The Very Best Beetroot Chutney Recipe - Larder Love (2024)


Rich and packed with amazing earthy, sweet and spicy flavours, this beetroot chutney is perfect with everything from roasts to curries, burgers to BBQ. Plus it’s perfect with a cheeseboard and Ploughman’s Lunch too.

The Very Best Beetroot Chutney Recipe - Larder Love (1)

Why you’ll love this chutney recipe

  • This beetroot chutney is super easy to make, even if you have never tried preserving before.
  • The flavour – my beet chuutney is sweet and sour and a wee bit spicy too, its a feast in a jar.
  • Versatility – this is a chutney that goes with all sorts of dishes from a curry to a cheese toastie. You can serve it with roasts, with burgers and even add a little water to make it into a super easy salsa type dip!

If you have beetroot/beets growing in your garden then this beetroot chutney is a great way of using them. You can of course buy fresh beetroot in the supermarket.

If you see some on offer then have a go at this super easy chutney. I’m sure you’ll love it.

The Very Best Beetroot Chutney Recipe - Larder Love (2)

What is beetroot?

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) are a root vegetable that go by other names too. In the USA and Canada they are known as beets. Beetroot is also sometimes known as dinner beet, table beet and red beet.

They come in different colours too, not just the standard red beetroot. You can get golden beetroot and even a pretty stripey beetroon with red and white rings inside.

Beetroot is good for you and packed with vitamins and minerals. Just check out this beetroot nutrition and info page for loads of amazing information on this great veggie.

My beetroot

We had a pretty decent crop of beetroot this year in the garden. Some things were an unmitigated disaster (let’s not even mention the carrots!) but the beets were good.

I’ve pickled them and roasted them and enjoyed them in everything from soup to salads. Now it’s time to turn them into beetroot chutney.

The complete list of ingredients and full instructions for making this recipe can be found on the printable recipe card at the bottom of this post.

The Very Best Beetroot Chutney Recipe - Larder Love (3)

Ingredients for beetroot chutney

raw beetroot



cider vinegar

brown sugar

onions and garlic

cinnamon, ginger, chilli and salt

The Very Best Beetroot Chutney Recipe - Larder Love (4)

How to make beetroot chutney

Wearing plastic gloves (a must or you will look like you have garotted a pig in the kitchen!) peel the beetroot and chop into pieces about 1cm in size

Grate the zest from the oranges and chop the flesh (discard the bitter white pith) and peel and chop the apples too

Chop the onions and mince the garlic

Chuck everything into a nice big pan and heat gently till the sugar has completely dissolved. Now simmer for about an hour till all the fruit is soft and your beetroot chutney has come together in a jammy consistancy.

Use a potato masher to break it all down if you wish. Remove the cinnamon stick and bay leaf.

Ladle into sterilised jars.

How do you know when chutney is ready?

When you drag a wooden spoon through the chutney and it leaves a clear trail on the bottom of the pan your chutney is done.

The Very Best Beetroot Chutney Recipe - Larder Love (5)

How long will this beetroot chutney keep?

This chutney will keep for 6 months or more in a cool dark place. Once opened store it in the fridge and use up within a month.

Please Note – We do not usually do water bath or other canning methods here in the UK. Our preserves keep perfectly well without this.

New to preserving? Then don’t panic, I can take you from zero to hero in no time at all.

Just check out these handy articles to get you heading in the right direction fast;

How to make great jam and marmalade

How to make cool curds

How to make great jelly

How to make chutney and relish

How to sterilise jars and bottles

Sticky situations – troubleshooting your preserves

Different types of preserves

My favourite preserving kit

Chutney making

Like all my chutney recipes this beet chutney is really easy to make.

Far easier than jam really. Afterall, you don’t have to keep checking for that elusive setting point. Chutney is ready when that spoon leaves a clear trail on the bottom of the pan.

Oh how I love simplicity on cooking, preserving and everything else in life!

How to serve this spiced beet chutney

I love this beetroot/beet chutney with simple salads like chicken.

On burgers and with anything from the BBQ.

Loosen it a little with water and serve this beetroot chutney as a salsa like dip with crisps/chips of veggies.

Serve this beet chutney with a cheeseboard or on top of a toasted cheese sandwich.

This recipe makes a great foodie gift, so why not check out my post on how to make Christmas hampers.

The Very Best Beetroot Chutney Recipe - Larder Love (7)

Looking for more fun and easy beetroot recipes? Then check these out before you go;

Spiced pickled beetroot

Simple beetroot and orange salad with feta

Greek beetroot tzatziki

Super healthy beetroot and apple smoothie

Greek style fried beetroot

Sardines with beetroot and blueberry salsa

Finally, if you do try this recipe don’t forget to leave a comment/star rating below as I just love to hear from readers. Want more Larder Love? Then follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter and sign up for my newsletter too of course.

Photos And Tips AboveMost of my recipes have step by step photos and useful tips plus videos too, see above.

The Very Best Beetroot Chutney Recipe - Larder Love (8)

Best Beetroot Chutney

Karon Grieve

serve with roasts, BBQ, burgers, as part of a cheeseboard and on toasted sandwiches too

4 from 9 votes

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Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 1 hour hr

Total Time 1 hour hr 15 minutes mins

Course preserves

Calories 2652 kcal


  • 1 kg beetroot
  • 2 oranges
  • 500 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 400 g brown sugar
  • 3 onions finely chopped
  • 3 apples peeled and chopped
  • 2 garlic garlic cloves crushed
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 4 cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tsp grated fresh ginger
  • 2 chillis chopped

MetricUS Customary


  • Peel and chop them into small cubes about 1cm in size.

  • Grate the zest off the orange and then take off the white pith and slice into the segments so you get the flesh without any of the membrane. Reserve any juice you can.

  • Put all of the ingredients into a pan and heat slowly to dissolve sugar. Raise heat to boiling then lower to a simmer and cook for approximately an hour until all fruit is soft. Use a potato masher to break it down

  • Remove bay leaf and cinnamon stick

  • Spoon into sterilised jars and pop on the lids.

  • Once opened it will keep for up to a month in the fridge


Calories: 2652kcalCarbohydrates: 643gProtein: 26gFat: 4gSaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 7924mgPotassium: 6035mgFiber: 57gSugar: 558gVitamin A: 2096IUVitamin C: 369mgCalcium: 810mgIron: 15mg

My Top Tips*Always read the full recipe first. *Assemble all your ingredients and everything you need before you start. *For baking check the size of tins I’m using as this makes a big difference to your cakes. * I use medium sized eggs unless otherwise stated. * I use extra virgin olive oil unless otherwise stated. * I use unsalted butter unless otherwise stated. * Check out My Preserving Kit!

Tried this recipe?Mention @LarderLove or tag #LarderLove

The Very Best Beetroot Chutney Recipe - Larder Love (2024)


What is the shelf life of beetroot relish? ›

Shelf life: 12 months, 1 month once in use.

Who makes beetroot chutney? ›

Calder's Kitchen Beetroot Chutneys – Northumbrian Eggs.

How to cook fresh beetroot jamie oliver? ›

  1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4.
  2. Scrub the beetroots really well, then chop into wedges and place in a roasting tray.
  3. Add the vinegar, thyme and 4 tablespoons of water, then toss to coat (you may want to wear gloves!).
  4. Cover with tin foil and roast for 45 minutes, or until cooked through.

How to include beetroot in diet? ›

Here are some delicious and interesting ways to add more beets to your diet:
  1. Salad. Grated beets make a flavorful and colorful addition to coleslaw or other salads. ...
  2. Dip. ...
  3. Juice. ...
  4. Soup: Borscht is a popular soup in Eastern Europe and Northeast Asia. ...
  5. Leaves. ...
  6. Roasted.

Does unopened relish expire? ›

According to the FoodKeeper app, relish should be eaten with 30 MONTHS of purchase if it's in the pantry. If it's opened and is being refrigerated, it should be used up within nine months.

Does pickled relish go bad? ›

Unopened containers can probably last for around 30 months and up to 3 months once opened. If you make homemade relish, it should last a week, unless you have some hardcore canning capabilities.

What is the tastiest beetroot variety? ›

Recommended Varieties
  • 'Boltardy' Delicious, smooth skinned and good for early cropping. Good resistance to 'bolting'. ...
  • 'Babietola di Chioggia' Has orange skin and yellow flesh, keeps its colour when cooked and does not bleed. ...
  • 'Boldor' An elongated round golden beet with a smooth skin.

What is the American version of beetroot? ›

Beets & Beetroot – beetroot 'Beetroot,' also known as 'table beets' or 'garden beets,' are referred to by Americans simply as 'beets. ' This vegetable with dark violet bulbs as its roots can be eaten either fresh, cooked, or pickled.

Why do you put vinegar on beetroot? ›

Beets are naturally sweet and earthy, making them a versatile vegetable to incorporate into your meals. By adding vinegar to the boiling process, you can elevate the flavors of beets and give them a delightful tangy kick.

What meat goes well with beetroot? ›

Some foods that mix well with beets include goat cheese, arugula, walnuts, lemon juice, and balsamic vinegar. Other complementary ingredients include orange, dill, horseradish, and sour cream. Beets also pair well with meats such as chicken, fish, and pork.

How do you take the bitterness out of beetroot? ›

Roasting beets deepens their natural sugars while tempering bitterness. Bake whole, wrapped beets at 400°F for 60-75 minutes until easily pierced by a fork. Allow to cool before peeling and juicing. Incorporating roasted beets creates a smoother, mellower, almost nutty-flavored blended juice.

What should you not take with beetroot? ›

Beetroot juice is rich in nitrates, which might negatively interact with certain blood pressure-lowering medicines, leading to a severe drop in blood pressure.

What pairs with beetroot? ›

Apples: The sweet and tart flavour of apples complement the earthy taste of beets. Balsamic vinegar: The sweetness and acidity of balsamic vinegar pairs well with the earthy taste of beetroot. Orange: Orange pairs well with beets as it adds a sweet citrus note that complements the earthy flavour of the beets.

How many times a week should you eat beetroot? ›

Moreover, beets are low in calories with zero cholesterol and a small amount of fat. However, the root is high in sugar and carbohydrates, so while you can consume the greens on top of the root in unlimited quantities, you should only have the root a few times a week. Beets are best from early spring to late fall.

How long does pickled beetroot last in a jar? ›

Storage and Expiration

If stored correctly in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight, your pickled beetroot should last for up to a year if left unopened. Once you've cracked open a jar, make sure to refrigerate and eat within approximately 8-12 weeks (though we'd be surprised if it's not gobbled up sooner!).

How long does jarred beetroot last once opened? ›

These beets will store well in the fridge for up to two weeks. Always check the jar before eating and discard if they are showing any signs of going bad.

How to know when relish is bad? ›

To determine if relish is still safe to eat, one must be vigilant for signs of spoilage:
  1. Smell: Sour or unusual odors indicate spoilage.
  2. Color: Any major changes might suggest degradation.
  3. Texture: Relish that has become excessively runny or shows mold growth should be discarded.
4 days ago

Does beetroot expire? ›

The vibrantly colored root vegetable also has an impressive shelf life, lasting up to a whopping two months. But the quality of your beets is only as good as the knowledge you have to maintain their freshness.

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