Starting A Radio Station (2024)

  • Broadcast Mixing ConsoleThe role of the broadcast mixing console (or mixing desk) is to provide control of multiple audio sources and combine them in to a 'mixed' output that is ready for tranmission (often via a processor).A broadcast mixer is essential for any radio service that wants to incorporate any live microphone sources in live or pre-recorded content. If you intend to do any live broadcasts or want to record shows as if they are live then you will need a mixer.There is a wide range of broacast mixers available to cover different studio sizes and budgets. In general, the lower cost broadcast mixers use analogue audio and offer fewer fader channels. More expensive solutions often include digital and audio over IP (AoIP) elements along with more advanced features and potentially more faders.Broadcast mixers should not be confused with their 'sound mixer' cousins. Sound mixers look similar to broadcast mixers but differ in a few crucial ways. Usually sound mixers concentrate on mono channels as they are used for mixing instruments and voice where as broadcast mixers tend to have more stereo inputs. Another vital difference is that broadcast mixers 'mute' local speakers whenever the microphone channels are active to avoid feedback. Without this feature, it is difficult to use a mixer in a live broadcast studio.Generally speaking, broadcast mixers are more expensive than sound mixers but they are much better suited to a radio studio environment.It is possible to create and run a radio station without a mixing desk at all. By using the Voice Tracking feature in Myriad 5 Playout it is possible to add voice links to a fully automated station without the need for a mixer.We offer a full range of Broadcast Mixers suitable for small and large studios. Learn More List Item 1
  • MicrophonesMicrophones allow you to add live voice to your station either via a mixing desk or directly when Voice Tracking.There are two main types of microphones, condenser microphones require the mixing desk to provide 'phantom power' and are generally more sensitive. Dynamic microphones are not powered which makes them compatible with more mixing desks. Both condenser and dynamic microphones are available in a wide range of cost options and qualities.If you decide that you dont need a mixer and instead will Voice Track all your content in Myriad 5 Playout then a good quality USB headset mic is the best option.Check out the range of microphones in our online store. Get In Touch List Item 4
  • Telephone OptionsSome radio formats are enhanced by the ability for the listeners to contribute directly via the phone. Whether it is for live calls, requests or telephone interviews, the ability to record and broadcast telephone calls can really make your station stand out.Unfortunately, the options open to you will be dictated to some degree by the mixing desk you choose. Some mixers (like the SRM) have telephone phone interfaces built directly into them so all you need to do is plug in your phone line and you are ready to go! Other broadcast mixers require some additional equipment to allow you to connect a phone line to the system. Most sound mixing type desks will not allow phonelines to be connected at all!Another option you can consider is using a software VoIP solution such as Skype. Generally you can use this type of solution to record into your Myriad 5 Playout system regardless of your mixing desk.Finally, if multi-line call shows feature in your vision for the station then you can invest in a multi-line call handling system that allows you to screen and manage multiple concurrent calls and route several to 'air' at once.We have a page dedicated to studio telephone systems. Learn More
  • Studio SignageIf you are planning on presenting live shows as part of your station output, you will need to invest in some type of studio signage for your studio.At the minimum, you will need some type of visual indication that one or more of the microphones are currently active so that guests or anyone entering the studio will know when the microphones are 'live'. It is also common to provide presenters with other useful information such as accurate time, breaking news stories, studio live indication etc.Our SmartSign system offers a low cost, screen base studio signage solution that can do everything above and more. We also offer simple light based indicators if you don't require the more advanced features.If you are not presenting live shows and don't mind the risk of someone entering the studio while you are presenting or recording a live link, then you can probably manage without any studio signage.If you would like to know more about SmartSign, click below. Learn More
  • Starting A Radio Station (2024)
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    Name: Chrissy Homenick

    Birthday: 2001-10-22

    Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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    Job: Mining Representative

    Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

    Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.