The Alexandria Argus from Alexandria, Nebraska (2024)

Boclety Historical Station State THE ALEXANDRIA ARGUS Serving a Prosperous Farming and Livestock Region for Over 50 Years VOLUME 57 ALEXANDRIA ARGUS ALEXANDRIA, NEBRASKA THURSDAY MAY 3. 1951 NO. 52 Veterans Make 30 Million Poppies Thirty million hand made popp ies is the big order from the American Legion Auxiliary now being rushed to completion by disabled veterans in hospitals and convalescent workshops throughout the -country More than 10,000 disabled veterans of both World Wars have been given profitable emplayment. during the winter and spring mon ths shaping the little red memoria; flowers wihch will be worn' in mem ory of their fallen comrades on Poppy Day--May 12th. The work provides interesting occupation due ing long hours of and convalescence.

Irene Martin Poppy Chairman BLUE RIDGE LIVESTOCK CLUB MEETS The Blue Ridge Livestock Club held its fourth meeting at the Almond Schroeder horie Monday April 9. We discussed the parts of beef on animals We Plan to discuss swine and sheep at our next meeting Mr and Mrs Clark Hudson Mr' and Mrg Paul Cartwright, Marlowe Westerhoff and Ralph De Long were visitors. The next meeting will be held at the Chris Sinn home May 7. We now have an enrollment of 17 Refreshments were served. Duane DeLong, Reporter HOME FROM KOREA Dick Walker, son of Mr and Mrs Tom Walker and nephew of Mr.

and Mrs Tom Culligan arrived in San Diego, Calif Sunday from Korea, Alexandria School News GRAMMAR NEWS track meet at Hebron was a sucess for Alexandria, In the girls contests, Rita Davis won sec ond in the standing bread jump. Ronnie Ward third in 50 yard dash Paul Cartwright fourth in sot put The relay team placed fourth and those who participated were Ronnie Ward, Jonnie Cartwright, 'Bob Baruth and Wayne Knigge. Saturday we saw the Honse of Yesterday in Hastings. Mrs. CartCartwright and Mrs.

Vaughn took a car. We took our lunch and had a picnic at Lake Side Park, The book The Faith of Mrs. Kelleen was throughly, enjoyed. This is a true story, told by the author of Mrs Mike, Katherine, Flannigan, at present we are read ing excerpts from Freckles by Porter. INTERMEDIATE NEWS Mrs LaVern McKay and Gary were visitors in our room.

We enjoyed a film on Ireland and four films on our Government in the last two weeks. These nine pupils have had per fect attendance during the year. Elaine Joe, Ronald Sinn, Sunshine Carson, Larry Davis, Tony Hart. Judith Schroeder, Judy Wiegers, Purdon Gaston, and Ann Cortney. We hope they earn their certific-.

ate at the end of the term. Pauline Knigge brought a beaut bouquet of apricot blossoms to school. We are very proud of the fourteen ribbons we brought home from the track meet sponsored by the Lion's Club of Hebron last Wednesday. Dick Bennett and Ronald Sinn each won four ribbons, Marilyn Bowker, two; Elaine Joe. Wayne Knigge, Larry Davis and Burdon Gaston each won one.

Clifford Flake treated us to ice cream Monday. This was his 10th birthday. PRIMARY NEWS Our room received a letter th ough the American Junior Red Cross from Gisella Gossler, German girl, thankikng us for the packages we had sent her. We attended the track meet Wednesday and the ball game be tween the Ohiowa girls and Alex andria girls ThursdayBradley Bowker treated 118 tol ice cream and cake Monday, morn ing in celebration of his birthday Mrs, Frank Bowker was a visitor. THAYER COUNTY FARM BUREAU MEETS The April meeting of the thaver County Farm Bureau Board was held in the office on April 26.

Co unty President Harold Uden pres ided at the meeting which sixteen attended. Treasurer John Wiedel read the treasurer's report and Ray Truss gave a report on legislation pertinent to Farm Bureau, A letter was read on the pres ident in rtgard to the fertilizer which had been on order. This has been cancelled. Those who have made deposit call at the office for. them, or leave them for any future orders.

Two bulletins were read and dis cussed by Wilson Andrews, South east Nebraska arm Bureau Field man, regardingg various Dills in the legislature and costs of secondary road building. -The legislative chairman of each unit in the county were invited to attend, and a areas or the CIOunty was fairy well represented. CHARLES FRITCHIE DIES AT LINCOLN Charley, as he was called by his many friends, was the son of Karl and Anna Fritchie and the oldest of a family of twelvechild ren. He was born at Texas, PennsyIvania, June 2, 1876 and came to Nebraska with his parents in 1883 making the trip in a covered wagon. They located on a farm southwest of Daykin in Jefferson County where he lived most of his life, later movingJ to Lincoln.

Nebraska to make his nome with brother Harry and family and his sister Kathryn He passed away at a Lincoln hospital on April 22, 1951 at the agt of 74 years, 10 months and 20 days. Funeral services: were ucted at Helmederters Home at 2:00 April 24. and interment made in the Wyuka cemetery beside his father and mother, He leaves to mourn his passing four sistrs, Mrs. Anna Swenson, Mrs. Elizabeth Cunning ham, Mrs Kathryn Alderman, all of Lincoln and Mrs.

Clara Leonpold of Marysville, Kansas, four Albert 'and Harry of Lincoln and John. of Meridian, Idaho. Three brothers, Joseph, Henry and Will dam have preceded him in death. A LOT OF TREES Henry Sinn accompanied Christ and Will Sinn on a to a load of cedar trees from the Platte, near Central City from a Mr Taylors ranch who has sold 30,000 so far this spring. Will Sinn has sold about 1150 in and around the surrounding community this spring.

Chris Sinn planted 250 on his farm 1 mile west of Alexandria HELLO WORLD HELLO WORLD Mr and Mrs. Loren Banddemer: of Gilead, Nebraska are the proud parents. of a baby boy born April 29. weighing 7 pounds 7 oz. They named him Douglas Albert FAREWELL PARTY HELD A farewell party was held last Friday evening at the Legion' hall for Jackson who purchased a business in Daykin.

He took over last Monday NOTICE Regular meeting of Rama Chap ter No 201, Thursday evening. May 3 at 8:00 PM. Secretarz NOTICE The Alexandria Farm Bureau meets May 7 at the John Murrell home. PENNY ADVERTISING PAYS Congressman Curtis writes: A Nebraska banker has learned thr ough advertising he can help the Federal Government make up part of its penny shortage, There are 18 billion pennies in circulation but the government still reports a serious shortage of the copper coins. By advertiging in newspap ers the banker was able to get a number of individuals to turn th'eir pennies in for coins of higher denomination.

ADDRESS Ernest Coordsen S. R. Co. 51-414 RT San Diego 33, Calif, USE THAT BRAKE! WH041 MANUFAC A CONTROL time to stop in it is N. NE tier, OMAHA'S MONDAY TRADE CATTLE IS UPSET BY OPS The government's projected rol! back of beef cattle and beef prices announced late Saturday, threw fat cattle trade Monday at Omaha into confusion and virtually stop ped selling of replacement stock The market on slaughter steers yearlings and heifers was unevenly steady to $1.00 lower, bulk of $1-- aughter steer and yearling sales $33 to $36.50.

better steersto $38,50 quotable top around $40 Plain to medium shortfeds brought $29 to sold to $36.25 Cow values brokek 25c to $1, caners and cutters $19 to $23, beef to $27.50,, odd head on heiferette order to $28.50. (Bologgna bulls sold to $29.50, a few to $30.00, beef bulls to $28.50, odd head high er in early trade Veal calves clear ed at $30 to $38 Only sale of replacement cattle reported by mid afernoon Monday was that of a package of medium quality, ligght weigght stock steers at $31.50 Hogs Monday at Omah sold 25 to lower, mostly 25c off, butchers weighing 180 to 360, 19 to sows weighing 270 to 550 $17.25 to $19.25, stags $15 to $18. Fat lambs broke $1 to $2 and clearance was incomplete. Fed wooled sold at $36.50 to $37 and shorn lambs at $29 to $34.50 SEARCH FOR OLDEST FISHING AND HUNTING PERMIT LINCOLN, Neb. The Game Commission's request for the old est Nebraska fishing and hunting permit in existence has been answered by a large number of state sportsmen.

The search still continues, how ever, as older permits are received each day The oldest permit to date which has been received at te Game, Commission office was purchased in 1911. Any sportsman with a permit dating further back than 1911 is invited to send it to Dick Schaffer Game Commission, State House, Lincoln, Permits will be returned to the owners in mid June The Game Commission is also seeking old pictures of hunting and fihing experiences These will also be returned to the respective owners in June after reproductions have been made of the best pict- ures. A change in the price of surplus bison and elk meat and salvaged highway killed deer was announced by the Nebraskak Game Commission. The price of buffalo has Seen revised to $100 plus the price of slaughtering while the sale price of a whole elk was set at $75. Both the buffalo and elk are surplus animals on the Wild Cat Hills big game refuge.

Sixty cents per pound is the new price for venison. These animas are sold to sports men clubs when available. RENEW YOUR ARGUS TODAY NATIONAL HOME DEMONSTRATION WEEK TO BE OBSERVED Thayer County Home Extension Clubs are reorganizing National Home Demonstration Week, Wednesday, May 9, at 2 M. The meeting will be held in the Luth eran Church basem*nt in Mrs Conklin will speak on te White House Conference for Children and Youth', Miss Elsie Bamesberger, A Home Econ omist will demonstrate the select ion and care of small electrical equipment. The public is cordially invited to attend AT VETS HOSPITAL Pau Davidson left Tuesday morn ing for the Veterans Hospital in Lincoln where he will undergo medical HAS OPERATION Melvin Brinegar underwent a major operation at the Clarkson Hospital in Omaha this week.

He has been at the hospital about a week prior to surgery. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my relatives neighbors and friends for the lovely flowers, cards and letters wh(ch I received during my recent illness in the hospital, They were very deeply appreciated Thank you. Mrs Sarah Pletcher SANDY CREEK CLUB MEETS The Sandy Creek Extension club met at the home of Mrs. Weaver on Tuesday April 17. The new Home Demonstration agent, Miss Clara Houtz was a guest at the meeting.

The club is glad to welcome back Mrs. Wm Harms as a mem ber. The lesson on One dish meals was given by Mrs Robert Stasney and Mrs. Leslie Long. The second lesson on One Dish Meals will be given May 15 at the home of Mrs Lyman Simmons.

THERE IS A LIMIT LINCOLN, inquir-. ies have been received at the Game Commission office in regard to the catching, taking and posstssion of game fish. Some angler are of the opinion that they can catch as many game fish as they coose as long as they do not keep more tan their legal bag and possession limit. This is not true. According to Section 37-302 of the Nebraskak Game Laws, the angler must return fish to the water if they cannot be legally taken which means undersized fish if there is a size limit on the kind of fish, If there is no size limit, any fish caught can be legaly taken Section 37-303 states that shall be unlawful for any person in any one day to kill, catch, take or have in possession at anytime a greattr number of game fish of any one kind than as fixed by the Commission" Consequently.

when an angler catches his bag limit of trout or any other game fish, he has finished his fishing for the day on the particular game fish, according to the law. NOTICE NOTICE The Star Route arrives early. Have mail at the Post Office for the Star Route by 8:30 A M. FIVE THAYER STUDENTS RECEIVE N. U.

AWARDS Senior udents from Thayer county recognized at the Uiversity of Nebraska honors convocation Tutsday were William Dill of Alexandria and Susan Reed of Deshler. Among sophom*ore students rec ognized was Kathleen A Dill of Alexandria. Alta Reinke of Chester was awarded the Milo Halleck Mem porial Scholarship (agriculture), JoAnn Skucius of Chester received the AK- Sar-Ben Foundation Sc holarship ((Agriculture). William and Kathleen Dill were also awarded Regents Scholarship for upperclass students. (Bruning Banner) Scout Camporee This Weekend The Boy Scout Camporee will be held this weekend at the State Lakes.

The boys in Troop 308 of Alexandria have been busy making plans and reviewing their Scout skills in preparation. The Camporee will begin Friday evening and last through Sunday afternoon, The Sunday afternoon field day activities are open to the public. The field day activities will run from 2:00 to 4:00 PM and parents and friends are welcome SELECTIVE SERVICE NOTES Local Board No. 88, Selective Service System, Thayer County Hebron, Nebraska forwarded the following young men to Omaha on 26 of April 1951 for induction into the Armed Forces--they were for warded to Fort Sheridan, Illinois Reception Center. Charles Lugenbeel of Hubbell Lyle Gaston, Hebron Lauren Nippert, Belvidere Robert McDaniels, Alexandria Allen Boss, Deshler Verland Schardt, Carleton Harold Rippe, Bruning Otis Hellhusch, Gilead Lawrence Ritterling, Byron ON, LOREN LANDKAMER'S CAR STOLEN A 1937 automobile belonging to Loren Landkamer was stolen from behind the Bonham Theater last Sunday night.

Lankamer, manager of the theater had left his keys in the car. (Fairbury Daily News) NOTICE NOTICE The Alexandria Woman's Club wil have their annual May DArtv at the home of Mrs Francis Walsh Thursday afternoon May 10th at All older ladies of Alexandria are invited to attend ROAD STANDARDS FLEXIBLE TO SECURE FEDERAL AID Thayer County, along with 37 other Nebraska counties, did not obtain any state or federal funds for use on its secondary road sys tem Every county has secondary roads. Thayer County has 124 miles. Duringg 1948, 49 and 50 Thayer County received $269,297 as its net share of gasoline tax funds. This money may be used to match Federal aid Secondary funds for use on secondary roads--ore for bridges on such roads.

Practically all counties in Minn esota, Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota make full use of Federal aid Secondary Road Funds on their secondary systems. 17 Nebraska Counties mat ched Federal Aid Secondary Funds on a 50 50 basis in the last three years. Arrangements for matching sec ondary. road funds must be made through the State Higuway Dept which acts as the legal represent atives of the federal governmnt. Some County officials have comp lained that required standards of construction are too rigid and res citant costs too high, Obviously, there is misinformat ion on this point since the Comm issioner of the Bureau of Public Roads said, The standards are not rigid but are purposely flexible so that they may be easily adapted to local requirements" It follows then that closer coop eraion between responsible state and local officials is needed to insure greater' use of available funds and the more rapid Improve ment of our secondary roads which are so essential to a large number of our population and to so many of our trade centers.

In the last three years, over $26 million of gasoline tax was given to the counties of Nebraska for their exclusive use. In view of this tact, it appears that the solution of our secondary road problem can he found without the imposition of additinal taxes. Some counties have obtained both federal and state money for, secondary roads without putting up a dollar of local funds; but that will be covered in another story, WOMAN 'FROM BRUNING FLYING FARMER QUEEN Mrs. Pauline Hawks of Bruning was announced as Nebraska Flying Farmers Queen of 151 at a banquet which closed a Flying Farmers convention at Beatrice Saturday night. About 90 persons attended the two day covention, They came (from all corners of Nebraska and there were guests from Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming.

Receives Individual Honors HASTINGS, Center won the championsip and Alexandria repeatet as Class kingpin in the district track and field meet held here. (Both clinched victories in the discus, las event on the program. Clay Center scored 15 points in the platter event and Alexandria bagged eight. THERE WERE seven new rec--ords posted in each class and one standard in each class equalled. Don Yoachim, Alexandria, won four firsts for individual honors.

He bagged both sprints, the shot put and the discus. His :10.3 century was a new district record and tied the state Class district standard. Earl Long of McCool Junction set a new state Class district half mile mark of 2:05.2. Tommy White also of McCool Junction, was also a triple winner. In the 440 it was won by Snyder and beats record of :54.7 set by Ken Bender of in '48.

His time 54 flat. Actemeier placed third, The 120 yard highs wo by Walker of Carleton In :16.6. 100 yard dash won by Yoachim. Actemier was second and Kohler placed 5th, Time :10.3 and bettered the meet record of :10.6 set in 46 and ties state record set in 46 and tied in 48. The 220 was won by Yoachim in :28.8.

The mile was won by Knigge in 5:13.8. Alexand ria placed second in the 880 relay, In the field events Yoachim won 1st place in the Shot Put with a heave of 41 feet 5 inches, Achtem ier placed 3rd in broad jump and Yoachim won the Discus with a 123 feet 4 inch toss. In buzzing through the sport pages of the dailies in the past week, I have failed to find any body, in A or schools and some college meets, whor* anybody has run that little ol' 100 yards as fast as Alex High's Yoachim. Keep them cinders flyin' fellows. The Defense Department has I disclosed it has 15.000 officers and enlisted men on recruiting and publicity jobs.

This number is about equal to an infantry division or enoogh operate five aircraft carriens or five B-36 bomber groups and it would also be enough to pilot 10 jet fighter groups..

The Alexandria Argus from Alexandria, Nebraska (2024)
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