Help center | WEBTOON (2024)


What is WEBTOON?

Is the WEBTOON app free?

Which devices does the the WEBTOON app work on?

Having trouble using the app or experiencing errors?


I can’t log in using my social media account.

I can't log in - the page says my email is not registered

How do I reset my password?

How do I delete my account?

Can I use Sign in with Apple on Android devices?

I have two accounts under the same email.

Can I log in with Google?

My auto login was disabled, and I can’t remember my WEBTOON account.

My auto login was disabled and ‘My Series’ history has disappeared.

I haven’t received a password recovery email.

Do I have to create an account with my email address?

How to use

How do I download WEBTOON episodes?

How do I subscribe to my favorite series?

How do I manage my WEBTOON activity?

How do I change my notifications settings?

I want to stop receiving the WEBTOON newsletter emails.

How do I share my favorite series on social media?

How do I report offensive comments?

How do I report inappropriate content in an episode or series?

How do I change the app's display language?

I can’t download the app.

I can’t connect to WEBTOON.

The app keeps stopping while loading the series.

The app froze on a white screen as soon as I launched the WEBTOON app.

My app display language changed to English after I updated the app.

The app keeps crashing after I updated the app.

‘My Series’ and subscriptions suddenly disappeared!

My history, subscriptions and coins disappeared.

I can’t download WEBTOON episodes.

I'm not receiving push notifications.

I can't turn on push notification settings for New Releases, Notice & Events.

What is Reading History Sync?

All of my recently viewed episodes and series disappeared.

I received a 'Storage Almost Full' error message during the sync.

An error occurred during the sync.

Coins/Unlocking Episodes

What are Coins?

Do I need to create an account to use Coins?

How old do I have to be to use Coins?

Can I use Coins to access paid content across multiple languages?

Are Coins on Android and iOS interchangeable?

How do I purchase Coins?

How do I use Bonus Coins?

How do I check ‘My Coins’ purchase history?

How do I use Coins?

Which devices and app versions do I need to purchase and use Coins?

Can I purchase and use Coins on the WEBTOON mobile/desktop website?

Can I pay for Coins with a credit card?

Are my payments secure?

How do I report Coin purchase payment errors?

Will I be charged even if a payment is not processed succesfully?

I keep getting a "Payment in progress" message.

My Coin balance disappeared after switching my device.

My Coin balance increased even though I didn’t purchase any Coins.

How do I cancel my Coin purchases?

How do I check the status of my cancelled Coin purchases?

Can I receive a refund for any Coins I've used already?

What is Fast Pass?

How do I unlock Fast Pass?

What types of content can I purchase, and how?

How much does Fast Pass cost and for how long are they valid?

How do I check my Fast Pass history?

Does reading unlocked episodes require data? (Do data rates apply?)

Can I cancel the Fast Pass I’ve used for an episode?

How do I get a refund if there is a problem with an unlocked episode?

Can I delete my history for Fast Pass and Daily Pass (payment history)?

What happens to my unlocked episodes if the series is discontinued?

I unlocked an episode, but it’s locked again.

I unlocked the wrong episode.

My Coins were charged incorrectly.

I can’t find Coins I’ve purchased or episodes that I’ve unlocked.

It says I have exceeded the number of devices I can register.

What are Free Coins?

I didn't receive my Free Coins.

How do I use Free Coins?

Do Free Coins expire?

I want to know the status of my “Free Coins”.

My Free Coins disappeared!

Which completed series will be locked?

How many Coins does it take to unlock an episode after a completed series becomes locked?

What is an Episode Bundle?

What is Daily Pass?

How do I use Daily Pass?

How long can I read an episode for free after using a Daily Pass?

What happens to an episode I used Daily Pass on after 14 days?

I've used up all my Daily Pass. When can I use Daily Pass again?

Where can I see the episodes I used Daily Pass on?

Can I download episodes after using Daily Pass?

How do I turn off notifications for Daily Pass?

I can't redeem my Free Coins even though I have completed the event.

How can I use my promotion code?

What is Daily Pass Original?

How are DPOs different from DPs?

Publishing on WEBTOON Canvas

What is Canvas?

How do I start publishing on Canvas?

How do I put music/gif/animations into my series?

How do I save a draft?

How old do I have to be to publish?

Who owns the content I publish on Canvas?

What does it mean to be a WEBTOON Original?

How are Originals chosen from Canvas?

Why was my series taken down?

What is the process of restoring my series after it was taken down?

Someone is posting my series on WEBTOON without my permission.

Where is the ‘Publish’ button?

My files aren’t uploading.

Can I upload CANVAS episodes using Internet Explorer?

What if the file size of my thumbnail is larger than the upload limit?

How do I create my profile page?

My profile page suddenly disappeared.

How do I write a post?

My post suddenly disappeared.

How do I edit my profile?

My profile picture disappeared.

When do I receive notifications about my profile page?

My series does not appear on my profile page.

Ad Revenue Sharing Program

What is the Ad Revenue Sharing Program?

How can I join the Ad Revenue Sharing Program?

How long does the review take?

How is the revenue calculated?

How are payments processed?

Why am I not receiving payment even though there is a balance in my Account?

How can I collect revenue?

How do I handle taxes?

How can I split my share with my co-creators?

How do I cancel my participation in the Ad Revenue Sharing Program?

What type of content is allowed for the Ad Revenue Sharing Program?

When do content reviews take place?

What happens if I violate the policies and/or terms?

Why can't I click the 'Apply' button on Ad-Sharing application?

Why are the 'Current Balance' and the 'Payment' sections not showing up on the 'AD SHARING' tab?

How do I register the Payment Information?

Can I change my Payment Method?

Can I delete my Payment Method?

How is my Payment Information handled?

What should I do if my Payment Information is rejected?

Can I edit my Payment Information?

Can I change my registered PayPal ID?

Can I register my Payment Method using Internet Explorer?

Can I change my Business Type?

What should I do if my Residence Address changed?

What should I do if my nationality changed?

How do I verify my email address?

What is my Tax ID?

What is a USA tax identification number?

Tax for US Creator

Tax for Non-US Creator

Download Tax form

In which format can I upload my Tax Form?

I am a US citizen living outside of the US and I don’t earn income in the US. Which tax form should I fill out?

Does WEBTOON withhold any taxes from my payments?

Will I receive a 1099-MISC form?

Will I receive a 1042-S form?

Can I get tax advice from WEBTOON?

What language can I use to fill out the application?

Can I input my information in Spanish (or other language) when I fill out the application?

Is there any helpful source that I can use for tax related matter?

WEBTOON for Children

Can children use WEBTOON?

Why are some features restricted?

Can a parent view or delete a child's personal information?


What content will be unavailable to children under the age of 16 residing in Germany?

A series may be plagiarizing someone else's work.

Where do I send feedback/suggestions for ideas related to WEBTOON?

I want to provide a translation for my favorite series.

There’s a mistranslation in an Original or something I want to suggest.

Help center | WEBTOON (2024)
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Article information

Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Last Updated:

Views: 5945

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.