Key Stage 5 Clubs & Societies (2024)

We are driven to offer a wide range of learning opportunities beyond the classroom and these include the Performing Arts, Sport, DofE, clubs, trips and expeditions.The co-curriculum promotes the development of working with others and where new abilities and talents can be encouraged and nurtured. On this page you will see the clubs and societies open to those in Key Stage 5.

Key-Stage-5-CAS-Clubs-and-Societies (ID 1013)

  • Badminton


    Open to students in KS4 and KS5, this is a fun, casual club where students and staff turn up and play singles or doubles matches. The school does enter teams for district and county school tournaments where possible.

  • Biology Club

    Biology Club

    Every two weeks, we will meet to discuss real-world Biology research, linking IB learning to cutting-edge applications in medicine, biotechnology, cell biology, and evolutionary biology, to name a few. This is an excellent way to improve your problem solving skills, support your UCAS application and enhance your understanding of core biological processes and themes.

  • Biomedical Society

    Biomedical Society

    An opportunity for people interested in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Sciences as well as the vast array of Medicine-allied courses. We will investigate the different courses and careers that exist in the medical field, debate moral and ethical decisions that face medical professionals, and hear from people currently working in these fields. You will find out how to put together a strong University application, and practice for interviews.

  • Boot Camp

    Boot Camp

  • Boys' Rugby

    Boys' Rugby

    Senior Boys Rugby training catering to all levels of ability.

  • Brass Ensemble

    Brass Ensemble

    Brass players of all levels in ALL Years are invited to join this club.

  • CAS Junior Windband

    CAS Junior Windband

    Flute, clarinet, saxophone and brass players of all levels in Years 7-9; if in the 6th Form please join to support and mentor the younger students.

  • CAS Music

    CAS Music

    Musicians are invited to join CAS Music for an opportunity to sing with the Soul Choir, create your own bands OR discuss with the Music staff opportunities for Service through Music, e.g. by supporting or mentoring younger musicians or groups (accompanying the Junior Singers, supporting the KS3 Guitar or percussion groups, helping the staff to set up for the weekly rehearsals, etc........). You could also become our resident photographer or journalist, commenting on the various music events throughout the year. In addition, the Music department recruits for the Tech Team that works with the MJC in preparation for school and other events.

  • CAS Peer Mentoring

    CAS Peer Mentoring

    A chance to mentor and tutor KS3 students in Maths, English and Science, as well as supporting them with advice and positivity!

  • Chess Club

    Chess Club

    Chess club is open to all years. Each week well over 100 students compete in indiviudal and pair matches to time. Not only does this improve critical thinking skills but we play against other schools and enter regional and national competitions and of course the annual school championship.

  • Classics Society

    Classics Society

    Discussions, talks, lectures on any and all aspects of the ancient world, as well as Classical readings and competitions. Open to all, but especially relevant to students of Latin and Classical Civilisation.

  • Computer Science Club

    Computer Science Club

    Open to students in both KS4 & 5 who are interested in going beyond the curriculum. The department will be offering: Physical Computing,
    Data Science/Data Analysis using Python & Cyber Discovery using cyptographic techniques. Club subjects will rotate between terms, so each term students can experience something new. Students can join up for one, two, or all three terms!

  • Computing Club

    Computing Club

  • Cooking


    A chance to learn new cooking skills and recipes. This course will run for 5 weeks and there will be a total of 3 rotations to give more students a chance to take part. They will learn important life skills to prepare them for university and beyond! Each student will be given a recipe book to keep.

  • Debate Club

    Debate Club

    Debate club gives students of all abilities a fun and challenging way to develop their oracy skills, critical thinking and communication. Exploring global affairs, contentious moral issues, the political sphere, Debate Club provides a safe sphere to examine their own opinions and learn the nuances of debate. As studenst develop their skills throughout the year, there will be opportunities for both in school and out of school competitions.

  • Eco Council

    Eco Council

    Do you think there should be more recycling bins, less food waste or more charity work? If you are serious about making our school a greener, nicer and more sustainable place, then join the DGS eco council! Each key stage will take responsibility for a school improvement project and together we will work towards making this school a better place and achieveing the eco school silver award!

  • Environmental Thinkers

    Environmental Thinkers

    Think the previous generation has messed up the planet? Want to learn how to make actual changes? Want to debate the most pressing issues facing us a species?
    In "Environmental Thinkers" we focus on one documentary film and one book each term - then come together to discuss them.
    The majority of this CAS is done in your own time - but we will meet twice a term to explore, analyse and discuss these huge multifaceted issues.

  • Film Club

    Film Club

    Film Club allows students to examine films from a variety of backgrounds, from critical darlings, to commercial flops, to astounding, thought provoking cult classics. In addition to screenings, we will discuss the creative and compositional processes that go into films. There will be opportunities to get involved with community film-making and learn more about the world of filmmaking. Expect to watch films that leave you thinking; bring an open and enquiring mind!

  • Girls' Netball

    Girls' Netball

    Netball training is open to all abilities and will run on Monday after school. Fixtures will take place on a Wednesday afternoons and if we do not have a fixture, we will run a training session instead. We will also run several house netball and charity tournaments over the course of the year which are great fun.

  • Girls' Rugby

    Girls' Rugby

    Girls' rugby at DGS has gone from strength to strength. All abilities welcome - rugby fanatics, fitness fanatics or just generally wanting a run around and a chance to blow off some steam - the more the merrier. There is something for everyone. Takes place during CAS on Wednesdays with fixtures and training on Tuesdays after school. A tour takes place in March, and we host the Kent 7s Girls' rugby tournament.

  • History Society

    History Society

    A history club which will offer pupils the chance to enter History essay competitions with the potential to win prizes. The club will have active discussions online in the google classroom, but will also meet monthly to discuss historical issues.

  • Journalism Society

    Journalism Society

    Whether it is hunting for newsworthy events, investigating an ongoing story, conducting interviews with interesting people, or researching information for a feature - everyone has a place at journalism. And modern journalism is not just about writing: photographs and videos are also vital to sharing information. Even if you don't write, there will also be opportunities to edit articles, design magazines, and upkeep and maintain our website. We have won school journalism awards in the past and are aiming for another award this year - open to all Key Stages!

  • Law Society

    Law Society

    An opportunity to learn about different areas of Law, discuss current global affairs and practice for the LNAT exam.

  • LGBTQ+ Society

    LGBTQ+ Society

    A chance for students to discuss current affairs related to the LGBTQ+ society. Anyone is welcome!

  • Literary Circle

    Literary Circle

    A opportunity to read and discuss a range of literature, both modern and classic, in an informal setting. This is an excellent opportunity to make wider links with your IB curriculum, broaden your horizons and enjoy reading for its own sake.

  • MUN


    Discuss international issues as members of the United Nations. Understand and learn about international politics and the art of debating.

  • Music (Tech Team)

    Music (Tech Team)

    Train to become part of the school's Tech Team working with state of the art digital sound and light equipment in the Mick Jagger Centre. You will then be able to offer services during school and community events. Some evening engagements may be necessary.

  • Orchestra (Senior)


    A large music group for all students who play an orchestral instrument: strings, woodwind, brass or percussion. Minimum standard is Grade 3+; we perform in all concerts and other public school and community events, e.g. for the Mayor's Ball in Dartford. The repertoire consists of well known classics, pop and film music.

  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics

    Each week we debate a question related to Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Previous questions have covered 'should the NHS be free?', 'what does it mean to be you?' and 'should we get rid of the royal family?'. The discussion is open style and please bring your lunch with you! The first few weeks will be teacher run but we would like to pass it on to students to run. Come along if you're interested in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, or just like a topical discussion.

  • Physics Journal Club

    Physics Journal Club

    Every fortnight, we will read through an accessible piece of real Physics research, discussing issues at the forefront of the subject and broadening our knowledge. This is an excellent way to engage with real Physics research, bolster your UCAS application and enhance your understanding of how the universe works. Topics include: gravitational waves, superconductors, graphene, extreme space weather, electron tunneling microscopy, exoplanets, microswimmers.

  • Pilates & Mindfulness

  • Psychology Club

    Psychology Club

    Psychology Club is designed to look at a manner of different Psychological theories and studies that attempt to explain or demonstrate potential causes for certain behaviours. We will meet every third Tuesday (a list of dates will be available at the CAS Fair) to allow students to take part in other clubs. The club aims to examine these ideas in an effort to better understand behaviours that are both common and uncommon whilst fully identifying the strengths and weaknesses of research or investigations that have been carried out to develop psychological evidence of explanations. We will try to cover as many different interesting behaviours as we possibly can with an effort to investigate everything from conformity to psychopaths.
    Students are encouraged to pick topics for us to look at and can choose what they want to learn about in future sessions.

  • R&B Band

    Our fabulous Jazz Big Band for all players of Grade 3+ standard of wind and brass instruments, electric/ acoustic guitars, piano and drum-kit. The band performs in all concerts, will tour in the summer term and there are plans for an evening at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club.

  • School Production

    School Production

    The school summer musical extravaganza is one of the highlights of the school year, and we are starting to look for actors, singers and dancers to form a cast for this year's show! We will be running a casting workshop with Year 12 only in the autumn, before casting from the whole school body and starting rehearsals just before Christmas. The show itself is in June, so whether you are a seasoned performer or would like to try something new, come along to join the team for what is always a fun, confidence-boosting and friendship-forming part of the school calendar!

  • Scribblers' Ink

    Scribblers' Ink

    Whole school creative writing club, run online. We explore a wide variety of forms, genres and styles of writing. We regularly enter national competitions and have had several students published in the last few years as a result. Once per term, we run an in person session in which we play creative writing games. This is a great opportunity for IBDP students to fulfill the Creativity strand of their CAS, and there will also be opportunities to run sessions should they so wish.

  • Sixth Form Vocal Group

    Sixth Form Vocal Group

    A celebrated mixed vocal ensemble of 6th Form students. Rehearsals will be mixed or in sections and the repertoire ranges from classical to Jazz and musical theatre. The group performs in all concerts and in selected school events, such as Remembrance Day. We have also being invited to perform in community events, e.g. during Christmas.

  • UK Space Design Competition Club

    UK Space Design Competition Club

    The UK Space Design Competition is a multidisciplinary space-themed competition designed to be a simulation of life in industry! Students from multiple schools are combined to form an engineering company and take on the task of designing a crewed space settlement within our solar system.Set between 40 and 80 years in the future, students are able to lose themselves in the elaborate and expansive SDC universe and they form one of our fictional engineering companies. The universe is complete with over 20 fictional settlements and 50 subcontractors that provide an array of goods and services that can help competitors in their quest to try and tackle the Request for Proposal.

    Weekly meetings will consist of preparation for a regional heat in December, which lasts for a full Saturday. Winning this heat qualifies students for the national finals in 2023, with a chance to progress to the international competition in Houston, Texas.

Key Stage 5 Clubs & Societies (2024)


What is the best club to join in high school? ›

Common After-School Clubs:
  • Film Club.
  • Cooking Club.
  • Foreign Language Club.
  • Improv Club.
  • Future Medical Professional Club.
  • Soup Kitchen Club.
  • Photography Club.
  • Art History Club.

What is the key stage 5? ›

Key Stage 5 is a label used to describe the two years of education for students aged 16–18 and at sixth form or college. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it is aligned with previous Key Stages in the National Curriculum.

What is a club activity? ›

Club activities assist students to cultivate a sense of unity and working with others in reaching the same goals. Students develop social skills: Clubs facilitate students to meet, mix, and work together with other students from different backgrounds in a diverse environment.

What is the meaning of club in school? ›

It is more than just a place where children of various age groups spend time with each other, learning and honing their talents. A good school club can help students: Receive insights from their peers, seniors, club advisers, and teachers. Gain fresh perspectives about various ideas and skills.

Is Key Club worth it? ›

Because participating in Key Club in high school looks great on a college resume—it's a well-recognized organization with a sterling reputation—it often attracts high achievers with aspirations of attending schools with selective admissions.

Does FFA look good for college? ›

Absolutely, participation in FFA can be a strong point in your college applications. Colleges appreciate students who demonstrate a commitment to their interests, especially with leadership and dedication over time.

Is Year 5 Key Stage 1? ›

Key Stage 1 is the legal term for the two years of schooling in maintained schools in England normally known as Year 1 and Year 2, when pupils are aged between 5 and 7. This Key Stage normally covers pupils during infant school, although in some cases this might form part of a first or primary school.

What age is Year 3? ›

Welcome to Year 3

In schools in England, Year 3 is for children 7–8 years old, and this stage marks the end of Key Stage 1 as your child enters Key Stage 2 as a Junior. If they have attended an Infant school, this will also involve a move to a new school where they become part of the youngest year group again.

What is Year 5 of Key Stage 2? ›

Welcome to Year 5

In schools in England, Year 5 is for children 9–10 years old, and is the third year of Key Stage 2. Children will be encouraged to take on more responsibility and become more independent. In this year schools will often start to focus on getting your child ready for transition to secondary school.

What are fun club activities? ›

Here are a few popular game based social event ideas for you to consider for your club socials:
  • Bingo. I don't understand how it's possible that BINGO is still popular, but it just is. ...
  • Board games - game night. ...
  • Bunco. ...
  • Mahjong. ...
  • Poker. ...
  • Yahtzee Tournament.
Mar 18, 2024

What is a club or society? ›

Club: a group of persons organized for a social, literary, athletic, political, or other purpose. Society: an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.

How do I make my club fun? ›

10 Tips for Engaging and Exciting Your Club Members
  1. 1) Keep Meetings Interesting. ...
  2. 3) Congratulate Successes. ...
  3. 4) Have Fun with Fellowship. ...
  4. 5) Help Members Create Their “Why” ...
  5. 6) Give Members Ownership. ...
  6. 7) Appoint or Elect a Member Engagement Chair. ...
  7. 8) Customize Club Communications.
Dec 20, 2019

What happens in school clubs? ›

Clubs are a great way for students to participate in activities they enjoy, learn new skills, and meet new people. High school clubs can cover a wide variety of topics, from math to skiing to protecting the environment and more. Club meetings are usually held after school.

What is the main purpose of a club? ›

A club is an association of people united by a common interest or goal. A service club, for example, exists for voluntary or charitable activities. There are clubs devoted to hobbies and sports, social activities clubs, political and religious clubs, and so forth.

Why should students join clubs? ›

Build your resume, invest in your personal growth — and have fun doing it! Joining a student club is an excellent way to gain experience, develop skills and make connections with other students who share your interests and passions.

Which club is best to join? ›

  • You can start a book exchange club, where members can list some good books they own and they can exchange it with each other. ...
  • Fitness club where students share their knowledge with each other and organise other events regarding the same.
  • Travel club to organise trips like educatio.
Jul 6, 2023

Are high school clubs worth it? ›

Your participation in clubs can hone your communication skills, foster creative thinking, and teach you how to work effectively with other people. Your extracurricular involvement is one of the few ways that colleges can gain insights into your personality.

What looks best on college applications? ›

A good college application should showcase strong grades, high test scores, volunteer or relevant work experience, compelling letters of recommendation and an honest and thoughtful personal essay. It's also good to show improvement and a willingness to challenge yourself.

Does starting a club look good for med school? ›

Being involved in a medical club looks good for college admissions or medical school admissions. Guess what? Leadership looks even better. Tangible community and advocacy work through that club helps set your resume apart from the pack.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.