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- Publication:
- The Alexandria Argusi
- Location:
- Alexandria, Nebraska
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- 4
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sWte NOTICE Elru: sr r' DID YOU NOTICE? MCJIAMDni1 nao I am in he pump and wind milt basinet and am prepared to bore wells repair pumps and lake down or put up wind-mills ALMWOr CK3NB PROMPTLY Lare order at- bard- 5 HEIIRY AwTELL s- r-i -K- UWWWWJUJ mi: fcv a i-i cm during haryest sealing Well we were and we -thank trade you gave us and! ri'BLIiHEU KIDiT OS EACH WEEK AvCB1Tio 11 iBUKI THURSDAY AUGUST 0 OS Oil iltiiMrU fMtdSct (at (nit Urth the iis sccmd-cU I 4 POUND WEST BOUND X707eroprotty busy 1 111 1 peering goods? 'r you for the splendid now wo wish to call your attention to our MALLEABLE Ranges We have sold over 30 of these to people of Alexandria and vicinity and we want you to ask them about them how theybake and cook how much fuel they use how the reservoir works and in fact' ask all about them and then come and look them over for yourself We have sis different andkinds of stoves and ranges on onr floor and can please you both in price and quality Our lines of enameled silver and tin ware and general hardware SSTm our big House was never before so large as now Come iu and see us and we will treat you right full of buggies It will do viura f6rBaiin8 ROUSH GO good Klf i I 144 Ho wi I P- I 44 PM 's: CAOL Is the btfst fuel winter or summer cbeapertbanwood cleaner Ilian cobs Safer than gao-1 line Burns equally well wet or I dry Occupies iess space and requires less labor than wood or cobs A supply of best domestic steam and blacksmith coal always on hand I SELLEG EntrrM at Burner ri EAST Omc uady from HunwdmlMel: imtiodoA I No 15 Vf ht 144 CnltkitnuicirTT Sue A ifflt iO! AitxaiBiiA post irriei Mlllc)M(lIIKutll yyo I Wert el 11 1 -I I 1 PrtB Or wo to -j BI 11:1 to 1:15 letrmetioMl Mjrtkll IS Bit COUIrWI Poul Uibw Geo Wileon LOCAL MiSKETI h- 1 LL1 Wbest Coen SlS Rje Butter 13 Egg 10 Butter fat 38 3flt JJi 35 tv 8 tulle I Troe Texas write: wlfo bad been ufferlngj Sr yr witb paralysis lo her srm Meed Bollard's Snow LI a i meat which cured her alt right I bate tsod It for dd ortw fi-uet bite and skin eruption It does tbs work Wcand SI 00 st Kasle it Co sss3C-sssrsaasBKaHWBWwwa LOCAL WXTYS imimutuuuuuiuttuiumtiiumtuunui HAVE VOU J0T1CEDP Mr Robt Easley has been on the sick list this week Hi Roode of Fairbury was in town Tuesday Mrs John Shugart entertains the Baptist missionary society at her borne Thursday Charley Shane and A Clarence Kremer was home from Obiowa last Sunday )ilruat ptijiU Ukt Chaus ber-laliT Htomach and Liver Tablet Easy to iestel effect BLTrrr kin was in our midst Sunday 1'im'JUi iMi'U1 m'i i Twa Miss Ethie Jackson of 'Day Born to Mr and Mrs John A KREMER CO Dttlm la Mrs: Borland of Tobias visited CAiWlilard and family Wed Averill writes that he will be home in time this week to read he Argus Miss Dollie 7ilson a niece of Samnel Watson arrived from Savanna Mo last Tuesday 'Geo Hk Dan forth went to Lincoln Wednesday to attend the Epworth League assembly -r BUSINESS LOCALS Ice ci-eam at Try graves fe Co for Shoes Fancy canned meals at Overman -t Notary Public Try Saratoga chips at Fredes Thursday JolySO a girl pj weJt to Fairbury Tuesday Miss Libbie Wilson visited at to engage In carpenter work I Day kiu the first balf last wk- Born to Mr and Mrs Miss Stella Church returned Averill Wednesday August 5 I last Friday from a protracted I aa pound girl I stay at Omaha I Bert Bricka and wife attended Mrs Bert Bricka attended the marriage of his brother the funeral of her child aear Falrdury Wednesday- I at Edgar last week I Claude Hall editor of the Otto Leff was hauling lumber Bruning Courier made this office I last Monday to build an addl- pleasant call last Saturday I tion to his kitchen Barrie Ross is herefromPoik Dr Marrow of Memphis -55 5 I Lime ELisn After cutting and slashing 'prices on winter goods lie has succeeded In making room for his large and complete stock of spring and summer goods wash goods Of every description? tussah silks lawns mousselihes percales oxfords dimities silks satins silk efiambrays and basket cloths etc Fine line of laces appliques and braids Look over our large stock of spring sYioes Call and look over Our largo line and be afraid to ask questions Building Material A KREMER Manager Alexandria Nebraska Take your butter eggs and Tennwa8 visiting relatives'andjsay ith his father Ross poultry to Scblueter Cory friends at Alexandria I -r00Li a All kinds of ice cold temper I Joseph Newell took bis de ance drinks at Dan's Bom to Mr and Mrs LenlparturejWednesday for a pro- We have got plenty of ice and i can get it any time but we close Sunday at 10 AHPbelpsj WE ARE posted on eyes Head quarters for optical goods Robt Easley Co Best School Shoes at Graves i longed visit to Chicago and in Michigan Mrs Gchlueter and son Raymund came from Day kin last Monday to visit friends in Alexandria During the past week this PIIONENO 1 MT ALLEN nnrrriTmiinnimrmt nnniinnnvmminri locality has been favored with two good rains which is help- How to avoid Herblne by Lindekugel Tuesday July 28 It prompt atlmulAtlve Action oa th ja 10 poung boy live drive tbo mAlcrUl Krm out of Ahorse belonging to Andy tb ytem purlfle the blood tone up Nun killed' by lightning thoytem and restore health 50o At last Friday nieht ltoljt lia-ley A Co 1 IS THE thief of TIME -t Tv A Mrs Minnie Fiahin of Fair bn- iThe com crop ry visited at the home of Jv I tqe com crop ft 3H6LD0N Nachtigall last Sunday Miss Helen Carey went to The game of base ball last Saturday between Alexandria and Bruning resulted in a victo ry for our boys Score 5 to 8 1 -V- (- Two games of base ball are it DEALER complete in Hiawatha Kan last Sunday to be gone several weeks 1 4 A large barn this side of i01 DO NOT PROCRASTINATE buy now while our stock is departments WE ARE MAKING PRICES CLOSE and bargains are numerous iV Xt V) Whips Combs Etc Fresh bread buns cakes and allkinds of cookies at Dr Smith dentist will be in Dr'G A office Tuesday and Wednesday August IS and Id FOR SALE-Oue black horse four years old Inquire of Nun Akin dentist of Fairmont' will be in Dr IL office1 Tuesday and Wednesday August 18 and 19 if you buy your carpet of De Merritt you have to wait but can take home with you when ordering it He carries ai full liDe in stock' Short orders a specialty When you are hungry cat -at J- 1 Girl for hotel work Apply of Mrs Bj Ahern iGOod hand made kettle reu deredlard 2 pounds for 25 cts at the Meat Market and forget we close at Id on co*kIE IN AND SEE UO whettier you buy or not will do you WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF staple Dry Goods Notions Hats Caps Boots and Shoes 1 i carry ronpIrttiiA carefully selected Wockof(iMiti Aepakriat neatly done ft nLi listed to be played at Alexan: DavWn WM Uuck by lightning dria Alexaril aid Tobias on and burned down Sunday night Prida afternoon Aug 7 Alex- Enslowbf Fairbury was) andria and Ppweli on Tuesday in town last Sunday visiting I aftemoon Aug 11 ihry Robert Taylor is building a read thirty ieet sqnare just Herman Sfnn arrived 'from west of his residence California last Friday where on the strip of land that he lie had been for 'some time lookr I purchased of Dan Grim: lug at the country -0ld sittiels-: picnic i it Bee and daughter Grace I "Western will be held next Krom Fairbury visited at4 the I wesday ng 12 1903 An ele-horne of Robt Eesley and fami- Sant program has been prepar ly the first of the week led and a rousing old time will nr be enjoyed by those that attend Mr and Mrs Knox and 4 Robbie Knox were here from Prof Mills arrivedTues-Havensville Kan froln'lastdaX from Fairfax where a jThursday until Monday I he had been instructing in" BRING US YOUR BUTTER EGGS and poultryt and secure the best bargains we have 1 Tf POTTER Manager? Alexandria iS Yourg for business i SCHLUETERCORY Alexandria Nebr 1 54 ft Hi CkamMrliliiv Collo Cholem and Diarrhnw lUmcdy -1 fcvery whero rccogalsed a the ooe remoSy that bad aIwaj be 'depended upon od that uke It fu4p0ctiijf valuable for summer diar- 1 Mr Mills rhoea tu children and i undoubtedly' I Misses Caroline and Katiej and wife will soon leave- for the mean ef vinr the live of a great and nephew HerbertBran-J Springview this state and ge nny chUdreo For gala by Tuesday to visit at Linjready for his next work Bring Sour Eonltrg fo- Ben Trry 'i 4 coin Seward and Superior i On the 28th ult Fred Hirscb Mrs Dunn Miss Temple I a stone mason of (Fairbury Enslow and Miss Floy Morrow I while working on the chimney 5coi1 re visiting Mrandjof the Krouse house near Glaa-Mrs Duncan this week stone received stroke of GTOKE s1 1 ALEXANDRIA EAT MARKET Highest Market Price Paid in Trade or CASH t' HEADQUARTEHS FOR ALL KINDS OF GOODS illiliiililliiiMi liUBMMililiMO job work done at home The Argus -equipped tq do first cl ass work All lcinds of tin work done in first class style and all work guaranteed At the New Overman can furnlsir-you in! anything in -the -undertaking line HIS BUSINESS He) Knows How He has a very fine EUNERAL car a bran new 1903 model nr A ft- NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT rrsBciseO CUf Aagoat 1722 1903 for tbe above ocoasion the Grand Island Route will sell on August 1-14 inclusive round trip tickets to Son francieco orLes Angeles limited for return io Oct 15 1903 at rate of 94500 the tame direction I y4a Portland ir6oO For Information regarding Stopovers train service eto? call upon or address nearest agent or Ad-sit A St 'Joseph apo Edward Otto hailed from I piy Mt Hirsch was taken iAHi PHELPS Proprietor Rush Lake Wisconsin last Sat- ls urday for a visit witb I a condition his uncle JosWittenberger and During the' heavy electric storm anally 1 last Sunday night the farm residence Julius Nicolay and wife of oi Norman a short' disUnci Obiowa Ernest Lindekugel and "Odth-west of Daykln was struck by wife of Daykinweretbe guestsMbJhtning aodpearhthesxiteen-year Highsst 3SD JCS Ear Hidss I of Nicolay and -wife of daughter ofMr Norman was in-ALEXANDRIA i NEBlthis place last Sunday Untly wiled' Mrs Ernest Fairchild a niece I July of I Sel leg and cousin of 1Wfu cu7ea marriage of Alien came wilh: her soa' and I Bricka to Mira Anna Diller daughter from Hiawatha one the parents lat Thursday for a visit wnv? Do the merchant! of the country sell more Be wing hlaelilnrs lhn they du of other make? Bo Mr and Mrs Diller of Fairbury? bel TEnnv Drugs -Furniture and Undertaking Get other prices then come and get ourS and see how -much we can save you cu4e thelrmwtomeni know the New 1 Leon-Sherwood drove from Iioiitol th twst nM will haveno other jDay kin last Sunday' after' his I For taio by Overman wife and children who had been r- i i 1 1 i I visiting liere a few days They Tpl CIr rcurned home Monday evening A A A A ft A A A A ft A A A A A A A ft ft A A A A ft A A ft A A ft A ft ft A Peruna 75c Celery Co 75c Castoria--Genuine 25c 25 pound pail Stock Food Sarsaparilla 75c Medicines 75c Linseed oil per gal 60c 1 $150 Rev WDeMerrIttrpaator'6Lihe Baptist church of Alexandria official ed The bride is held In high estee by her large circle Of friends and the groom 1 well and favorably known to the people of Alexandria The happy couple will bngtn house-keeping at once at this place where Mr 'Bricka' Js dolng a flourishing bulslness in the confectionary line The ArgcS extends congratulation and hope that their lot may be very pleasant and prosperous JI LL 111 ERY I -i Can save you money on anything we handle To make room for my Fall and Winter Btock I will close out all Summer Goods of the corn was broken off The windmill and tower on Wm Albright's place was blown down 1 art prepared to do Anything in the Barber'Und (' nic6lay -i i-- DELOTYCOOT ISS MARI LAW i V- ns a i i i 'c-.
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- Pages Available:
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- Years Available:
- 1895-1972