with a swim cap. My little brother taped Charles’s mouth shut and then stuck his head to the beam behind with three turns of the roll.

Tea and biscuits were produced so the captors could take a break. They looked at us while having their snack and discussed what to do with Theodore next.

It turned out Max wanted to bind him to a bench so he could sit on his chest to show him his dick and possibly cum over his face. The idea easily got the consent of the rest.

First, they went over Theodore’s pole suspension. Aurelian and Thomas showed how they’d harnessed him, and how to bind the ropes at the back. A hook behind the pole was the reason why the bound choir assistant wasn’t gliding down.

We were ignored for the next hour or so, left to hear the fun they were having handling Theo. Even though they wanked him before releasing him from the pole, Timmy bet Max he couldn’t have him come another time once he was on his feet with his hands behind his back.

Max picked up the challenge; he got Theo to cream his leather shorts in under five minutes, which got him to claim having Guy his slave for a day.

There was another technical workshop as they had Theodore lie on the bench on his back. There was a brief argument about which limbs to bind first, which David ended by deciding they would try both ways and see what worked best. He’s really good at having people get along.

The strategy took some time, though; we could hear muffled yelps and someone saying ‘sorry’ or ‘oops’ from time to time. Finally, they began taking turns sitting on Theo’s chest.

“Yeah, Walt, have him smell your package!”

“Our new guest loves it. You enjoy smelling my balls, don’t you, Theo ?”

The grunt Theodore made sounded like an agreement. The little gang took turns sitting on his chest, getting acquainted with their underwear and what it covered. Timmy came to check on me a couple times, feeling my hands and feet weren’t cold.

Theo’s tormenting lasted longer; his grunts brought laughs and cheers from the younger boys. At some point, Walter wondered out loud if we wouldn’t be jealous of the choir assistant and we were released from our strenuous positions. We lay on our backs with our hands under out butts.

Thomas sat on my chest first.

His Speedos smelled of cum, with a dark spot telling of his leaking. He got hard as he taunted me, describing what he’d do if he had me as his permanent slave. I had visits from Aurelian and Timmy too; Guy and Charles also had underwear to sniff and admire.

David just told me that I’d have to join the others for the evening; I’ll tell the rest later on.

Diary, Friday, May 8th, part two: moving out

It is now Monday, and I am to continue writing about our weekend, which started on Friday morning. I’ll resume where I left.

David signalled they were to move on; there was a schedule to follow. Our six captors got busy.

The four of us ended up standing, dressed in our uniforms, our arms folded behind us and our forearms closely united. We’d been given a snack and a drink; this had been the occasion for four of our minders to remove their underwear and have us ‘wash’ them. I got Aurelian’s spunky Speedos filling my gob; a liberal amount of surgical tape prevented me from spitting them out.

They got us on leashes and off we went, climbing down the stairs The choir’s mini-bus was parked just outside the door with Mr. Jenkins was at the wheel.

“Get in, lads, prisoners first!” he greeted us.

There were doors on both sides of the van, opening on two rows of seats to accommodate four passengers each. David had me climb in the back; Charles boarded across from me, with Aurelian pushing the unfortunate blond boy inside the vehicle. Guy and Theo climbed over the row in front of us; Kevin and Walter kept an eye on them and strapped them in their seats.

The four middle seats were wide, deep and designed for boys our size. They were custom-made for the vehicle: I’d never seen such body-wrapping seats in a van, especially not with all the leather and the nylon straps or chrome steel buckles that hung out.

There was some space for my bound forearms pinned behind me, so it wasn’t too uncomfortable. The eleven straps that were coiled around my limbs and torso united me to the shell-like seat. My head was also fixed to it; the headrest was comfortable but I now had only a very partial view of what was going on inside the van.

I could see the rear-view mirror, and Mr. Jenkins’ eyes watching us, but I couldn’t see any of my fellow-prisoners.

“Armand is secured!”

“So is Guy!”

Our captors acknowledged they were done with the preparation for the trip one by one. I saw Mr. Jenkins’ calm and satisfied grin.

“If all four of our high-security transfers are held tight, it’s time to get going then.”

The van started smoothly, gliding and never picking up real speed.

“It shouldn’t be over twenty minutes, but I think I can entertain you boys with a story or two,” Mr. Jenkins started, looking on the rear-view mirror “You might have wondered the real reasons for Theodore’s presence with us. Of course, there was a need for a choir assistant, what with all the improvements our group has managed over the years. To keep the momentum going and have each section perform at its best, working in smaller groups is sorely needed; one more tutor helps. Theodore is amply qualified for he has benefited from a proper musical education. However, his musical qualities didn’t land him the job. His taste for ropes, gags and strict tie-up did.”

He paused, looking at us. Of course, we couldn’t react in any matter, but he stared at us through the mirror for a few seconds. His eyes went back to the road.

“Theodore has been keen throughout his years at his music academy to cultivate very… particular friendships,” he continued the story. “He’s almost gone under the radar from his supervisors, who are friends of mine. Our young Theodore had managed to convince other young singers to indulge in his taste for tie-up games. It helped that Theo was a cute and sexy little thing, so he had no end of company. Some of his friends were more than willing to play some rather advanced games, which involved long periods spent in total rope helplessness. These little blighters had done so in the privacy of their homes, or using the many hideouts in the academy’s large estate.”

There was a soft grunt from Theodore.

“Yes, Theo, you were quite good at keeping your devious past-time secret. You almost made it the whole four years without Mr. Billingham noticing your perverted games and your taste for converting innocent boys to your kinky endeavours. You did fine with these last two, didn’t you?” Mr. Jenkins smiled.

“Theo had convinced two boys, three years younger than he was, to use him as a tie-up doll over his last year as a member of the choir. The boys got bolder and bolder. They tried out new methods and new locations, with Theodore challenging them and appealing to their pride. They took their involvement as clever and skilled kidnappers a bit too far. After having stayed away from the main building for years, and using a secluded barn that had never betrayed their presence, they eventually thought it would be fun keeping Theodore their captive in the broom closet of the large rehearsal hall.”

The glance Mr. Jenkins cast at Theodore in the rear-view mirror got him to fall silent; I couldn’t see the young assistant but I felt his surrender to the old man.

“Mr. Billingham found Theodore hanging in his large closet, wrapped in a rope harness and gagged tightly. He got the trio to tell him more about what they’d done. Then, with all three bound to chairs, he next gagged them and told them more or less what I’m about to tell you. There is an organization that has specialized over the last thirty years to provide bondage-loving teens with adequate conditions to enjoy this exhilarating hobby.”

He had another glance at the boys sitting in the back of the van. Our captors stayed totally quiet too, fascinated with the slow and powerful story-telling voice.

“Some gentlemen’s club makes venues available to tie-up loving teenage boys. This comes with accessories, clothing and outfits too. It would have been a shame to waste such willingness to experience fine tie-up and exquisite gagging, so Mr. Billingham settled the situation wisely. The two boys whom Theo had convinced to play the role of abductors felt fine with it and could stay at the academy; Mr. Billingham had some use for them, trying to lure other potential bondage lovers.”

So Jenkins was a part of a whole underground boy bondage operation? I was all ears.

“If you boys are willing to handle him over the course of a weekend, by the way, I’m sure he will love the attention.”

Our captors all nodded and agreed with the same single grunt we the gagged ones would have used if talked to.

“Theodore has to undergo a six-month-long training with me. He’s managed to get a good deal of practice so far, and he’s been able to open up on what this whole bondage thing meant for him. The job opening was a welcome coincidence with Theodore getting caught by Mr. Billingham. It explained his presence easily. I went to fetch the boy the same day. We gathered some proper clothes to satisfy the situations we were to cover for the first stretch of his stay with me. I tried out many gags and bonds and we eventually settled for a simple rubber plug and a lower face mask. You might have noticed how much Theo enjoys being gagged. This means extreme arousal for him. You might discover he’s usually quick to squirt when his gag is stringent enough.”

It was strange having the mild Mr. Jenkins describe the young man’s situation with such vivid, explicit words.

“A straightjacket was needed to subdue this young bondage enthusiast. It makes travel secure. Since then, I’ve also learned to enjoy all of Theo’s fancies. He has a wild imagination and a wide array of fetishes, all involving him being at the hands of some unsavoury abductors. He likes all sort of erotic games too, when his body is being played with. He’s got more peculiar fancies too: he loves dress-up and restraining costumes. He loves being dressed as a baby too, weird as it may sound; it turns handling him into an absolute delight if you enjoy some variety and have a knack for cute and dainty costumed teens. But don’t worry, you’re going to find out more about this side of Theo.”

The van had gone off the road; I the speed and the sound of gravels suggested we were entering some country estate.

“You boys will spend the weekend in a separate building. You’ve all come to choir retreats at the Shepard’s Farm haven’t you?”

We all had, but the name was misleading; it looked more like a manor than a manor. The main building was a large white stone house; we used a few rooms downstairs, a dining hall and a dorm on the second floor.

“The estate is big, and there’s an old hunting lodge right in the middle, surrounded by woods; you’ve never visited it during choir retreats because it’s kept secret; only boys like you get to enter it. Some of you already have. We’ll be there any minute now.”

Diary, Friday May 8th, part three: the manor

It is Tuesday evening, and I continue. Walter said I really told things nicely and that I should keep on doing a good job. So after a good day at school, I’ll pick up my story where I stopped. There isn’t much else I can do as I’m strapped to my chair, with a big wad stuck inside my gob and tape keeping it in.

I could see the shadows of large trees outside darkening the inside of the van. We slowed down and stopped.

“You may take the captive guests out, there’s no one around to see them, and I’ll trust you gagged them well enough to prevent them from getting noticed.”

The doors slid open and our minders got busy removing the straps and getting us out.

“The cargo’s being delivered flawlessly,” Mr. Jenkins commented to himself.

We were in the thick of woods. I remembered seeing huge trees in the distance when we’d come to this place before; we never had been allowed to explore, not that we had any time left with all the rehearsing and getting better at singing. So much for singing for the four of us now.

We were in the middle of a large clearing. There was a small patch of lawn in the middle and a hundred-year-old house towering over us. I’m no architecture specialist, but I think it’s a style that’s called Edwardian. It was a country house, with a huge bow window and small towers and a spire topping it all. Being in this dark and damp spot in the forest, it did look spooky

The house was two stories high, and it looked massive. Ivy grew on its grey walls, and a rose tree stood on the left, but it was the only sparkle of colour over the façade. The lawn in front seemed well-tended, but it had yellow patches, certainly due to moss which must thrive in this environment.

We didn’t admire this decayed sight for long. Mr. Jenkins led the way; David followed him, dragging me along towards the large entrance door. It was a wide double-door, made of thick, dark oak. Mr. Jenkins took a huge key out and unlocked it.

There was a deep contrast when we stepped inside the large residence. The entrance hall had to take a third of the house in width and fifteen feet in depth. A wide staircase rose in front of us but we veered to the right. I could see the outside as we stepped in, whereas the windows looked dirty and blind from the outside.

I expected to shiver considering the amount of skin I displayed, but I didn’t feel cold at all .

The black and white tiles were made of stone; they were spotless and well-polished. The wood panels on the walls had the feel of a wealthy country residence. We didn’t linger in the sparsely furnished hall for long. Mr. Jenkins had reached its end and was opening another door. This one wasn’t locked, but it was at least eight feet high. The ceiling was super high above our heads.

The next room was cosier. The ceiling was much lower; it felt obvious as soon as we stepped inside. The furniture and decoration were those of some posh social club as I’d seen only in films and series: the gentlemen’s club where no woman is admitted, where butlers wait on the wealthy socialites, and where everything is brown and warm, with leather couches and clear wood furniture.

This room had this sort of feel to it; there were three large couches, some chairs, and some gym apparatuses. Pommel horse or vaulting horse, I couldn’t tell, but it was some leather stuff on four metal legs. They looked classier than the one in the attic, with some better-looking finish to them. I soon spotted the special details: some fixtures over the legs allowed for linking straps and by imagining Theodore over the device, I could figure out where his limbs would be pinned.

There were two rocking horses and some frames with bars further on our right.

This could fit ten to fifteen club members with an army of butlers taking care of them.

“Make yourselves at home, lads. You know where everything is, David. I’ll hand you the keys to the manor. You know how you must handle your friends. They’re guests and they should be handled with care.”

He seemed very serious; David replied he would. He wasn’t co*cky today.

“Thomas and Timothy should come in soon. They’ll call you when they get here so you go and open the door. There’s plenty of fun to be had here. There might be a need for some of accessories in the walk-in closet. You may try everything out if you wish. There are some customized items and each of your guests has his individual shelf.”

Our captors were all ears.

“Of course you should make a demonstration of the fun that can be had with the special furniture. I trust you to be creative, for there are many ways to use most of them. Have a pleasant afternoon, and see you later, boys.”

David and his gang greeted Mr. Jenkins and turned to us. We’d stayed silent and they frowned.

“Mmm. Grmmjmmmmkmf”

“That’s better; but there are plenty of ways to impose some discipline on you in here, just as Mr. Jenkins said, and I know quite a few.”

“And we can certainly think of some more too,” Kevin piped in.

“That’s the spirit, lads,” Mr. Jenkins crowed, “So I’ll be on my way and let you explore the joys of discipline role-play.”

The man faded away in seconds, the door closing shut behind him without a noise.

“We’re in charge of these four lads, David. We sure don’t want them to get bored. While we wait for the others, who should be first to try out the special furniture?”

David caressed his chin.

“Theodore, for obvious safety reasons. He’s the biggest and strongest of the bunch, so he should be made inoffensive as early as possible. The pommel horse will be a good apparatus to start with. We’ll have him get his butt up in the air and we may give some trial to his friends, with rewards if one wins and punishments if he loses.”

My little brother clapped his hands, eager to play some wicked games with his captives.

“Spanks and caresses?”


They lined up Charles, Guy and me a few feet away from the horse so we could watch the show. There were thin leather straps on a coffee table nearby; Aurelian took care of me, with Kevin handling Charles and Walter restraining Guy. David held on to Theodore, who was hobbled and, from what I saw, restrained well enough so he wasn’t much of a risk.

The first step was to set the pommel horse at the proper height. The feet could be adjusted very finely, there wasn’t a pin and bolt system as on those I’d seen before. The feet had some hydraulic system –or so David said—that could be triggered at its base for each leg.

They stood Theo in front and lowered the legs until the shiny leather top was at the height of our choir assistant’s groin. They fiddled with it; they had him come closer and they fine-tuned the device with care and patience. My little brother was having a field day; his interest for mechanics and human anatomy mixed: finding the best position to have Theodore’s bum look its best was an endeavour he could go for.

David and Walter sat down over the rug and grabbed an ankle each; they fastened a new leather cuff around them and they fixed these to the horse’s legs. They’d tested the height with him standing knees together, so there had to be some more twiddling with the settings. Playing with the switches was still entertaining.

The horse was lower than the one I’d been tied to. Once they pushed Theo across the contraption, folding him around the top, his buttocks proudly showed up. He had quite an arse: two large, round and muscular mounds of flesh. The sheen of the fabric showed the ripples the motions caused. This was a show I could watch forever.

The four accomplices uncuffed his wrists from behind his back and fixed them to the front legs, forcing him to stay in his most appealing position. The co*ck cage started being annoying. I couldn’t get hard, and even less get the relief a wank would have provided. Yet I couldn’t stop watching this captive at the hands of David and his gang.

There were more cuffs to hold his knees and elbows, and a wide belt that went across the small of his back, pinning him to the pommel horse. The two butt-cheeks were set perfectly for either a f*ck or a whipping; I couldn’t decide which of these I wanted to see most.

David’s phone beeped. He picked up, in no rush.

“Yes, Tom. I’ll come right away.”

Kevin and Walter hid the view from me by standing between me and Theo, and admiring the perfectly displayed arse-cheeks distending the thin gleaming fabric that wrapped them.

Thomas and Timmy entered the room; we couldn’t miss them.

“Here they are. This place is just amazing,” Thomas commented. They walked around, commenting on the furniture and the size and comfort of the room. They then came near us to comment on Theodore.

“See this, Timmy, they even have a life-sized statue of a boy straddling a bench and waiting for his punishment.”

“Oh, and three life-sized statues of slave boys,” Timmy replied, twisting his big brother’s nipples to have him wail behind his gag.

“He looks quite alive. Could it be you invited us to a place where some boys are kept as slaves, David?”

“You may say that, but think of them as very special guests. We give them a high-scale treatment in this luxury manor.”

Their banter went on, with David showing all the equipment that was available for educational activities. This is when I drew the short straw.

“Look at this desk for instance. It may fit a boy and keep him tightly restrained to it and he has to do his homework.”

“Or write his diary,” Kevin grinned.

David froze, as if struck by my brother’s words.

“Write his diary… Indeed!”

He turned to me. His piercing eyes let me know I was doomed. He then looked at the elegant mahogany piece of furniture.

“Come here, pet, now Theo is settled, we might show you this wonderful spot that will certainly inspire you more than your bedroom. I’m sure you’ll be productive.”

I hopped towards my friend. As I got close to the armchair, I noticed the metal pate in the middle of the seat; David opened a drawer and pulled out a butt plug with a threaded rod sticking out its base.

I knew before he screwed it over the seat of the chair where it was meant to go. I’d tested the special chair at Aurelian’s. The plug wasn’t bigger than the ones they’d used before.

Eight hands grabbed me and got me from standing in restraints to being sat with my shorts and underwear removed and my limbs united to the armchair. My arms were held at just one point just under my elbows around the forearms so I could move my hands a bit.

David, Thomas, Aurelian and Kevin had me sitting over the plug and restrained in no time. Walter fetched David’s laptop.

“Now we’ve got you settled too, you’d better not waste your time. We’ll let you tell of your day; much has happened, and no doubt you have much to tell already.”

So much for sharing everyone’s fun. They turned their attention away from me.

At some point, I heard Aurelian and Thomas giggle while saying obscene stuff. I tried to watch behind; this was picked up by my captors.

Kevin came and put earplugs and a strange headset on me. This leather contraption made of a headband that crossed my forehead and another leather strap sewn onto it, encircling my head from the top of my head to my chin. It also featured blinkers, which made it impossible to catch a glance, and ensured I’d be caught if I tried. I could no longer hear what the boys were saying, with a head harness turning me into my little brother’s beast of burden.

I was in for some writing session. I still have quite a few pages to write to tell of this whole weekend. David told me to take my time, since there isn’t much to tell about this school week.

Diary, Friday May 8th, part four: late afternoon.

David told me to make the story snappier; I’m supposed to finish telling the whole weekend before Saturday. At home and at school we now follow a solid routine involving us being restrained and kept at the hands of our whimsical young captors. They’ve grown big on trapping us in various isolated places of the three school buildings, yet there haven’t been full afternoons of fun like we had last week.

I’m not punished this Wednesday, but it is my duty to document what happened last weekend. This evening, my legs even are in a tight leather binder that really wraps them snugly, making them one limb; there’s a ring at the bottom, between my ankles and two links of chain fixed to the front rung of the chair. David sees my webcam, so I can’t really dawdle.

This had also been my fate the previous Friday: it was late afternoon when David and Max came and released me from my desk.

I had a limited perception of the group around me since I was bound, gagged, blinkered and ear-plugged. There were whiffs of sex and sweat, which conspired with my narrative to arouse me. There’s something quite strange about having your co*ck trapped in a confined space while thinking about sex stuff. It makes you obsessed, actually. My predicament didn’t calm me down at all, even if I couldn’t grow a hard-on.

My captors’ hands got me back into the real world: a large room full of naughty boys. Once I stood and I was rid of the blinkers and the earplugs, I could see the aftermath of some orgy. The pommel horse had probably been used to restrain my three fellow-prisoners in turn so that the others could have fun with their arses.

They all stood next to it: Timmy and Kevin were grooming Theo. They were cleaning and wiping him, in the process of putting his uniform back on. Charles and Guy were being made decent again. It was funny, but looking at my friends also had me fantasize about them in the different positions that the pieces of peculiar furniture allowed for.

“You’re back with us, pet, and right on time to discover another nice room and the secrets it hides,” David smiled, running the tip of his tongue swiftly over his lip and winking at me. I was hooked.

They linked us together for what became the usual procession, or rather chain gang. Heading out the large lounge, we went through a narrow door that opened on a small corridor. The light bulb David switched on illuminated it faintly.

We entered a large room, with wood floors and white walls; it was far from empty, though.

“Welcome to the tack room. This is where we keep the stuff that can make you into ponies. Max has prepared a little game.”

“Yes, thanks Dave, I’ve got a fun trial for you. First, walk around and have a look at all the equipment.”

I led the file around, taking small steps and stopping now and then to look at the things they had in this ‘tack room’.

There were two saddles on trestles, three pairs of reins and bridles, all linked with ornate steel parts and hanging from hooks in the wall. Straps and chains were available in quantity too, and what looked like nasty leather branks.

It didn’t take me long to realize they were all meant for human beings, not for horses. Yet they had certainly required the same amount of toil by expert makers. I had an eye for nice clothes and leather; the stitching, the polish and gloss of the smooth leather were the mark of quality.

“Well, lads, as you may see, there’s enough gear to fully restrain you all. But there are only two saddles, and for the finale of my game, two of you will have them around your loins, with one of your friends riding you. I thought that it would be nice to have you race first so we decide who will actually be the ponies.”

We looked at him, wondering how we were supposed to race.

“Could you take their leashes off, Walt?”

We soon were apart, but thin and short leather belts were picked to restrain our legs at five places. We had to hop to the middle of the large uncluttered room.

“Now, we’ll start with you, Guy,” Max said, pacing the room and showing the course of his hopping race, “You see the line a foot in front of you. This is the starting line.”

He touched a concrete post.

“You turn around the pillar, then go to the trestle over here,” Max said rushing from one spot to the next, “and you come back here.”

The course was thirty of forty feet at the most, and there were few obstacles or traps.

Guy went first, followed by Theodore. Max was timing them though he didn’t announce the scores.

I went next and Charles was last. We had to go for another round. I was getting into this; I didn’t mind watching my fellow captives’ bums as they hopped, with their arms parallel across the small of their backs.

The captors encouraged and sneered at us.

“Come on lads, no time to go slow, hop faster.”

“And higher!”

“Come on shake your booty, Guy, this looks great!”

Theodore’s bottom was the most impressive. He was taller than us and slightly bulkier, though I must admit he wasn’t exactly Conan the Barbarian. His two buns were muscular and they rolled down under the clinging layer of his shorts.

After three laps each, which had me sweating a bit, we had to stand on a line with Max pacing in front of us.

“Let’s see what the consequences are for your various performances: the timings don’t lie, so Theodore and Guy have won the privilege of playing the ponies and competing with each other.”

I was relieved I wouldn’t have either of them over my back.

“As for Charles and Armand, they’ll endure the Smelly Foot wager. Gentlemen?”

His accomplices knew what he meant; I think I had guessed, and I got the confirmation when they kneeled next to us slaves and removed our shoes and socks. The fumes came to our nostrils soon enough. I wonder how long Theodore had had his shoes and socks on. I’ll confess that from a distance, it was slightly exciting.

Max, Walter and Timmy gathered as a jury to decide which of the socks were the stinkiest.

“Darn, guys, we clean our boys up too much. They don’t develop proper feet smells.”

“Not like you, Walt the Stinkpot. You don’t seem so eager to shower daily, and your shoes are famed for their stench.”

Walter only laughed, not being embarrassed by the remark in the least.

“Yes, maybe.”

His grin grew wider; I could see some idea had popped up in his mind. His lips curled in an evil smile.

“So if they can’t satisfy us with challenging socks, maybe I can help.”

He caught my wide-eyed look.

“So, Arm, you must be eager to catch a whiff?”

I knew of Walter’s feet. His hitting puberty hadn’t improved the situation, but he’d often caused looks from others when he removed his shoes for coming inside their house, ours included. I’d made fun of his strong smelly cheese feet myself with some taunt.

He sat on the wood floor to unlace his sneakers, slowly, looking me in the eye. He kept his thighs open so his inflated shorts were on full display.

The other boys whistled as if he were doing a striptease. My cousin made lascivious gestures, letting his fingers run down his legs to roll his socks down, and then picking his shoelaces knot delicately, with winks at his crowd. I just hoped it wouldn’t be as bad as the last time.

It wasn’t as bad; it was worse. He slid his left shoe off his foot, and three seconds later, the pungent stench struck my nostrils. I haven’t seen Walter wearing anything else on his feet but his black sneakers outside of school. When the right shoe came off, it couldn’t really worsen the deal, but at least it felt like it.

He languorously peeled off his left sock first, and then the right one. Jumping to his feet, he waved them as a trophy, showing them to his friends; he moved closer to us, using the stinky socks as a thurible, letting the scent float a foot away from our nostrils. Charles moaned, which got Walter and Max to chuckle.

“So you guys thought we could be moved and become soft? You were too slow to get the pony reward.”

I regretted not being the one with an older boy over my back.

“Say, Walt,” Timmy piped in, “why don’t you get two socks for each of our penitents? I think yours along with Theo’s would make it even better.”

They made disgusted faces as they folded the socks in tight pads. Gauze bandage appeared in Max’s hands and he wrapped layer after layer, with three or four other hands helping him to lay the strip of material so it would press the smelliest socks’ toes over our nostrils.

I felt the pressure of the toxic piece of material spreading over the layer of tape that had remained taut. I held my breath for over a minute; I braced myself to take what was to come. As I caught the first whiff, I thought I would faint.

I’ll stop my tale here. Kevin needs to prepare me, for David is coming to spend the night over, and I will have time to continue tomorrow evening.

Diary, Friday May 8th, part five: evening

This Thursday has been uneventful. There has been genuine choir practice, as we have a performance coming soon. Kevin has used the leg binder to restrain me to my desk when we came back. I’m lucky today; he’s crammed a clean and soft, though large, hankie in my mouth once I was fastened to the chair in front of my desktop. Tape has been plentiful, since he used the swim cap, but he didn’t make it too tight.

I was telling of having to smell Walter’s socks while our gang of captors, with Max leading the pack, teased us.

“This is stimulating, isn’t it?” Walter said; my nostrils flared and I moaned desperately behind my hefty gag. “Now you’ve been given something to think about, we’ll let you admire us as we saddle your mounts.”

Theodore and Guy obediently kneeled upon Max’s pointing to the floor in front of them.

“On all four,” the blond lad said. “Saddle cloth, Walt?”

My cousin brought two satiny mats and laid them across the pony-boys’ backs. Timmy, Kevin, Thomas and Aurelian came to help too, picking the saddles in pair. They laid them over the backs of their horses. Max showed them how. Then they got busy with straps and belt to harness the saddle to the ponies. From behind, the two bottoms looked great. There were straps running along their butt cracks and over their shoulders to prevent the whole set-up from sliding.

I was getting used to the layers of odorous fabrics over my nostrils; seeing my fellow prisoners’ ordeal caught my attention and made me forget my own condition.

“Come over here, lads, have a look at your ponies.”

We came to the side.

“Look,” David said, barging in for the first time and then leaving the floor to Max.

“The little hole, boys… Could there be some fixture down there? Like a threaded tube in which we could screw accessories?”

There was a hole, indeed. It was located where the rider’s butt hole was supposed to be when he sat over the saddle. David picked two butt plugs from a shelf.

“See, pet,” David told me, “it’s not going to be too bad. What do you think, Charles?”

My teammate nodded ruefully; the plugs weren’t too big and we could be grateful for the small favour, but displaying too much enthusiasm usually brought a tightening of the discipline.

Thomas and Aurelian fixed the plugs to the saddles.

“Hey, Aurel, I’m doing a good job screwing this.”

“Yup, Tom, we’re good at screwing.”

The whole gang snigg*red and added comments in the same vein. They cast looks at us that revealed they intended to use our bodies before the race.

“Time do dress up our jockeys properly before they ride their steeds,” Max said.

David was in on this change; he had the costumes ready and handed them to the younger boys who grabbed them cautiously and admired them.

Walter, Thomas, Timmy and David peeled off my clothes to get me in the jockey outfit in no time, controlling me completely throughout. They slipped up the trousers, which were made of satiny silk.

Feeling these pulled up my legs was a new experience; of course, being handled by four horny friends added to the feeling. This was the first time I had something tailor-made put on me. The comfort was immediate. There was a flap going up behind, with braces that went over my shoulders and buttoned down at the waist. The front had room, and they tightened some sort of belt going around the waist to pull the fabric a little. Had I not been wearing my chastity device, I could have filled the front pouch; it even seemed to be designed to accommodate my full boner.

They put on the blouse. It was super smooth and shiny satin, both inside and outside, wrapping me perfectly. Its red and yellow patterns were cut to make my waist look thinner, I discovered when I saw pics later on.

The black leather boots were next, once my wrists were cuffed behind me. They put some socks on us previously – Walter talked about stockings, but with all of them crouching around me, I couldn’t see. They felt smooth anyway.

The boots laced up the front, which didn’t look much like real horse-riding boots. On Charles, their glossy leather enhanced his calves.

There were jockey caps too – satiny, of course; these models had another kinky feature: the chinstrap was wide and locked the jaws once all the buckles were locked. It made a helmet, which was glued to all our heads. The stench of the socks wasn’t improving with this pressing over my lips.

The outfitters stood and took a few steps back to look at the final result. I could see fully what the costume looked like on Charles. It was super-hot seeing him standing in his tight-fitting, body-hugging shiny costume. Charles has a nice bum, I must have mentioned it before, but this struck me again as we were made to spin and take a few steps to show off our luxury costumes.

There were more lewd comments and praise for our various anatomical parts that the costume didn’t hide much. The lads all had their phones out to make videos, with David holding an actual digital camera. It was his high-end model that made good-quality films.

Theodore and Guy were still on all four, but they turned the right way to watch the fashion show.

“You like watching their bums, don’t you, my little studs,” Max called them out, “you can have a closer look as our jockeys lead you to the race track.”

Aurelian led me in front of Theodore, with my back to him, and he linked my cuffs to his harness with a leather leash.

“Your ponies are blinded for the walk to the track, so make sure they know where they go,” Max instructed. “Follow me.”

We went out the room through a door opposite the one we entered. Videos were still being taken as we followed each other. Max was ahead, and I’d let Charles and Guy go first so I could watch their behinds.

We went along another narrow and dark corridor, which led us back to the main hall. We veered to the part opposite the entrance, took another corridor if I remember correctly and then exited through a double door to an outdoor patio. There was a small lawn, like thirty feet on thirty feet, with very well-tended grass.

“The jockeys will climb over their mounts, now.”

Max didn’t expect us to do it on our own; his accomplices picked up the signal. The leash was removed and I felt Aurelian and Thomas fumbling with my trousers. I heard the sound of the zip and I felt the soft wind of this spring evening over my buttocks. I caught a glance at Charles; a triangular flap had been released, leaving our butt cracks accessible.

“Say, David, they’ve behaved rather well, so far. Couldn’t we have them ride without their co*ck cages as a reward?”

“Why not? My only concern would be that this makes their chastity requirement more difficult to fulfil.”

“Let’s try. They’ve managed well; I’m willing to give them a chance.”

Once the hidden front zip was pulled down, Max used the key David handed me to remove my co*ck cage.

“The snake’s out of the basket!”

“I’ll give you a hand to get it back in the bags.”

Thomas’ nimble fingers were pushing my swelling member back behind the zip, which he then pulled. I felt my penis fill the front pouch and make it taut. I looked at my fellow-jockey, wondering whether I looked as obscene as he did.

Considering how Timmy, Walter and Kevin kept on focusing on my nether regions shooting their videos, I guessed I didn’t fare much better than Charles.

“They’re all ready to mount, let’s get them in the saddle.”

I had to step over Theodore, and many hands held me as I sat, guiding me over the butt plug. It had been lubed one way or another, thankfully, and I was soon solidly pegged down to the saddle.

My booted feet rested on the floor. I contracted my legs to push myself upwards and avoid putting too much weight on Theo’s back. I could feel him moving underneath, tensing up and trying to be comfortable. The lawn was probably less painful for his knees, but he now had my one hundred and thirty pounds on the back.

“You see the four stone columns at the corners? You will have to go around them,” Max explained. “In this first series of races, the jockeys have the full use of their legs to assist and handle their pony. We’ll try some other exercises later on. Considering I keep score of every single race, you’d better keep motivated throughout, and work as a real team. There are more rewards, and of course more punishments too.”

“Yes,” Thomas said, “the loser gets to be my slave for a whole weekend!”

“Who said what happened next?” Max asked. He didn’t seem to enjoy his leadership being contested . “We should discuss it among ourselves first.”

David stepped in, literally standing between them.

“Yes, we may always discuss and share. We have four slaves, and of course we’ll have them in our custody at one point or the other.”

“I’ll never turn someone down if he offers to handle Guy for a whole day, Thomas,” Timmy offered.

I was pushing on my legs to alleviate Theo’s burden.

“Watch out, jockeys, the rules of this race forbid you to lift your bum off the saddle. It’s enough that you’ve still got the plug in, but do not lose contact with it!”

The guardians formed two rows just in front the line to witness the start.

“I’ll put my money on Pet and Theo,” David said.

“Nah,” Kevin disagreed, “I’m sure Charles and Guy are going to do better. They have a better idea of the bad things that may happen to them if they fail. Armand has been coddled too much.”

I wondered if he really meant it. I still had an incomplete view of the torments my fellow servants had endured at the hands of the various pairs of executioners that the gang formed to handle and discipline them.

Max raised his hand, which brought the chatter to a halt.

“Ready? Steady? Go!”

There were loud cheers as I felt Theo start. I accompanied him as well as I could, lifting my feet one by one, shifting my weight so I didn’t put too much strain on my mount. I soon picked up a pace to accompany Theo crawling on hands and feet. I didn’t want to fall, with my hands still cuffed behind my back.

We turned around the first post and aimed for the next one some twenty-five feet away. That’s when someone noticed what I’d felt happening for the last ten seconds.

“They’re both hard and they’re going to burst their trousers out,” Aurelian laughed.

“They’d better not,” David said, “It would be a major mistake to vandalize such fine outfits.”

I couldn’t really pay attention to the conversation my master was having: I was bent on winning, and we were ahead for the next turn. I remained focused. I could hear bribes, but I chose not to make sense of them; they were probably just to get me to lose my concentration.

“… if we found a wet spot!”

“This is when your pupil should spend the night meditating inside a…”

I knew they were messing with our heads, yet, the threat of a punishment aroused me. Don’t ask me why, but the entire set up, including having my legs spread open and sitting over a silicone piece that rammed me up all the way to my love button and boy did it send sparks.

I remained focused, but when the comments got raunchier, and targeted the manhood rolling inside the gliding fabric, with the action of the little friend up my arse, I was certain I would leak within seconds. I now wish I’d been kept in chastity. Sure, I wouldn’t feel the voluptuous sensations that were slowly growing, which I feared would overwhelm me. We turned, and I got back on the race, developing a sloppy but effective walk along with Theodore. We crossed the finish line just after turning the fourth pole.

Max made a sign with his index towards the floor, which meant “sit” in dog training, so Theo stopped and I settled. Guy and Charles were just behind, and I could hear the pony snorting through his nostrils, breathing from the effort. Theo felt much less worn out.

Max approached with the rest of the group. They came to look at us up close, with David leading the inspection of our crotches, searching for a wet patch. They couldn’t find any, apparently. I was glad they didn’t, because it sure felt like I’d started having the tip of my rod ooze.

The kneading and prodding, along with the close observation and the sniffing still had me in the clear. Walter was last, and he started tickling my erect member.

“Have them go for one more lap, and I’ll bet you Armand will cream his trousers.”

David came with leather straps. He wrapped my thighs at the very top in them and he fixed it to the saddle with a padlock. There were rings hidden all over it for such an occasion. I could no longer lift my buttocks off the leather seat.

Charles wasn’t treated the same way, but Max was impatient to follow my cousin’s advice and bet on my loss.

I felt Theo flex and get ready to pounce, but Charles pushed with his legs, triggering a reaction from Guy who leaped forward; they were ahead of us, not by much, and I could see them twisting around, especially Guy’s satin-clad bottom, and Charles’ enticing skin-tight outfit, and the good-looking body underneath.

They took the turn; we were behind; Theodore’s pride goaded him this time, or maybe it was the jeers from the crowds and another threat of punishment by Thomas? He tried relentlessly and we caught on them.

Charles turned around to look at us closing in on them before they turned around the final post. He panicked and mumbled some gagged imprecation to his pony. He did something wrong turning back while Guy was entering the curve, which made his rider lose his balance. Guy stopped, feeling something was wrong. Charles leaned forward and put his feet firmly to the ground, lifting his bum. We all heard the ‘plop’ of his arse pulling off the butt plug.

“Darn, Charles, what did you do?” my baby brother wondered, miffed of having his champion lose.

“He just got his team disqualified for this race, Kevin. And considering it was the best of three, there’s no need to run the third one. We’ll have to fasten Charles to the saddle like we did Armand. It’s getting dark so it’s better to get back inside anyway.”

“Weren’t we supposed to give the ponies their tails before we head back to the manor?” Aurelian asked. “You asked me to bring them with,” he said holding a small bag made of fabric in front of him.

“I would have forgotten, thanks for reminding me,” Max said.

I felt them behind me, mindful of my pony’s bottom. From what I heard, there was some zip in their shorts too that granted access to their bum hole without removing the shorts, which I found super clever. And hot too. There were grunts from Theo as they slid the thing inside him; I couldn’t tell if they were protests or thanks.

Charles also was strapped to the saddle. They ended the preparation by putting leashes on the two ponies, and we headed back where we came from.

We were surrounded, and our minders held on to us, very concerned about us losing our balance and falling from our horses now. It seemed Theo was grinding his hips more, certainly because of the tail plug.

We reached the large room where we had spent the early afternoon peacefully.

Max waited for everyone to get in a circle around us to explain the next trial he had in mind.

“We’re going to test our jockeys’ skills this time and see how well they can lead the stallion they’ve got between their legs. No, Walt, it’s not about your cousin’s big boner…”

They all laughed in good cheer.

“You will be holding reins and have your mounts ride around obstacles. To make your job crucial, they’ll be blinded, so only your gestures can guide them. Too bad you’re gagged, so the supple touch of your wrist will be the only way to let them know if they should go right, left or forward .”

I watched as they added a headpiece to Theo’s gear, some set of leather straps encircling the older teen’s skull and jaws. This included a blindfold; Max padlocked the apparatus once the six crossing and stitched straps or belts held firmly.

He added reins, linked to D-rings close to his ear.

David removed my cuffs and pulled my arms forward. Kevin slid a large leather tube over my joined forearms, which he tightened and buckled, doing pretty much what the single glove achieved but in front, leaving my hands free. Max passed me the reins.

They prepared Guy and Charles just like us, and off we went.

There were obstacles, of course, but using our legs, the reins and leaning left or right, we managed to drive our mounts without any issue. The slow speed meant there was little danger, besides being taunted by our abductors, or at worst having our behinds –well, Guy and Theodore’s– stricken with a riding crop.

Max led the way, showing us the tree we had to go around, or the flowerbeds we had to slalom between. It wasn’t too unpleasant. Having won the contest also made me happy; I enjoyed the ride back.

Time flew when we were the younger boys’ guests, and it was early evening already when we reached the kitchen. Max had us dismount; they removed the saddles. Charles was made to clean them up and oil them before they’d be put away. I was made to clean up the features they’d screwed on the saddles; Walter kept an eye on me, having me rub and scrub the plugs to get them sterile, or so he wanted.

“Stand up, horses,” my cousin ordered Guy and Theo; they obeyed, slowly standing to prevent any harm from the large tails that flowed over their calves. Kevin and Timmy gathered around Guy, whom they turned into a maid, though one with a tail, as Timmy found it funny seeing him squirm to adjust to the plug up his rectum.

They weren’t done creating their team; they made the four of us prisoners their waiting staff for the evening. We had to wait on them, which I liked better than waiting for them. I’ll have to tell of this specific evening later on, as it’s getting late and David should be here soon to see me to bed.

Diary, Friday May 8th, part six

So we’re now one week away from our stay at Mr. Jenkins’ country estate. David read my diary entry and worked out some time for me to actually tell of the orgy we had in the mansion in the woods. It’s late morning this Friday, and I’m in the study hall they use for us members of the club, which means I’m chained to a desk in the attic.

So last week, the four of us captives waited on our captors for dinner. When bellies were filled with Guy’s brilliantly cooked pasta and some ice-cream, Walter started a discussion on what to do that evening. He might have had ulterior motives, but he didn’t talk about smutty stuff; I can’t really remember who made the suggestion of the sex orgy during their lively talk.

They brought us back to the large ‘living room’ where there were the pommel horse or the desk I’d spent some time sitting at. I wouldn’t bet on my own memory, but basically all of the boys except for my little brother used me for their erotic pleasure.

The blond imps, Thomas and Aurelian slid their knobs up my butt crack and ground like master p*rn stars; their control was poor. Thomas squirted his juice all over my back before he managed to slide inside me. I remember Kevin taunted him.

Walter removed my gag to have me suck him up, and to get the kick out of gagging me anew, with Guy’s undies this time.

Timmy had me kneel in a praying position and wank him.

After a couple hours, our rabid captors were spent.

“Aren’t Charles and Guy supposed to get some punishment for their poor racing performance?”

This was a suggestion that got the rest of the crew alert.

“Yes! Let’s get to it.”

“I say, why don’t we have the winners screw the losers?” Timmy offered in a naïve and delicate voice that contrasted with the crudeness of his words; David smiled.

“Not a bad way to start, Tim,” my master agreed with the younger boy, “Rewarding the winners is a nice, kind touch.”

“Yes, I’m more for punishing losers than rewarding winners,” Walter convened, “but I wouldn’t mind seeing Theo’s big co*ck slide up Guy’s butt.”

Their talk went on, with Theodore and me referred to as studs and Guy and Charles being our mares. The horse theme stayed on.

They set the two captives they had to punish over the pommel horse. Guy and Charles faced each other, with their wrists in front on them. They bent over the horse, and their heads were now next to each other’s bums. At this point in the evening, we no longer had any shorts on or even underwear for that matter.

They were restrained with ropes and straps, so they would be pinned to the pommel horse, legs slightly open, quite ready and willing to welcome us.

Call me a pervert –Aurelian did at that moment– but watching them being restrained, offered to the desire of any passer-by made me hard. The shorts or swimwear usually did a poor job hiding my boner, but that evening there wasn’t even such a fragile shield to keep my captors from contemplating my five inches of swollen, upward ticking prick.

The cheeky blond boy was behind me, his left hand pressing my right butt cheek and leading me towards Guy. I was first to go, apparently, and Timmy welcomed me by grabbing my hard co*ck. He set a condom over it.

Meanwhile, Thomas was massaging Guy’s backside with some kind of lube. Guy’s arse was clean, but it glistened with the thin grease. My thick knob nested itself inside the space the open legs offered, right against his sleek and hairless butt hole. The blond gremlin that had my back pressed me so I slid inside Guy’s. It felt smooth, warm, and soft. I initiated the back and forth movement; I think Guy responded.

I could feel Charles’ hair against my hip, so my fellow-captive and disciple of our leader David watched my grinding and banging, from a couple of inches away.

There is something really cool with sex, it’s when you get so into it that you get lost, like you feel really good and forget about what’s going around you. All you can think about is the gliding over your boner; shagging Guy got me in this state of mind.

The whole gang cheered me up, even Kevin, and boy, I ‘m glad the French letter Timmy used on me had some sort of space at the end to gather all of the liquid I ejacul*ted in the rubber sleeve . Aurelian’s hand rested on my arse as I calmed down after shaking with such great pleasure.

There were cheers, and then the attention turned to Theodore immediately.

I stayed where I was, making me a perfect witness of the whole preparation. The age difference did show in penis size. I had a much bigger one than only two years ago; I could only look at the director’s assistant’s rod with admiration. It was thicker than mine, yet it still seemed delicate. It was the first time I thought of a boner as elegant, but it was. Having Theodore with us sure gave us –me, at least– eye candy.

My little brother rolled the latex sheath down the well-balanced, adequately sized penis. Thomas was behind the young man and he pushed him into Charles, who moaned in his gag. It was delight, I knew how he sounded when he hurt, and it wasn’t the case.

I wondered if he didn’t cum also. Theo didn’t take long to shoot his wad, but Charles’ squeaking sounded dangerously close to this he had when he himself flooded the shorts or undies he wore under the assault of a smooth hand armed with a silk scarf.

Our feat energized the group; Aurelian and Thomas pulled us away to claim their share of the punished boys’ bums. They didn’t put condoms on, though, and both Charles and Guy squealed in their gags as the shorter boys still managed to fill them up and use them to reach org*sm.

David patted my bum, saying I’d relieve him later on, with less of an audience.

The blond devils panted after their climax.

“Say, Tom, should we spank them too?”

He turned to the other boys.

“It would be a shame to waste such an occasion. Look at the way their butts stick up; it’s a call for a spanking or whipping, whatever you like best.”

Timmy clapped his hands. Darn, he seemed to relish seeing his brother punished even more than Kevin. “The riding crop!”

Guy’s moan wasn’t very friendly; the gag muffled any explicit words aimed at his little brother.

There were other offers for implements: the small cutting board, the silicon spatula, the slipper…

“It’s nice to have some choice,” Aurelian said, “I’m not an expert. I wonder which tool to pick. May we use different ones?”

“If this may be an occasion to learn a thing or two about spanking, feel free to try different techniques,” my master answered.

Nobody objected, and they looked at the various objects, discussing who should use what.

My fellow-prisoners got their butts whacked for at least ten minutes. The sounds varied, depending on which tool was used. The grunts that came through the gags told of pain and stinging blows.

The tormentors counted; they’d settled on twenty hits per penitent. But care and expertise were summoned for each of the forty blows I saw them deliver.

They chatted for a while, leaving the four of us together, restrained, with a glowing behind for half of us. I exchanged glances with Theo, and turned my head to see Charles.

When our minders came back, it was late enough to take us to the dorm. They referred to that place when they came and gathered us.

There was a quick trip to the bathroom; they got clean shorts on us; then they took us through a small door, up a narrow flight of stairs to reach a large rectangular room.

It was a small dorm. It smelled of fresh linen. Our guards got busy getting us under the sheets. As for me, I was under David’s custody. He’s told me I shouldn’t get into details on what we did that night; let’s just say I was spread-eagled face down, gagged and blindfolded and that David kept me very entertained much of the time.

Diary, Saturday 9th

Diary, Saturday 9th, Morning

The next morning, I woke up with David literally breathing down my neck, which I felt hot. This was enough to make me super hard. David woke up soon after I did. He took me to the bathroom downstairs with him, while all the others were still sleeping. He allowed me to relieve myself; I then had my wrists bound in front. I was ordered to drain his manhood dry with my fingers and a hankie.

He took me to the kitchen and got me to start preparing breakfast.

I heard his scream waking everybody up in the dorm. The rest of the troop was rather grumpy as they trickled in the kitchen one by one, with a prisoner in tow for some.

“Why couldn’t we sleep in?” Aurelian complained.

“Quit whining,” David teased, “because we can’t waste time when we have so little of it, that’s why.”

Thomas shared his cousin’s view and his eyes were still sleepy, yet he agreed with David and felt an urge to have some fun with one of the bound and gagged boys they’d kept subdued and under complete control. He kneaded Charles’ buttocks that happened to be at hand.

“He’s right Aurel, it’s not every day we can have our type of fun in a mansion like this one.”

They discussed the location; we ‘maids’ were all gagged with various means and were still denied the right to speak.

“This is a great venue indeed. There are still some spots to explore with our young pupils,” David said, pressing on my thigh; he’d required me to stand at attention at his right side. “There’s one in particular where we could experiment with some new stuff.”

More new stuff? What did he have in mind after binding us to the devious furniture or having us play their ponies? I shuddered at the idea of intense physical pain.

This wasn’t David, though. But if not for pain, then the gang keeping us their prisoners would certainly revel in taunting and humiliating us.

David didn’t reveal more details, with the boys discussing us for the rest of this casual breakfast together. This is another peculiar feeling, being the topic of discussion while being denied the right to take part in the conversation.

The boys who could speak ended up explaining things in whispers and hushed tones, ensuring we couldn’t hear them. I didn’t know what the plan was. It brought grins on the boys’ faces, my little brother included. I had to brace myself for the worst.

They kept on conspiring while they hobbled us in a line; we wore little clothing, just shorts and sweatshirts for Theo and me; the others went bare back.

I was last, with Theo just in front; Guy was first, held on a leash by Timmy. The troop took off; we went through the hall and turned to the right just before exiting the gate that led to the garden we’d played pony the day before. It was a narrow corridor that led to a flight of stairs going downs. We walked down the ten steps and entered the door it led to.

The neon lights flickered for a few seconds once David switched them on; they cast their steady and pinkish glow when I last entered this new room.

The rosy hue was caused by the room’s decoration rather than just by the neon lights. There was pink everywhere. Pale blue too, but there were pink carpets, blankets, small table, and all sort of pink furniture.

“This is the nursery,” David stated. He grinned at me, “This is a great place to take control over a boy. I’d say our race losers from last night should experience first the discipline of the nursery.”

I dodged being nursed, at least; but what would they come up with? There was something for us winners to do, thanks to Thomas suggesting we handle the losers.

“Why not? Let’s have a quick tour,” David answered. We went around the room. There were changing tables, a playpen, high chairs, cots with bars, all the stuff that one used to take care of babies and infants; yet, here, all the furniture was our size, and could even accommodate Theo easily –though he wasn’t the one meant to be the baby if I’d understood correctly.

David’s disciples rummaged around, watching the equipment and discussing them with their friends, probably imagining some devious treatments they could inflict us. They often pointed to the special features that allowed restraint, such as the D-rings on the cot’s vertical bars. The look Kevin and Timmy took at Guy made me shiver. Our opponents wanted to get the most out of the place and the secrets it contained.

“You all had enough time to get acquainted with the nursery? Now, let’s assess whether Theo and Armand can be proper babysitters.”

All eyes turned to us; Theo was next to me; the blond devils, my brother and Timmy came to release us, very temporarily of course, long enough to cuff our hands in front.

We were left in our tight gym shorts, but we had to peel off the sweatshirts and put black nylon jerseys on. We had to put rubber gloves on; I was handled by Thomas and Aurelian, who also put some large rubber apron on me, lacing it at the small of my back and protecting my jersey from liquid spurting out.

Theo underwent the same change I did.

“Armand, go get Charles and take him to the changing table. Theo, get Guy.”

I did as told; the two blond angels followed me. Aurelian and Thomas were fond of me, or at least of handling me.

The changing table I had to take Charles to was waist high; it had drawers and shelves underneath, and a thick, plastic-covered mat on top, with a pink towel laid over it.

“Now, no, Chucky baby,” Aurelian said, patting Charles’ head, “You need a nappy so you don’t do dirty and naughty things.”

Charles was chomping at the bit; we knew better than antagonizing our handlers. The boys shucked off all of his clothes, leaving him naked as a new-born. This matched the situation; they put pink leather bracelets at his wrists and made him hop over the table.

Aurelian and Thomas held a wrist each, which they fixed to small hooks at the top corners of the mattress, linked to the table by two inches of super strong metal wire. It was cute having Charles with his hands on each side of his head, his fingers folded as these of a real baby.

They stepped to his feet. They grabbed his ankles and pulled them up, and then towards his wrists where they linked the foot cuffs to the wrists. Charles had his rear up in the air, and with his legs open, we had a full view on my fellow submissive.

He had hair on his head, but that was it. His groin, his legs, they were all smooth as a baby’s skin.

“You’re going to learn how to put a baby in a nappy, Arm,” Aurelian stated. He showed me a big white wad; I knew it was a nappy, but I had no clue how it worked. I was six when Kevin demanded to stop using them, so I never had a younger sibling to change.

Aurelian pointed the sticky tabs to me, explaining how I could tell the front from the back.

“But enough talking, let’s practice. Go on, Arm, clean him up and prepare him so he’s all dry and smells good.”

There were wipes and a bottle of baby powder. I started wiping Charles’ crotch. He wasn’t soiled and the wipes didn’t change colour, if you see what I mean. The smell told of another story in front. I cleaned up the tented prick. I did so delicately, I didn’t want to have Charles squirt his juice. Timmy handed me a small towel and I dried him up.

I sprinkled baby power over Charles midsection. His crack got some, so did his co*ck and balls.

“Come on,” Timmy goaded, “Rub him all over his bum and wee-wee!”

My cuffed hands didn’t make it too easy but the job I did satisfied my trainers. Aurelian handed me the nappy.

“You’ve got him just where you want him to be,” Aurelian smirked, “Time to put in on Charles, and make sure it is tight enough your baby doesn’t leak.”

I took the big piece of cotton cellulose and slid it under Charles; I pulled the panel in the middle and folded it over Charles’ groin. Charles hadn’t gone soft at all, and I pushed his boner down over his belly.

I started over; the back wasn’t high enough on Charles’ waist. I set it better and I pulled the back flaps and stuck them together, making the nappy into some bulky and imprisoning underwear . I pressed Charles’ midsection and his boner trapped underneath, slightly leaning to the right and rubbing against his lower abs. Thankfully, the nappy was big and covered up to Charles’ belly-button; its thickness hid the truth of his teenage lust. It almost peeked as it was erect, but with the waistband pulled tight as I had I knew it would stay out of sight.

“He’s doing fine,” Timmy told Kevin, “Has he babysat before?”

“No, though our aunt had a baby three months ago. I’ll volunteer him to take care of the little boy next time we visit, though. Armand has a great reputation among grown-ups. They all think he’s a nice boy who’s willing to help, and him wiping baby poo off will be a hit and will get him praise.”

It’s true, and I proudly held my head high.

“He will be a pro once he’s handled Charles for a few days. Say,” Timmy asked, “Is it enough to be sure he doesn’t leak if he pees?”

This reminded Aurelian of the next item; he pulled out pink plastic pants. He gave them to me before unfastening Charles’ ankles. He held them while I slipped his feet in the large pink pants’ elasticated legs.

Aurelian and Timmy held one leg each; the plastic layer slid over them and encased his crotch fully. The boys helped me out; they adjusted what now looked like bloomers, considering the big mass it contained, tucking the elastic under the nappy to make it leak-proof.

“Yeah, make sure we don’t get flooding like last time,” Kevin approved.

My brother had more experience than I did; he’d ‘babysat’ Charles, I knew about it, but it appeared he’d also done stuff like this, which puzzled me.

I had to put Charles’ shoes on for him. These weren’t actually shoes. They were pink rubber slippers, which I put on with small silk ankle socks before. This was much like wellingtons, except they didn’t climb under the knees, but stopped at the ankles. And it was the same rubbery material, but they were pink.

They were Charles’ size and would keep his feet warm; he would certainly sweat a bit if he had to wear them all day. I had memories of coming back from a walk in my wellingtons at school, and of the smell when we’d removed them. This was intense; I feared Charles was dressed to get such a result. I could just hope his ankle socks, which would soon reek badly, would end up filling someone else’s gob. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t wish my fellow-captives to suffer from such nasty tortures; but well, all things considered, if they are the targets of such gross stuff instead of me, I won’t be the one complaining.

My brother and his blond friend turned to me; it seemed my practical training was over. They bound my wrists in the small of my back with rope.

“You didn’t do too poorly, Arm, and there are more exercises for you in store later on,” Aurelian whispered in my ear.

They released Charles from the changing table and helped him to get off.

“Get on all four,” Kevin commanded, “babies don’t stand.”

Charles obeyed; my brother sat next to him.

“Sit on your bum. Now, give me your hands.”

My brother had bright pink stain mittens that he slid over Charles’ hands. He couldn’t move his fingers, or he didn’t try, but they didn’t bend.

Aurelian joined Kevin; they removed Charles’ gag, only to replace it in the end with a huge purple dummy. It was just like a baby’s, but much bigger of course. My brother knotted the ribbons attached to the plastic plate covering his mouth. This was a much faster way to gag a boy than when they piled layer after layer to make us totally mute eventually.

“One down,” Kevin said, “two to go. You chaps are done with Guy?”

“Getting there,” Walter said. With Thomas and David also watching, Theodore had filled the same role I did, nappying and dummying Guy as I had done Charles.

My three handlers weren’t done. I’d been puzzled by the ‘two to go’, but it meant exactly this. It didn’t matter Theo and I won the race, we were to be put in weird outfits too.

The three pairs of hands grabbed me, pulling me towards the changing table.

“Get your butt over the mat,” Kevin ordered. I hopped and they had me lay on my back, or rather, on my bound arms. I didn’t have to endure my weight over my restrained limbs for long: Kevin and Timmy grabbed my ankles and pulled them up, while Aurelian pulled my shorts down my legs, leaving me in the nude. My brother and his little friend tugged my feet towards my shoulders, where they restrained them to the rings attached to the piece of furniture.

“May we start with giving him his dummy?” Kevin asked. “It’s easier to do it when they’re at the proper height for us.”

I’m not sure it was the only reason my sibling wanted to replace my gag; none of his accomplices disagreed. Timmy seemed to enjoy sticking things in older boys’ mouths very much; he held the large, pastel blue dummy while his cronies rid me of my gag.

No sooner was my mouth freed than the younger boy pressed the large rubber foam bulb over my lips . I opened wide to let the large ball of material enter. Once it was fully in, I could no longer close my mouth; my tongue was trapped at its bottom and could no longer move, and having air come out seemed impossible.

The plate stuck over my lips and the skin of my face; it felt gummy and didn’t slip, clamping over half of my lower face. Kevin helped his new friend; he was behind me, and he tightened the ends of the silk ribbon –in a slightly darker hue of blue than the plate– over the nape of my neck. I felt his fingers skilfully knot a bow. Once it was tightened, he let my head fall back on the padded mat.

I was getting used to having my mouth filled; this dummy was bearable, if massive. The foam rubber was pliable and the shape adapted to the inside of my gob. I watched my sitters, wondering what was next; my curiosity must have transpired.

“Little Baby Armand’s wondering if he’s going to be treated like a baby, isn’t he?” Aurelian taunted. “Ta Da!” He brandished a fresh nappy he picked from the shelf under me. The tykes were looking at him intently.

“Here you go lads,” he said, handing them the bulky protective underwear, “Make it tight, so our little Baby Armand remains dry and happy!”

The pair of younger boys was in no hurry to cover me and hide my nudity. They experimented with the cleaning up, first with the wipes and the towel. Guy’s little brother was curious of older boys’ anatomies. He scrutinized my crotch closely, Kevin having bet Timmy he wouldn’t find a single hair since he’d pulled out the two only ones I had during his early morning inspection.

Kevin won his bet: my groin and butt were smooth and hairless. The youngest boy tackled wiping, insisting on my ring. My little brother took care of my genitals. It was always a bit weird when Kevin touched me down there; I felt I was getting used to it, though.

Timmy’s nimble little fingers spread the baby powder over my crotch, caressing the skin to leave some white all over.

David joined the group, leaving his goons handle Theodore. He grinned when my boner twitched out of Timmy’s hand. The boy gave the misbehaving member a little slap, but the inflated sausage bounced back into its rigid upwards position.

“Self-control, Pet, don’t forget self-control.”

David’s remark actually helped; I wanted to stay away from his punishments and I focused on chastity. Timmy didn’t have the best technique and the size of his hands didn’t make them the most fearsome adversary.

The flower-smelling, smooth powder spread over my crotch, my butt, and my butt crack under Timmy’s agile fingers; the two friends could take it to the next stage, which consisted in putting the nappy on. Aurelian was here to give advice.

“Have a feel at putting them on him. May be you should let the tabs on, and you’ll remove the tabs once you’re ready and the nappy is tight and tidy.”

The boys enjoyed the ten minutes they played with my mid-section and the nappy. They gave me a sort of wedgie, then they patted my covered genitals, with Timmy crushing my balls, while remaining unaware of the fact: my warning stayed trapped at the back of my throat, the dummy proving it was an effective way to mute a boy.

The wee lads were eventually satisfied with their job and they removed the adhesive protections and closed the nappy with the sticky tabs. It was bulky, it trapped my manhood and it didn’t even protect me from an assault from a little ball-crusher.

Aurelian got busy with my ankles; he handed them to Kevin and Timmy, who had a pair of pastel blue plastic pants to put over the bulky nappy. It slid up my thighs and felt super weird: a little cold, but also smooth, and of course there was the sensation caused by the tight elastic gripping the leg, which they pushed and stuffed under the cellulose, as a seal to stop all leaks.

In over twelve years without wearing one of these, I’d forgotten how it felt. It felt massive, which I felt even better when I stepped down from the changing mat. I couldn’t close my legs to have my thighs touch, because the packing of cotton between them was too big.

Timmy untied my wrists; I had to get on my knees and crawl anyway, so I could spread them open a bit. Timmy and Aurelian sat at my sides, one on each, whereas Kevin was back with Charles.

I got fitted with booties and mittens; there was wires or some framing inside, which made our hands and feet as useful as these of an actual infant. I was all dressed in blue, kind of the male counterpart of Charles, who was supposedly a little girl considering the pink wrapping him.

Then came the final step in their preparation, from what they said, which was about putting us in baby reins. These were much like the harnesses I’d worn before, which wrapped around the torso, some of them even featuring crotch ropes.

The harnesses matched the dummies’ colours; my two minders also experimented with the vinyl and leather harness, adjusting the tension of the straps going between my legs, seeing how tight they could pin my arms to my chest just below my shoulders.

They were eager to test out all the possibilities, looking at the D-rings featured here and there. Aurelian grabbed them one by one, pulling and tugging to see what happened. Timmy grabbed the leash that came with the harness. He snapped the spring hook on the D-ring.

“We’re going to see Baby Charles and the rest of your little friends.”

“A little walk, my boy.”

It felt more like being a dog than a baby, but I crawled around the nursery; our many minders had been busy and the four of us were on our hands and knees, with our big nappied butts sticking in the air and with a younger boy each holding our leashes, and giving us indications and orders.

David made a sign, and Timmy tugged on the reins and led me to stay in line with the other ‘babies’.

“They’re convincing, lads,” my master said, “Will you add the bracelets before we start the nursery school activities?”

They looked like small metal bracelets indeed, yet these were metal cuffs. With a foot of thin but strong chain linking wrists and ankles, they limited our motions severely . Timmy didn’t leave much slack between my wrists; Kevin also got my ankles to keep close.

“We have winners and losers, yet in our nursery, you all look equal. Sorry, Pet and Theo, you do have to share your friends’ fate. We can still give you preferential treatment, don’t fear. Kev and Tim, would you take care of them? It’s time for din-din!”

The little boys glowed with pleasure at the prospect. Timmy grabbed my leash and my brother Theodore’s and they pulled us towards the high chair. I was to go first; Timmy tugged on the reins.

“Stand up, baby, quick!”

I got up on my feet, keeping an eye over Timmy, who was somewhat impulsive; my buttocks were protected from his hand, but the tyke was resourceful and I knew my creamy white, smooth thighs could attract his palm also; I’d seen him slap Guy on various body parts.

I followed all his instructions, turning the right way to hop on the seat; he then raised the footrest so it would be horizontal and would host my feet. Had I bet beforehand that the furniture design would feature restraints, I would have won.

My booted feet, to start with, were of concern to Timothy. The little board on which they rested had fixtures to attach the ankles, but there were also straps to pass over the feet’s insteps, totally immobilizing them.

He told me to put my hand on my thighs; he lifted the tray that hung on the side and pivoted it so there was a little table in front of me. My arms were trapped, there wasn’t enough space for me to get them above the tray. I heard a click; the D-ring between my shoulder blades had been fixed to the chair, keeping me upright.

I’d suffered worse fates at the hands of Kevin and his accomplices: it was actually entertaining looking at Kev and Tim fixing the meal for the baby, preparing all they needed, from the large plastic bib to heating up the food.

There was a small microwave oven in the corner, and Kevin picked up a baby bottle full of milk – or so it seemed– which he handed to Timmy.

“Now, baby, I’ll remove your pacifier so Tim can give you your baby bottle.”

Timmy was testing the warmth, pressing the bottle’s teat against the back of the hand to make sure it wasn’t too hot. He nodded to my brother, who pulled the dummy out so the little boy could replace it immediately with the bottle.

I sucked hard when he tipped it, and the warm sweetened milk, that contained some kind of formula, which had a vanilla flavour and thickened the drink.

“Be a good baby, drink it all.”

Timmy didn’t give me breaks to recover my breath; I could see Walter feeding Theo, and my cousin didn’t seem as determined as the ten-year-old boy to beat a speed record.

I did well, I think, and guzzled down the bottle’s content, under Timmy’s encouragements and threats. I had swallowed two-thirds of the sweet liquid when Timmy yanked the bottle out of my mouth.

Kevin hadn’t remained idle; he’d warmed up a baby food jar.

“Chicken and broccoli,” he told Timmy, setting the jar and a spoon on the table tray.

Timmy was on tiptoe to feed me; he managed well, and he even got into humouring me with ‘the food lorry’, pretending the spoon was a lorry and my mouth its garage.

The other boys were done with Theo, but they were in no hurry to get him down from the high chair. They came to see how Timmy was doing instead.

I had an audience for the end of my meal, which cheered me into finishing the baby bottle.

“Gulp it down!” “Go for it, baby!”

Kevin remained close; once I’d –quickly– finished swallowing the milk, he coordinated with Tim through a look and the big rubber foam dummy invaded my mouth anew. He let Tim knot the ribbons.

We’d been taken care of, our minders could turn to the losers; they had no immediate plan to feed them. Rather, they dragged them towards the playpen; it was five on five feet, so there was plenty of room for both of them. David opened a panel at one corner so they could enter.

There was some mat at the bottom of the playpen, though they were not to nap.

David had the two ‘punished’ babies face opposite sides, turning their backs on each other’s.

“Get on your knees and stand straight.”

This wasn’t a very baby-like position. The playpen’s sides were three or four feet high. David showed the top rail.

“Get your arms over the bar.”

Once they obeyed, two teams of tormentors grabbed their limbs, uncuffed them and then locked their wrists to the side, having them spreading their arms on each side.

They also used padlocks and chains to link the harness to the playpen’s bars, and keep their ankles together. They added straps over the knees, which they used to fix them to the playpen.

The result was very interesting. They kneeled back to back, the tips of their boots brushing, right with left and left with right. Their waist was pulled forward and their arms were fixed to the main horizontal bar of the playpen at three places. For us, used to Catholic rituals, their arms stretched out wide and the penitent kneeling position meant they were martyrs of some kind.

I spotted there was plenty of room in the playpen, wondering whether we were to join them, but this wasn’t meant to be. Our keepers were done with our friends and they came to check on Theo and me.

“Time for your quiet time, baby,” Timmy told me, checking my feet. The straps hadn’t loosened. I wasn’t uncomfortable; I’m not sure I could have fallen asleep.

They turned the chairs, which had small wheels, so we could watch Guy and Charles better.

Diary, Saturday 9th, Lunch

“Open your eyes, little ones, to watch how generous we are,” David snigg*red, “I’m sure you’ll love watching your friends drink their very special baby bottles.”

The gang of captors chuckled.

“They’ll get a teat to suck on!”

“Time for milk and cream!”

The gestures accompanying their words didn’t leave much mystery about what they intended to do. Walter pulled his shorts up, rubbing his hardening boner a couple feet in front of Charles. My cousin pulled the shiny fabric taut over his hard-on so it showed the shape and size of the member it wrapped to the kneeling pupil .

“Wanna suck on a nice teat, baby Chucky? I’ve got a nice, warm and full baby bottle just for you.”

My cousin stepped forward. He reached for the knot behind Charles’ head, pulling his nose into his groin in the process, and released the ribbons.

“I’m going to give you something nourishing.”

Thomas stood next to Walt and gathered the dummy; some saliva dribbled but Tom caught it with a small hankie. Walter held on to Charles’ hair. He pulled on it to lift his face and look him in the eye.

“Not a word or a noise too much, Chucky. Relax your jaws a bit, but keep your mouth closed. I want to feel the tip of your nose exploring my rod, so you’re well aware of what’s in my shorts.”

I had a three-quarter view on Charles, from behind so I didn’t see all that took place. The smile over my cousin’s mug and his encouragements and instructions informed us all of how it went.

“Now, go a little lower. Can you get to feel my ball sack with the tip of your nose?”

Charles had to pleasure Walter for four or five minutes. My cousin stepped to the side, displaying fully tented shorts that told of Charles’ good job.

“Now, I don’t want to expose an innocent child to an indecent sight, so I’ll keep my shorts on while you go for my cream. Get them wet. Beware, though, I don’t want a single drop to land on the carpet, either of your spit or of my milk in the end.”

Charles’ head moved up and down or left and right; I didn’t have a good view, but the sounds Charles made said it all. There was slurping and sucking, which the audience enjoyed.

“He’s got big lips,” Timmy stated.

“And a powerful tongue,” my brother added.

Thomas and Aurelian could no longer hold; all this co*ck sucking gave them ideas. They went to the other side of the playpen, grinning at Guy.

“Look, Tom, another boy who wants milk…”

“A poor little baby who longs for a teat!”

They showed him the bulges their shorts barely concealed, but they weren’t into foreplay as much as my cousin. They flipped a coin to know who went first; Aurelian won. His relative gave him a hand, removing the dummy while the cheeky blond stuck his thumbs in his waistband and slid his shorts down to his knees.

I saw a bit better from this angle. I didn’t discover Aurelian’s penis, he’d made sure I was well acquainted with it the first time he took control of me along with his cousin. I had a good view of the developing tool, and I couldn’t help finding the yellow-haired imps cute; they sure were enthusiastic about feeding Guy.

They got off their feet in seconds, to the extent Thomas had his org*sm a few seconds after Walter, with Aurelian already satisfied. David took their place for a quick blowj*b from Guy; the tykes took Walter’s position; Timmy asked the same thing my cousin did, and Charles had to suck on shorts again, wetting them and making them all slick, with the boy giggling.

I don’t know if he really had an org*sm, considering he was going for this ‘sucked through undies’ technique, but he sounded like it.

“Lick it all good, baby Chucky, and don’t drop any…”

My little brother took his turn, but I was more interested in admiring David’s torso as he’d removed his clothes for Guy to worship him. He slipped his shorts and undies down; he’d barely brought his groin forward, when Guy gobbled up the knob that swung within his reach. David leaned forward to ease up the swallowing by his slave.

The noise reminded me of my grandfather’s German shepherd when he ate his bowl, which he usually cleared off in seconds. Guy was about as good at draining David’s balls. My friend held on to Guy’s ears and he made all sorts of funny little noises, which I knew also meant he was to get his kick and release his load.

All boys were satisfied with the oral feats of the kneeling captives. Walter and Thomas got busy around the kitchenette space and fixed two baby bottles. Charles and Guy got actual warm milk. I had another growing concern as I saw my friends being fed.

The scene was very hot; I felt the arousal. My prick stuck against my belly, and it wanted out. The plastic pants surely helped, because the sticky tabs only wouldn’t have been enough to keep me in check. Something else bothered me and prevented me from enjoying myself. I had drunk fluid in quantity, and this got the expected result: I needed to go to the bathroom.

I didn’t actually need to go somewhere else, but I really needed to urinate, pass water or piss, whatever phrase you liked best. The urge grew unusually quickly. Aurelian was at my sides, cheering on Charles. I asked him politely if they could take me to the bathroom.

It took a moment before Aurelian even acknowledged I was addressing him. He turned towards me, eventually, looking me in the eyes and frowning.

“What’s wrong with you, Baby Armand? You didn’t get enough to eat? You want the same sort of snack we just gave your little friends?”

I nodded, looked down to my crotch, and tried to say “Please, I need the bathroom.” My attempt was futile; with a tongue trapped and the front of the mouth fully filled by the heavy yet pliable rubber foam, there was no hope anyone would be able to tell how much I needed relief.

Walter heard him.

“Don’t fret, Aurel, I’m sure he’s begging to go to the bathroom. The diuretic in their milk must be working.”

“What’s a diuretic?” Timmy asked.

“A medicine that gets you to wee !”

“Oh? Why would Armand ask this,” the youngest boy continued, “when he’s wearing a nappy? That’s what it’s for, isn’t it?"

Aurelian looked at me. A triumphant grin spread over his face from ear to ear after Timmy’s remark.

“This is a very good question, baby boy, what’s the fuss about? With your nappies and rubber pants, you lads are in no hurry to get to a toilet. They say on the label it may keep three litres, so you can go ahead and release your bladder.”

There was a gathering around Theodore and me.

“Would you like us to free you and take you to the bathroom?” Walter cruelly asked.


Theo agreed fully with this offer. There was a trick of course.

“No problem, we won’t let you wait for more than one hour. Is fifty minutes OK with you?”

Theodore shook his head, whining behind the dummy. The boys surrounding him chuckled and laughed at his distress.

“Who will wet his nappy first?”

This got to be a new topic of conversation. They all remembered caring for me and noticing things about my urinary habits, things I wasn’t even really aware of myself.

“I’m sure Theo will keep better control.”

“Armand isn’t very disciplined when it comes to this,” Walter said, showing my crotch.

I didn’t know what they thought best, but I soon didn’t have to focus on holding my water. Theodore made some sounds with his nose, and some mewling cry came through. Timmy rushed to his chair and reached for his crotch pushing his fingers under the elastic surrounding the top of his thigh.

“He’s all warm and wet,” the lad said, taking his hand off.

I’d be disgusted to touch a nappy full of warm pee, but Timmy didn’t seem bothered much. Other things blocked me in this situation. As much as I felt a really big urge to let go and empty my bladder, doing so in a nappy felt out of this world. Going in a nappy while being watched by other boys who were actually waiting for you to go was a big challenge for me.

David must have noticed my worried eyes. He came closer and he whispered some hissing sound, mimicking the flow of water.

The others picked up what he was doing, and they joined him for a chorus of water-flowing sounds. This made it. A first jet burst out, warming my belly up. I stopped immediately, concerned it would flow over the waistband since the tip of my co*ck wasn’t far away.

The water faucet noises went on, and I let a few drops go, until I was able to release a slow, steady stream. I felt the pee soaking up the nappy from top to bottom, until I felt warmth between my legs. Timmy wanted to feel for himself; his hand rubbed my thigh and reached for the fold at the top, sliding his fingers under the elastic.

“He’s wet his nappy too! So, what should we do with our babies when they’re wet.”

“Get them dry,” Thomas suggested.

“Change their nappies,” Kevin said, clapping his hands.

David looked, but he let my brother and Guy’s handle the following half hour. Thomas and Aurelian gave a hand, and Walter was close; I knew I had no chance to fight them off, even if completely free of restraints. Theodore could have had better chances, but this is why our captors worked together and never released his limbs completely.

He was first to get changed. They removed the plastic pants, and then the nappy; it was yellow indeed, and Timmy went to put it in a large pail by the door.

Aurelian picked a clean one from the shelves under the table. This wasn’t the same, though; this one had legs.

“Pull-ups for our toddlers,” Aurelian told my cousin, “to see if they can be trusted to behave like good boys.”

Walter picked up more stuff from the changing table, holding them for everyone to see. One was a butt plug, the other a vibrator; actually, the device was made of several vibrators, it was the rubber tyre stuff the blonds had used on me when they’d kept me their prisoner the week before, the band that wrapped my co*ck with three small cylinders attached.

I didn’t see much, with all of them gathered around the changing table, but I saw enough. They lubed up the plug and slid it up Theo’s bum. There was more talk about the best way to get the vibrating stuff over his co*ck. The director’s assistant was hard again, from what the captors said, and there was a debate as to where the vibrating stuff would work the best. They decided for ‘close to the balls’.

David had some new over-pants to replace the plastic ones. These were sheer black latex; they looked less like a sanitary accessory, and more like real kinky underwear.

It glided over the thick pull-up nappies, wrapping them closely. I’d never had nappy wet dreams, but what they’d just done was super-hot if completely new for me.

I got to experience how it felt actually wearing the same nappy, with similar fixtures added. The vibrator David had for me looked more like the chastity cage; it was bigger, and it accommodated my penis even when a bit erect. No need for ice or a cold, damp mitt to shrink it so the contraption would fit.

There was an elastic band David wrapped below my scrotum, anchoring the device to my dick. I saw the large plastic ring, and the small battery lodging.

The pull-up pants slid over my legs, followed by the black pull-on latex ones. My mid-section was held in the grip of the devious layers; this had to be water-proof, or leak-proof. I was worried their next experiment would be to feed us some laxative. I wasn’t sure it would hold if we were to poo in our pull-up pants.

“How do you feel, pet? I’d bet you love the nursery,” David said, patting the front of the nappy . “You do indeed, getting all hard underneath, aren’t you?”

The five boys handling me got me off the changing table. I joined Theo, who was on all fours, facing Guy.

We had our harnesses on, so leashes were clipped between our shoulder blades. Our wrists were cuffed with ten inches of thin but solid chain and they had us turn around the playpen. Timmy held my leash; Aurelian and Thomas shared Theodore’s.

David had the remote controls of the electronic devices we’d been fitted with. He didn’t try to conceal them, but waved them at us, smiling.

“Keep crawling, babies, if you slow down or lose heart, I’ve got the power of electricity to give you a little jolt.”

He pushed one of the buttons ever so slightly so I felt a shock at the tip of my manhood. The feeling didn’t last; yet I lifted my knees eagerly, willing to show my acceptance of the strict orders I was given.

We did three or four laps. I traded looks with both Charles and Guy as we crawled past them. The scene felt quite eerie, with the gaggle of young tormentors around us and revelling in the strange and regressive games they could play in a nursery.

The triggering of our electronic equipment wouldn’t have had any effect on infants, but with two horny lads such as Theo and me, it caused arousal. I moaned in the dummy as the vibrations got me in their grip . I don’t know whether it was on purpose, but the plug and the co*ck piece seemed synchronized.

It was like a wave coming from far behind me, shaking my insides until the vibration spread to my co*ck. Along with the motions our walking on all fours required, I experienced very erotic feelings. Theodore seemed to enjoy these, as he made small noises too.

“The volcanoes are about to erupt,” Walter commented. He knew us by now –me at least.

“They’d better not, because the first one to shoot his load joins the naughty boys in the playpen,” David warned.

“Armand’s going to lose,” Aurelian stated, “He’s been our easiest customer for repeated milkings, and he’s had a lot of stamina. He must have quite a filthy mind, because he’s hard all the time.”

“This seems to apply to Theo too,” Walter said, “I’d bet on him spilling his seed first. My cousin has shown growing restraint over the last ten days, and he’s had David and Kevin to keep him motivated.”

“Wager!” Aurelian replied, “If Armand comes, I’ll tie you up, and if Theo can’t resist and comes first, then you tie me up.”

Walter took a step forward. They shook hands, looking in each other’s eyes.

“The deal’s on…”

I was sweating now; the relentless assaults of the vibrating accessories piled on top of the atmosphere, with all those boys talking about sex and the sight of sexy prisoners. Thomas let Aurelian tug on Theo’s leash. He stepped behind me; he duck-walked, grabbing my nappy and rubbing over it; he pushed it in the middle, going for the plug. I was at risk of cumming now; I felt it coming from deep within my loins.

I got relief when Theo shrieked in the dummy. He’d lost and I was saved; yet, Thomas’ hands kept kneading me and I also squirted jets of warm ji*zz in my pull-up nappy.

“I win,” Walter rejoiced, “Theodore can’t help himself.”

“Are you kidding?” Aurelian protested, “Your cousin has filled his pants with cum.

They set up a commission to see who had won. We had to stop so they could inspect us.

Timmy volunteered: I felt his hand prodding all around the inside of my nappy, pinching my ball sack and brushing my glans. He put his hand up for the others to see, when he eventually decided to leave my junk alone.

“His nappy is full of cum!”

The little boy then went to check on Theo.

“It’s the same here. I guess it’s a tie, with the nappies, we can’t say for sure who discharged first.”

Aurelian and Walter thought it fair.

“We’ll have to find another challenge to decide between us.”

David frowned; I knew his look, and the little smile at the corner of his lips that ended it meant trouble for the two bettors.

“I think you don’t need another trial, my friends. The wager was impossible to assess from the very start, so I say you both lose.”

David playing Solomon brought a big smile over Kevin and Timmy’s faces.

“Don’t worry,” Timmy chirped, “We can take care of you well and make sure you both can pay the forfeit.”

The two lads felt a bit sour. Thomas felt like arguing; in sports and games, he was a sore loser. He was about to protest; he cast a circular glance at the assembly and he decided against it. When there was a teacher, his complaining, along with one of his winning smiles usually got the grown-up to rule in his favour. In this club, this wasn’t something he would get away with.

“You’ll get your forfeit quickly,” David said, “but for now, we’ve got two naughty and disobedient boys, who’ve behaved in very dirty ways and spilled their cream despite our warnings. I say, let them spend a little penance time in the playpen with the rest of this naughty crew.”

“We can take Walt and Aurel outside and truss them up to trees,” Timmy suggested.

“Let’s do this,” David agreed. He opened the side of the playpen and our guards had us crawl inside before he could lock it shut again.

“Sit down, back to the side.”

We had a better position than Charles and Guy’s, we could sit with our legs stretched in front of us. Our harness was solidly fixed to the playpen bars behind us.

“We’ll leave you in the punished boys’ company,” David cheered us, “You should be able to find out soon that they were given laxatives …”

The dummies drowned their words, yet Charles and Guy’s protests were vigorous, and sounded genuine.

“It shouldn’t be more than three or four hours to handle Walter and Aurelian,” David concluded, “I’m glad you thank us for providing you with leak-proof protections, but let this be a challenge, Guy and Charles. You may prove us you still have some control; you’ll have to manage your bowels, but if you may hold it until we’re back, I think we’ll cut you some slack for the rest of the weekend.”

“Have fun lads!”

Diary, Saturday 9th, Afternoon

Our tormentors greeted us cheerfully as they parted. Thomas was asking Timmy how he would handle Aurel, and they were already in the next stage. David shut the door. We hear the key turn inside the lock.

This was a peculiar situation. I sat with Theodore facing me, and we saw Guy and Charles’ backs, and their padded bums. Believe me or not, we started a conversation; yes, we all had our mouths filled with dummies, but there was something soothing and actual feeling conveyed though our moans; I could also get information from and through Theo’s eyes.

The vibrating devices we had been fitted with booted up again. The fiendish set-up was slow and soft at first, but being thus locked inside a playpen with other boys did no good for self-control.

I wondered how Charles and Guy felt. How fast did laxatives work? Were they given lots of them? My bladder was relieved, and the cleaning-up had been quick. Would they manage to ‘hold it’, as David had commanded?

We got visits regularly, from Timmy, then Kevin and eventually Thomas. They were spaced at least thirty minutes apart, it seemed to me. I’ll say the punished babies showed real control and mastery over their bowels. A little after our second visitor, Timmy peeked through the door and shut it almost immediately, I heard some rumbling coming from the boys’ bellies, and some gurgling too.

I exchanged worried looks with Theo, and I fought against the vibrating devices; this co*ck cage featured a vibrating area surrounding its crown, and with the plug rubbing against my innards, I knew I didn’t stand a chance and would soon have an org*sm. Would it be dampened by the cage? Would the nappy sponge it up and help me to get away with this?

My little brother came inside and checked on us. He crinkled his nose, sniffing around us.

“You obey David, that’s good.”

With this, he was gone. There was some whimpering coming from Guy. Charles made short, loud calls; he was probably shouting at himself to hold on. There were rings of sweat under their armpits, darkening their shirts. Their heads moved and shook.

There were fart noises, and whimpering from both of them then. More of the same wet and fat sounds but with the desperate moans that rose and within seconds the smell that, though very faint at first, was unmistakable. They were sh*tting themselves.

It stopped, eventually. By now, the stench had grown strong. The silence was total. It took a few minutes before some more noises came from Charles’ belly, and then possibly Guy’s too. They moved their heads, and Charles was having a second go when Thomas opened the door. He’d barely done so that he knew already of what had happened.

“Yuck! What a stench! There are babies in need of a new nappy in here. I’ll go get the others, don’t go anywhere, little ones!”

We stayed on our own for what seemed ages. Theo and I had witnessed a second release; I looked intently at the nappied bottoms, and at their thighs. I expected to see a leak, but none appeared. The nappies were thick and the plastic pants sealed them closely. I felt for my fellow-pupils; this was a very, very nasty ordeal.

Charles was noisily letting a third batch out when our tormentors came back, all loudly complaining of the stench.

“Pew! I can’t believe you lads decided not to show more fortitude.”

“They need a change,” Timmy stated.

“They do, the little stinkpots, and you should lead the manoeuvre, Tim. You may take them to the bathroom, I’ll give you a hand.”

Kevin was also interested in helping out. The harnesses allowed for a rather fast release; David opened the gate, and once free of bonds, Charles and Guy stood up slowly. They moved slowly, no doubt afraid to have an accident.

Walter and Aurelian stood on chairs to open the windows that were quite high in this room, and then went outside to wait. There was some wind and air came through, telling us the worst was over. Yet, it would take some time before we’d be rid of the fetid odour.

There was noise coming from the tiled bathroom; water flowed and I could hear Timmy and Kevin giving orders and bossing the ‘babies’ around.

I was glad I was spared the details of the proceedings; we ‘talked’, Theo and I, relieved that the source of such discomfort was now gone. It had also hampered my libido a bit, but the renewed assault of the vibrating devices eventually got the best of me. I looked at Theo, wide-eyed, as the vibrations got me to org*sm and let out what felt like huge streams of warm sem*n filling the front of my pull-up nappy.

I hope this isn’t what triggered Theo into creaming his; the jerking and the high-pitched whine gave him away. We basked in this nice state just after you’ve come. I said it already, but they’d left us in a relatively comfortable position.

It was dusk and getting dark outside; the three boys outside eventually came back in the disinfected area’.

“You boys had a fun time?” Thomas asked, “You’re glad we showed up?”

“Yes, I wanted to leave the four of you in the playpen longer,” Walter laughed, “but there are soft-hearted members in our little brotherhood.”

“Come on, Walt, we’re all here to have fun, aren’t we?”

Aurelian hadn’t shown this merciful side so far.

They went to check what was going on in the bathroom ; we had to wait some more. They left the door open, so we heard they were done cleaning them up. Timmy walked through the room with a large plastic bag, which he disposed of outside.

They were done with Guy and Charles; everybody came back inside the room we were in. Guy and Charles were naked, so they made a short stop at the changing tables to get nappies for the night.

David and Kevin released us from our sitting position. Charles and Kevin had the nappies and plastic over-pants on. They were made to stand down so Aurelian and Thomas could put them in their onesies.

Timmy prepared them baby bottles with grape juice. I was glad to see David was considerate enough to have them absorb fluids after they’d gone through such an ordeal. At least, I hoped when Timmy ensured them there was no nasty stuff in it, he told the truth.

Not much happened for the rest of the evening, or even for the night. There was a flurry of activity around us to have the poor helpless babies ready to go beddy-bye.

We wore dark, gleaming onesies over our thick nappies. We were rid of plugs and vibrators, which was yet a new sensation after so many hours in their clutches. There was no bathroom or leak concern, and the nine fixation points they’d used on me to pin me inside the cot on my back left very little slack. The dummies they’d crammed in our mouths were smaller, and there were no ribbons for tying them over our necks, for safety. We were forbidden to spit them out nonetheless.

There was little pressure; David threw a blanket and tucked me in, and I felt I’d be able to sleep.

David stayed to babysit us, but the rest of his gang was heading back to the mansion. They still spoke in low voices so we couldn’t hear; the only thing I caught from bribes of conversation I overheard was that Walter was to undergo some forfeit after the time they’d spent outside earlier on.

I fell asleep, once I saw David pulling a bed out of the wall –which was another nifty feature– and lied down, switching the light off.

Diary, Sunday 10th

I was first to be taken out of my cot the next morning. David woke me up, took me to the bathroom. I got a wank in the sink once all the rest had been done. He took me back, all dressed in my schoolboy uniform.

The rest of his gang was trickling in, looking a bit sleepy yet. They gathered in small groups around my brothers in servitude; David gave a few instructions and twenty minutes later, the four of us were little schoolboys again, prim and proper, and hobbled in a chain gang heading back to the room we’d spent Friday afternoon. I couldn’t help but notice the rope marks around Walter’s wrists.

It was Sunday, and it was meant to be a day of worship for us. Once inside, we headed to the large kitchen.

“This is our final day, and so it will go quite fast, lads. Mr. Jenkins comes and picks us up at five. We’ll have time to recap all of this week’s training, and try you on the duties we’ve tried to teach you. There will be no laxatives,” he smiled to Guy, “and we’ll test your baby skills another day. But you’ve proved you could wait on us.”

“In many ways,” Aurelian grinned.

“And without complaining,” Timmy added.

“You’re right boys, they’ve shown they can be good little butlers, good little co*ck suckers, good little, uh, chiropractors, and all the rest. You’d better do your best; we’ll score you and we’ll decide on what discipline you’ll be under over the coming week.”

I was to be the maid for breakfast, along with Guy. Thomas fitted us with white satin aprons and once our hands were cuffed and chained in front, we could get started. I hadn’t spent this much time in bondage with Guy; we’d been trained by the same boys, though. In a kitchen we didn’t know, with wadding in mouth and a lower-face mask keeping it in –and tidying the look, we collaborated perfectly.

Theodore and Charles had to clear off the table. The jury deliberated, but they didn’t say much, made signs we weren’t privy to, before we moved on to the next trial.

David was right about how fast it would go. Once breakfast was over, we went back to the huge lounge. The first thing they did was lowering our shorts and satin briefs, to wrap our co*cks in silk sleeves, like condoms, more or less. They put the undies and shorts back on, adjusting them carefully for maximum effect.

I’ve shown that such attention could have me sprout a boner, and it happened again. Walter and Thomas took care of me, and my cousin brushed the tip of my growing co*ck with his finger, which got its little effect. Then, I had to take a few steps to get in the middle of the large rug and I felt the relentless caress this kinky design provided.

“A little refinement, boys,” David announced once we were gathered in line, “One thing we’ll test throughout the day is your ability to remain aroused. I’ll say, knock yourselves off, my droogs…”

Walter had me. He set one hand over my left buttock to get a good feel of his target, and the other went straight for the gold, landing lightly over my groin, using all five digits to touch me in the proper places, and eventually have me yell in my gag as I discharged in my shorts for the first time of the day .

I recovered from the grade A org*sm Walter had given me, the little devil knew how to trigger such reactions by now. His friends shared this know-how: Theodore, Charles and Guy had been defeated by their attackers, with gooey white stuff seeping through their shorts.

“They’re all addicted to our touch,” Walter exclaimed, praising his friends for having the same talent as he did, “They get off whenever we feel like it. Let’s wipe them up,” my cousin said as he used a small flannel to collect the biggest part of the spunk.

“We’re very good at milking naughty boys, this has nothing to do with them having any special skill,” Aurelian bragged.

“Sure,” David approved, “You’ve got magic fingers, so Theo didn’t have a chance. Let’s get to the vocational part of the test and see how our lads handle chores when restrained.”

Charles and Guy were to clean up the kitchen, Theodore was to vacuum the large lounge and David took me to the bathroom; I was to clean it up all. He adjusted my restraints, added a rubber apron to protect the front of my dainty outfit. He removed my cuffs were so he could fit latex gloves over my hands too.

“You’ll go from cleanest to dirtiest, pet, so start with the sink and then do the shower, the floor and the toilet!”

He pointed sponges and brushes as well as a can with cleaning liquid. I’ve told you before that my brother and I share a bedroom; I’ve always been in charge of keeping it clean and tidy; my orderliness has convinced my parents to leave us reign over the top floor of the house. So I know a bit about cleaning, scrubbing and getting enamel to shine.

David’s eyes focusing on me were motivational spears. I could almost feel a sting to my sides as he scrutinized my every move. I kept my cool; I didn’t rush but I extended my strokes with the sponge over the sink.

It didn’t feel much like an inspection. David gave me some advice, following me and looking at me and at the result of my efforts. Eventually, it all shone and sparkled.

“Nice job, pet, I’m proud of you. You didn’t let me down.”

I couldn’t thank David due to the gag inside my mouth, but he heard my pleased cooing.

“This is a skill set that’s always in demand in our little secret society… Let’s head back to the lounge and see what the others are up to.”

He cuffed my hand behind and put me on a leash for the short trip; he entered the lounge triumphantly with me in tow.

Aurelian and Thomas were busy with Theodore.

“You’re done already, Dave? We had to call a break, since Theo had a little accident.”

He held a silk hankie, and the wet stains could have one origin only.

They used an old vacuum; it was big and featured a large handle that had attachments to fix cuffs, with the obvious purpose of chaining a household slave to it. Theodore was almost done and went back and forth twice. He was doing his last stretch when Charles and Guy entered the room, followed by Kevin and Timmy, who were very cheerful.

“Hey lads! We’ll have to train Charles and Guy better. They’re clueless as to how to tidy and clean up a kitchen,” Aurelian announced.

The two servants in question disagreed, and their dark looks preceded some denying with a headshake.

“No, Charles, this wasn’t up to standard,” Thomas scolded, “You’ve been under our care before, and from you we expect perfection. I’ll volunteer you for the fetish dress-up test, then, a little time in tight leather could have you more motivated next time…”

“My Pet did well,” David boasted, patting my head. “Charles and Guy might need further lessons, but I think Arm is an operational bondage maid.”

I wasn’t super-thrilled being called a maid, but my friend’s tone mean it as a compliment.

“I’ll let you reward him with a milking,” he told Aurelian and Thomas, “If you don’t get him to squirt in less than three minutes, then you lose!”

The blond pair didn’t ask about a potential prize and approached me slowly. David started the timer.

Aurelian and Thomas had grown into real wanking fiends. They pulled my aprons up; four hands attacked my modesty. This was too much for my poor hard penis; the kneading of my mid-section, both front and back brought me to org*sm in an arousal that never went down. The cherubic pair whispered encouragements, gave me all sorts of sweet talk.

Aurelian’s hand had wrapped around my shorted, sheathed co*ck and had found the best way to pump it and make me moan.

Aurelian eventually got the perfect pressure and his back and forth motion accelerated. I felt it coming from deep within my loins, and then I felt sparks running up my spine.


I moaned, cooed, whined, I don’t know for sure how it sounded, but I made some noise, which got the audience to burst into laughter. I didn’t care, though it made land back on firm ground much faster.

“Three minutes and twenty-two seconds, Aurel. You boys lose,” David announced.

“Do we really? Naughty Armand, then.”

“Well, we’ve got enough punishments to give. Double or quits? You can see if you do better with Charles and Guy.”

The blond imps agreed wholeheartedly and accepted the challenge; they abandoned me to take care of Charles and Guy. I was curious as to which penalty David would give them if they failed; Charles and Guy’s horniness guaranteed that I wouldn’t be told.

It took two minutes and twenty seconds for Guy and two minutes and twenty-five for Charles to squirt their juice. The cousins were a bit miffed of David telling them they failed, so they went for the kill, not taking much time caressing and arousing, but grabbing, kneading and pumping quickly and relentlessly.

“They’ve all been milked twice, and we haven’t,” Walter said, “Isn’t it soon the moment when we have them wank us? This is a skill I’d love to test …”

“I guess so,” David said thoughtfully, subtly caressing his groin, “Some release is in order. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you need to get your monkey spanked, my droogs?”

“Ten!” Walter exclaimed.

Each in turn, the bunch gave the highest grade to describe their lustful state.

“I score a ten too,” David concluded. “If we’re all in the same condition, we may test the manual skills of our little band of slaves by timing how long it takes them to get us to org*sm.”

“The fastest wins,” Timmy marvelled.

“And the slowest loses,” Kevin grinned.

“That’s the idea,” David approved, “I suggest we all have the same position, and the same for them to make the contest fair. What about sitting face to face?”

The idea appealed to everyone; David fetched two square stools, and Walter spread a large plastic over the rug before my master laid both pieces of furniture. Seed could be spilled without leaving tell-tale stains.

Timmy stepped in, pulling Theodore, whom he’d released from the hoover.

“Let’s try it out!”

They sat face-to-face, legs open; Theo had his hands cuffed in front now, with five links of chain. It gave him some space to move his hands.

This is when I wondered about how level the playing field really was; Timmy kept his shorts on, ordering the director’s assistant to rub him through them. It wasn’t as if this had been uncommon in this group, but Timmy, though apparently able to squirt, wasn’t as easy to please as Walter or David.

I was part of the circle surrounding the two participants, who were the oldest and the youngest boys of the group. Theodore bowed slightly, looking at the tented shorts in front of him, and grabbing their content and kneading them shyly once he’d been told to. A video camera recorded the moment. I’m sure Theo was glad he was gagged and chained, and forced to bring on a twelve-year-old boy to org*sm with his fingers only; he didn’t have much to say about what he was doing, and the restraints allowed him to deny he’d agreed to masturbating young teens, and was forced by ruthless abductors.

His ordeal lasted five minutes and thirty-four seconds, which was the time David announced when Timmy gasped and his shorts grew darker from the sem*n he spurted.

“Good job, Theo,” he added, “Now let’s see if your performance inspires your fellow-pupils.”

Walter had picked Guy as the next contestant. They leisurely sat on the stools, Timmy wiping himself and helping his wanking butler to his feet.

“Go ahead, friends, this is a nice set-up,” the little boy advising the coming up couple like an old pro.

The pair needed little of this; they knew exactly what success entailed. My cousin wanted a more direct contact than the preceding patron had gotten. Walter shucked off his shorts, not shy in the least to show his five-inch boner to everyone. He spread his legs, setting his butt to the side of the stool, his hard-on pointing to Guy’s chin.

My classmate didn’t have much problems getting Walt to org*sm. He used both hands, with the right pumping on my cousin’s meat while the left one caressed his ball sack and explored the space between his legs.

“One minute and forty-three seconds!”

This was a new record. Thomas had Charles at hand, and I saw him grow impatient while Guy wiped Walter’s cum off him. Three jets had hit him, including one over his gagged face.

The pair performed well; they had some background and Charles had been trained and taught naughty stuff for a long time. Thomas had a clean silk scarf that he required his wanking slave to use to save himself from the cum shower Guy had received.

Charles’ wrists were supple; his timing was flawless and it was two minutes and three seconds when Thomas flooded the scarf. He shook with spasms and made little yelps.

“Man, Old Boy Chuck sure has a swift hand,” he said as he gathered his breath afterwards.

“Let’s see how our young Armand performs,” Aurelian said, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the stools. We stood there, Aurelian looking intently at his cousin, and displaying a huge bulge the satiny shorts enhanced; Thomas soon got the message.

“Yup, cousin, let’s see how he performs,” Thomas said with a wink.

We sat down, Aurelian having also picked the nude option, which I liked better too. No scarf, just ten fingers and two palms. I had to hope I remembered his specific tastes I’d discovered when they’d abducted me the weekend before and when we’d spent the afternoon in the cloakroom. I knew his co*ck’s shape and how he reacted to fingertips brushing over his foreskin; this would be a piece of cake.

I leaned forward, waiting for a signal to start. I heard a small whisper from my counterpart.

“You had us lose, Arm, now, try hard, for I’m going to hold on…”

The mischievous grin didn’t tell of the treachery, but throughout the six minutes it took me to get the snake to spit its venom, Aurelian cast me mocking looks. I’m more of a half-full bottle person, so I saw how I’d reached the goal.

David saved me.

“Six minutes and eleven seconds! Don’t move, pet, I’m next. Will you hold the timer, Kevin?”

Aurelian stood up, not saying a thing, but he looked at me intently; he also looked at David.

My master sat down, his smooth thighs showing and his package tenting his gleaming shorts. I couldn’t wait for the signal to get started.

“Ready, steady? Go!” Kevin shouted.

I cupped David’s genitals with both my hands, holding his co*ck head in my palms and moving back and forth with caresses to his ball sack. David stared at me and I increased the pace and he ground his hips.

“Done,” he exclaimed very soon after, as his dick twitched and spurted its gooey load within the shiny nylon.

“One minute and two seconds,” my little brother piped enthusiastically .

David’s eyes looking deep into mine were the best assessment of success. I sniffed to smell his freshly drawn sem*n; Timmy handed David a flannel that he used to wipe himself up before having me smell it.

“You like this smell, don’t you? Let’s hurry, there are more of us to go.”

Theodore had to service Kevin to finish the competition. My little brother needed some coaxing from the group, but after five minutes and fifteen seconds, he wet his shorts with gooey stuff.

There was a discussion on how to award rewards, since Theodore and I had to service two of our captors. They decided to average the scores. I’d kept track of it all; Theo had lost, but then Guy won.

This was what David and Kevin fell upon. Theodore had earned a dress-up and a deportment demonstration, “and some other tight tie-up if we have time,” Kevin had said, while Guy won a 500 penalty points cut-off.

“You’re down to twenty-two thousand five hundred and eighty-four,” Timmy said, scribbling in his little notebook.

Aurelian and Kevin volunteered to dress Theodore up in leather.

“There are still outfits to try on,” Aurelian said, picking stuff from a crate. The garments he gathered were dark, shiny leather.

I’ll confess I enjoyed this final moment spent at the mansion tremendously. I wasn’t restrained too heavily, I could almost forget the wadding and the lower face mask gagging me, and a hot young man was being restrained and outfitted in the kinkiest outfit by a bunch of rabid, horny boys. This was the life.

I could see from closer up how the leather pieces could be fixed and tightened. This was first class gear, and I still had trouble imagining having such beautiful – and no doubt expensive – toys to play with along with my friends.

The shorts they put on Theo were different from previous models. They were leather also but they went down their thighs, stopping just above the knees. This made Theo’s muscled thighs glisten and roll, showing his muscles later on when they had him walk. They also didn’t feature a plug, which would disappoint Theo, if he were like me. I don’t know how they managed, but this wrapped Theodore perfectly.

They fitted him with boots, so his knees were the only piece of skin on his legs that could be seen. Theo was completely passive; it’s true that with six boys surrounding him, the odds of a successful escape were small.

“The final piece before hooding,” Aurelian said, displaying the single glove and showing it around to the audience. He pointed the hard plastic piece inside keeping the thumb at a square angle with the hand, though completely smothered and hidden under the leather.

Aurelian and Kevin toiled trapping Theo’s forearms together and sliding them inside the leather sheath. They then laced the glove up to make his forearms one.

“I’ll need a hand, Kev,” Aurelian said, fumbling with the set-up and reaching for Theo’s butt crack, “Put the rubber sheath on.”

My little brother held Theo’s arms away from his back; Thomas handed him a condom, which he unrolled over Theo’s leather-trapped thumbs.

“All set, Aurel. Ready to go?”

“Yup, I unzipped it.”

They confirmed my intuition by grabbing Theo’s arms and pulling them forward; his thumbs were a pin, or a spur that now was stuck inside his rosebud.


“Yes, we’ve put your thumbs away, isn’t it clever? Three straps and we’re done.”

Two thin straps hung from the ring at the tip of the glove; they went between the prisoner’s legs, framing his leather-clad genitals in a V, fastening to the leather shorts belt. Aurelian grabbed a large leather belt; he wrapped it around Theo’s arms and waist, tightening it to embed the digits and turn them into a butt plug, thanks to this clever hole in the seat.

There was time for the hooding, and we all stood around, admiring my brother’s expertise when it came to changing a prisoner’s gag and the real gusto he showed for symmetry and tightness.

We all looked at the result from close up. Kevin took a small rubber pear and stuck it at the front of the hood, where Theo’s lips were. Darn, the rubber bladder was an inflatable one… My brother pumped on the thing until Theo moaned in discomfort.

“Walk around to show the elegant outfit we were kind enough to dress you up in…”

“Shake this nice booty, I’m sure it feels nice!”

Poor Theodore had to prance, mince, and take dainty steps in this most uncomfortable position. It was not only that I was glad that I wasn’t the one undergoing the punishing dress-up, I really enjoyed watching the sexy show it offered, even if I felt – a little – bad for Theo.

The clock was turning anyway. David kept track of time, he called the deportment lesson off.

“I’d love to have Theo make some more demonstration of his sexy gait, but Mr. Jenkins will be here in thirty minutes. We’d better wrap this thing up, and to start with, to wrap these up,” he said, pointing at each four of us captives in turn.

Walter took the cue, opened a chest and took four vinyl rain capes out.

They were black, navy blue, dark grey and forest green, not the flashiest colours if you ask me, but the very normal look would probably not attract attention, which was best when walking your prisoners around.

There were no sleeves, but the hood was huge and like the poncho, it could be buttoned and strapped to cover the face in unpleasant weather, but also hiding the gagged faces of the poor abducted boys wearing them.

This was a simple make; David and the others got busy putting things away, collecting some of them and tidying the place. They marched us to the entrance hall; we stopped when told, waiting in a line just behind the main gate.

We heard the car rolling on the gravel outside less than a minute after we’d been made to stand still .

“Our ride is here. You’d better behave with old Jenkins, boys, show him you’ve learned to behave,” David ordered.

“They won’t be too chatty, this is for sure,” Walter joked. He opened the door and had us walk in a line outside. We climbed in the van, with Mr. Jenkins casting glances in the rear-view mirror. David was last to board, sitting next to the driver.

“We’ve cleaned up and I locked the door, Mr. Jenkins,” he said handing the choir director the key, “And Theo is wearing a spiffy costume.”

“Thank you, David. I’m sure you’ve done a good job. Did you boys enjoy your weekend, then?”

Aurelian, Thomas and Kevin were enthusiastic. I found it cute how they told of what we’d done without mentioning sex stuff.

“It’s a wonderful place to spend the weekend, Mr. Jenkins, there’s lots of space and the weather was nice, so we could play outside too!”

“We tried out the toys and we dressed up our friends.”

Mr. Jenkins let the young ones tell of the great time they had. I caught his look in the mirror; I was sitting in the middle, with Aurelian and Thomas at my sides. Theo was just behind me and Guy was in the back.

“I’m glad you liked it. Consider this country house your home. You may come back and have your fun whenever you please. I’ll let you in on a little secret. Can you boys keep a secret?”

The tykes and David approved, and they made us grunt a yes too to let the choir conductor know we wouldn’t squeak either.

“There’s a club that has been around for decades, and which you lads have joined. You didn’t sign an application, but you’ve proved worthy of the club’s activities. We have older members who fund weekends and stays for boys who like tie-up games.”

The End

David and Armand series (mm/mm) (2024)


Are Armand and Louis lovers? ›

Unlike the book, Louis and Armand do not get together, with Louis parting ways with him after the fall of the Parisian coven. Louis is unable to accept Armand's way of life, which meant forgetting his tragedies like they never existed, and also knows he had allowed Claudia to die.

Is Armand in love with Daniel? ›

Armand becomes fascinated with Daniel and pursues him around the world for approximately four years before they begin a relationship as lovers for another eight years.

What is the name of the ship between Lestat and Armand? ›

Lesmand is the slash ship between Lestat de Lioncourt and Armand from The Vampire Chronicles fandom.

Who are older Armand and Lestat? ›

Lestat was made around 1760, so Armand is 250 years older, and was made by much much older blood than Lestat.

Who did Armand fall in love with? ›

Armand Aubigny

Armand had known Désirée for years, but it was not until he saw her sleeping under a tree that he suddenly fell in love with her. He says that her unknown origins do not matter to him. He says that her namelessness does not matter because he can give her ''one of the oldest and proudest in Louisiana.

How old is Armand when he turned? ›

Armand's coven posed as human actors only pretending to be vampires and performed for human audiences in the Theatre des Vampires. In the novel, Armand became a vampire in Renaissance Italy at age 17. Clearly, Armand was a full-grown adult upon his siring here. (This was like the film version too.)

Who does Daniel fall in love with? ›

In the series finale, Daniel becomes aware that he is in love with Betty as he struggles to let her go to London. In the end, he asks her to have dinner with him. Fey Sommers – The former editor-In-chief of MODE.

Does Armand actually love Louis? ›

Anne was writing everything for Lestat cause he was her favorite character and he was the center of every storyline, but the show is its own thing and Louis is a lead character in his own right, so it's likely that Armand won't be a rejected lover who pursued Lestat's fledglings, but he genuinely fell in love with ...

Who is Daniel LaRusso in love with? ›

Over the summer, Daniel gets to spend more time with Mr. Miyagi as they go to Okinawa, where Daniel ends up meeting a girl named Kumiko who becomes his love interest and eventual girlfriend along with also getting into a rivalry with Chozen, who is Sato's karate student and nephew.

Where is Armand the vampire from? ›

Born somewhere in the Kievan Rus in the late 15th century, Armand (at this time called Andrei) becomes an icon painter in a monastery. He is forcefully taken out of this life of prayer and devotion by slave traders, who transport him to Constantinople and then to a brothel in Venice.

What is the name of the ship between Anne and Sasha? ›

In other cases, first names of characters are merged, like the ships for Marcy Wu and Anne Boonchuy (Marcanne), Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu (Sasharcy), and Sasha Waybright and Anne Boonchuy (Sashanne) in Amphibia.

What is the name of the ship between Clara and 12? ›

Whouffaldi is the non-binary ship between the Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald from the Doctor Who fandom.

Who did Lestat love the most? ›

At the end of TTOTBT, he said about how much he love Louis and that he can't hate him even after the betrayal. And then we went to David and I almost thought that I'm reading it wrong because I was not prepared by how he describe David, like he is the only person very dear to his life.

Does Louis know Armand killed Claudia? ›

In a last-ditch effort to arouse Louis's emotions, Armand admits he himself killed Claudia. Louis already knew this and barely responds. Finally defeated, Armand accepts that his actions have rendered Louis incapable of being the vampire Armand once loved.

Who does Lestat end up with? ›

Lestat, upon seeing for the first time Louis's "fine black hair" and deep green eyes, and sensing his passion, is seduced not only by Louis's beauty, but also by his tragedy and human heart; "He seduced the tenderness in me." Lestat makes Louis into a vampire at the age of 25, his immortal companion in 1791, and lives ...

Did Armand ever love Louis? ›

Anne was writing everything for Lestat cause he was her favorite character and he was the center of every storyline, but the show is its own thing and Louis is a lead character in his own right, so it's likely that Armand won't be a rejected lover who pursued Lestat's fledglings, but he genuinely fell in love with ...

Did Louis end up with Armand? ›

Armand then leaves Paris with Louis to travel the world together until Armand realizes Louis has been changed by Claudia's death and will never recover. Armand then leaves Louis after making sure he has everything he needs to survive.

Was Louis in love with Claudia? ›

Lestat knows Louis's vulnerability, and creates Claudia, a five-year-old girl. Louis falls in love with Claudia and the three live together in New Orleans for 65 years. Claudia, upset with Lestat for creating her when she was only five, plots to kill Lestat and leave for Europe with Louis.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.