a 00 0 0 0 April 24, 1931. THE WARRENTON BANNER, WARRENTON, MISSOURI Page Three WRIGHT CITY AND COMMUNITY MISS ANNA R. SHARP "A PAPER WITHIN A PAPER" Miss Sharp la the authorised representative of the Banner in Wright City, and will be glad to receive all Items of news; also orders for advertising and printing. Any favors that are shown her will be greatly appreciated by her and the Banner. All items of news and all orders for advertising and printing Methodist Young People's Union The above organization, which is only three months old, and consists of young people of the Methodist congregations at Foristell, Wright City and others, made its first public appearance on Sunday evening, when Walter Gross, the vice-president, in the unavoidable absence of the president, Miss Nellie Owens, called the meeting to order in the Union M.
E. Church. A good congregation assembled and probably ninety per cent of the young people of the Union were present. The following, program Thou was Almighty given: King," Friend We have," ConCongregation. Hymn, "What a gregation.
Scripture Story of and Prayer-Robt. Schemmer. Hymn, "Rock of hymn-Oliver Congregation. Bruning. Vocal Story of -Leona Coda, Sadie Vahle.
Talk, "What Christ Means to Gertrude Young People in the School" Hagemeier. Vocal Solo- Ruth Wippern. Talk, "What Christ Means to W. Young E. People in the -Rev.
Matthews. Announcements and Vahle. Offering. Violin Solo -Lydda Think When I Florence Marie Schaper. Story "Take My Life and Let It Be'of the hymn- Cleo Logan.
Hymn, Benediction and "God Be With You." Congregation. The young people did splendidly and many calls were made for such another meeting in the near future. mention must be made which of Special the solo by Ruth Wippern, among other good things to have been was considered by all present the most excellent of them all.C. H. 0., Pub.
Com. Wright City School Notes Just a few more days to get your tickets. You will undoubtbanquet want to be present at this event, ticket before Wededly so get your nesday, April 29, at 6 p. m. from one of our basketball members.
entire school body is proud of Our our poplar trees presented to us by our Masonic order. They will be a for years to come and monument shall be appreciated even more as time goes. A great deal of interest is being shown in the literary meet to be held here this Friday and Saturday. Nearly one hundred high school students from Jonesburg, Troy, Winfield and Wright City will compete. C.
W. C. has kindly consented to furnish the judges. Friday, May 8, "The Gypsy will be presented by our Chorus Class. This production is bound to approval, give it a gain your chance.
A large crowd attended the regular P. T. Club meeting Tuesday evening. The primary room gave an exercise program. The following elected for the coming year: officers were President, Mrs.
Chas Golterman; vice-president, Mrs. Fluegel; Mrs. G. secretreasurer, tary, Mrs. Eva Scanland.
Obituary of Miss Georgia Groce Miss Georgia Bernice Groce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Groce, was born in Foristell, Feb16, 1911. After attending the ruary grade schools she completed her entire high school work in Central than Wesleyan two Academy of as college work. She well as more years departed this life on April 16, 1931, at the home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hughes, near Foristell. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Harold Buchanan and Miss Billie, her two grandparents, an uncle, Forest Hughes, and aunt, Mrs. Chas.
'Williams, also of Foristell. Funeral services were held in the Christian Church at Foristell Friday, April 17th, and interment made in the Wright City cemetery. Dr. J. Helmers, a former teacher, conducted the funeral service, Misses Ruth Zimmermann and Edna Polster sang duet and Miss Sarah Julia Klinger a solo.
The pallbearers were all former students and teachers at Central Wesleyan and the flower girls were schoolmates of the deceased and of her sister, Miss Billie. To the sisters and other immediate relatives their friends extend much sympathy in the passing of this young life. Union M. E. Church Sunday school at 9:30: Edw Gross, Supt.
Morning service at Subject, "When" St. Mark Got Cold Feet." Evening service at 8. -Subject, "When the Bed is Too Short and the Quilt is too Narrow." Signor Capelli sings at the College church at Warrenton at 3 p. m. on April 26, also at Grace Church, St.
Louis, on Wednesday, April 29, at an all-day meeting when notable men of the M. E. Church speak. All should avail themselves of this great E. Matthews, Pastor.
Evangelical Church, Wright City Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Morning service at 10:30. Evening service at 8 o'clock. Subject, "Can We Communicate With the Dead?" -A.
E. Katterjohn, Pastor. Orphanage Children Visit Here On Sunday morning, April 19, at 10:30, the Union 1 M. E. Church was comfortably filled with an enthusiastic and expectant congregation, who watched with deep interest while 30 little tots filed into their places in the church.
From the first moment of the program to its close the congregation followed with delight every number. Tears were not far away from any eye and overflowed very many as the little three-year-olds and on up to 8 year darlings gave their songs and recitations in their own some and inimitable way. Just to see the sweet little ones was a treat, then to listen to their program was an occasion that could never be forgotten. All hearts went up to God in prayer for this great institution and wills were made up to do all that could possibly be done for it in the Wright City Defeats Machens Club Wright City defeated the Machens Club here Sunday 3 to 1. The game.
was featured by the pitching of Currier, who struck out 12 men and allowed five hits. Schramm led the victors in hitting, getting a double and two singles out of the three times at bat. Wright City AB. R. H.
O. A. E. H. Strathman, If 0 0 0 f.
4 3 2 0 0 Enenbach, ss. 4 1 1 0 0 1 Mittler, 2b. 3 0 Humphrey, 3b. 4 0 0 000 0 1 Gross, C. 4 0 1 14 0 0 Krueger, r.
f. 3 0 0 0 F. Strathman, 1b .3 0 0 09 0 Currier, p. 2 1 1 0 4 0 Totals 32 3 8 25 7 2 Machens AB. H.
O. A. E. Echele, c. 4 1 2 7 0 2 0 H.
Mass, ss. 4 0 0 J. Machens, 1. f. 0 Prigge, 1b.
4 00 07 0 J. Porter, 2b. 3 0 Machens, 3rd. 4 0 0 Conoyer, r. f.
02 1.0 0 C. Porter, r. f. 3 0 R. Maas, p.
3 0 1 0 Klinghammer, r. f. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 1 24 6 1 Two-base hits -Schramm Eisenbach, J. Porter. Base on Balls--off Maas (1) Struck out Currier (12), By R.
Scorer--Nieburg. Maas (5), Umpire game 1:45. Club 123456789 Wright City 0010000203 Machens 000001000 Next Sunday Wright City plays at Gumbo, Mo. -Contributed. Teachers Re-Employed Prof.
and Mrs. Gooch and Misses Keithley and Vahle have been again engaged to teach in the Wright City school next term. to the indefiniteness relative to continuing the third and fourth years of high school work, teachers for same have not yet been ed. These years are dependent on the number of pupils and their support. 0.
E. S. Meeting A regular. meeting of Lincoln Chapter, No. 295, 0.
E. will be held on Tuesday evening, April 28, at 8 o'clock. Visitors welcome.Mary E. Cox, Worthy Matron, Marie E. Krome, Secretary.
Masonic Lodge Masonic Lodge Pauldingville Lodge, No. 11, A. F. A. Wright City, Mo.
Regular meeting Satur-day evening, April 25, at 7:30 o'clock. -Alfred Miller, W. Clarence H. Feix, Secretary. News Notes News Notes The Memorial Society will meet Friday afternoon, May 1, in the Evangelical church basem*nt with Mrs.
Edward Wiemer, hostess. Pastor J. N. Wynn conducted services in the Montgomery City Baptist church Sunday. Mrs.
Wynn accompanied him and they spent the afternoon with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mills, south of town, visited her sister, Mrs. Ahman in Franklin county during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gerken and son and his sister, Mrs. A. F.
Pohlman, Mrs. Steinkamp and her son and wife of St. Louis spent the week-end at -the old Gerken place. Mrs. Walter Wills, daughter, Miss Marjory, and son, Jay, of St.
Charles visited the former's brother, I. H. Bohrer, and daughter, Miss Lilliam, Sunday. Elmer Meier and family of St. Louis spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Meier's brother, H. O. Hedeman, and family, after visiting overnight in New Melle. Wilford Case was here with homefolks, F.
Case, and family, the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Marten of Kansas City visited their nephew, Wm. Marten, and wife Sunday and spent several days this week visiting other relatives in and around Wright City.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A Struchtemeyer also visited with her sister, Mrs. Marten, and Win, band Sunday.
Miss Melba Schnadt was here from Columbia to spend the weekend with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. George Gerdeman and his brother, Walter, of Paynesville spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Gerdeman, west of town. Miss Mary Wisbrock went to St. Louis Sunday to spend a while at the home of her son, Fred Wisbrock, and family. Mrs. John Weber, son and ter of St.
Louis visited Mrs. W. H. and Mrs. 0.
F. Nieburg one afternoon last week. Mrs. Weber's husband was formerly an employee of the Nieburg Mfg. Co.
Mrs. Emma Bollegar returned Monday morning after spending several months at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ruebeling, and husband at Plant City, Fla. Mrs. Bollegar reports a cool season in that part of Florida and says that vegetation is not much farther advanced than in Missouri at present.
W. B. Bruning and family were Charles visitors a while Saturday evening. Lenly Kent, southwest of town, was in St. Louis to visit his daughter, Mrs.
Carter, who Sunday, has been in ill health for some time. She has recently been in a hospital but is now at home with her condition scarcely improved. Old friends of Mrs. Carter in this locality are sorry to know of her condition. Misses Louise, Daisy, Marie and Dorothy Hermeling of St.
Louis visited their cousin, Mrs. George Wiemer, and family Sunday afternoon. They were accompanied by their friend, Mrs. Kirchelbaum. Mr.
and Mrs. Mat Smith of St. Louis spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Wahlbrink and also visited Mrs. Smith's cousin, F. W. Schnadt, and family. Mrs.
Nellie Lee and granddaughters of Foristell came up, Friday evening and remained until Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Tony Owens, and family. For Sale or Rent--My property in Wright City. Both desirable and reasonable. Will rent garden or garage R.
Sharp. W. H. Krome and daughter, Miss Virginia, were in St. Charles one day last week at Lindenwood College, where they made arrangements for the latter to become a student next fall.
In addition to other studies, Miss Virginia is expecting to specialize in music, her violin playing already being an able accomplishment. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bockhorst and sons, Arthur and Eldon, drove to St.
Louis Sunday and spent the day with relatives. Following a few days' illness, Miss Maggie Bryan was taken to St. Louis last Thursday afternoon by Dr. Clarenbach and very shortly underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Missouri Baptist Hospital. Her relatives and friends are glad to know that reports from her indicate a most favorable condition and we trust she will be able to return home at an early date.
Miss Bryan visited her sister at the hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bruening and Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Bruening of St. Louis were Sunday guests of C. C. Waller and family southwest of town. Harry Francis of Paris, visited Miss Thelma Luckett Monday.
Emmons Nieburg of St. Louis was at the 1 home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Nieburg the past week. His sister, Miss Gladys, was also here from New Florence the last of the week and accompanied him to St. Louis and attended a social gathering of the Shriners at Moolah Temple. W. H.
Krome and family drove to New Haven Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Krome's sister, Mrs. Emil Wolff, and husband. They were glad to find Mrs. Wolff improved after some recent indisposition.
John Becker and family of Boonville spent a while Sunday afternoon at the home of his brother, Fred Becker and family while enroute home from St. Charles, where they had visited their daughter and new grandson. Miss Lillian Schroeder of Wentzville visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Schroeder, in Wright City a few hours Saturday. Miss Lillian's school at New Melle closed last Friday and she left for rensburg Sunday, where she is entering Central Missouri State Teachers' College. Miss Annie Kriz visited homefolks, Joe Kriz and family in St. Louis, Monday.
Her small brother, Joe, has been in the hospital with a serious eye trouble, but is now at home. Miss Annie also reported that her grandmother, Mrs. W. W. Shreckengast, now living in Pattonville, had spent some time recently with her daughter, Mrs.
Ed. Matthews, whose baby WAS seriously ill with pneumonia and was also a hospital patient while. residents Many of have the been town and victims vicinity prevailing colds or light flu epidemic. Mrs. Mat Burton has been quite poorly; George Wiemer has heen of the store this week due to an attack of cold and Gilbert Fricke is now recovering from An illness of lobar pneumonia.
Rev. J. N. Wynn assisted Wm. Edmunds with some work on the latter's place in New Florence Monday.
Miss Renee Zambones was a business visitor in St. Charles Tuesday. W. B. Bruning and family and Mrs.
Emma Schaper their sister and daughter, Mrs. Creech, and family in Troy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Krome and daughter, Miss Virginia, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nieburg drove -to Kirkwood Monday evening and visited the Eastern Star Chapter at that place. Mr.
Nieburg's cousin, Nestor Riemeier, was initiated into the Chapter at this meeting and, beside other relatives of the candidate, Mrs. Nieburg, by invitation, assisted in the initiatory work. Pierre Arnall has been suffering considerably with a badly infected and swollen jaw, but we are glad to report the condition improving. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Ordelheide and young daughter, Vera, and their son, Clarence Ordelheide, and family, drove. to St. Louis Sunday and spent the day with friends. Miss Clara Bryan accompanied them and visited her sister, Miss Maggie, who is now a hospital patient in the city. W.
Katheriner, new proprietor of the Wright City Hotel, was in St. Louis on a business trip Wednesday. He was accompanied by his cousin, Mrs. Jacks, who has been spending a while at the hotel, but remained in St. Louis Wednesday for a longer stay.
Miss Annie Huelsman assisted at Wiemer Bros. store this week while Geo. Wiemer was out of the store due to illness. Mrs. Wm.
Huelsman and daughters, Wilma and Mrs. Elger Mittler, husband and baby were in Warrenton last Thursday night and enjoyed being an attendance at the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Royal Neighbor lodge. Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. Case and Elizabeth and Mrs. Case's mother drove to St. Joseph Sunday, where the latter, Mrs. Calvert, remained to again occupy her own home and reside with another daughter.
Another person's worries are always hard to understand. Eat Everything without Fear of Indigestion Are there lots of foods you can't eat for fear of gas, bloating, pains in the stomach and bowels? Do you have to pass up favorite dishes while the rest enjoy them? That's a sign you need Tanlac! For more than 10 years Tanlac has restored to vigorous health thousands who suffered like you do. Mrs. Arvena Bowers, of 1230 Jackson Topeka, says: "Five years I was troubled with gas, bloating and dizzy spells. But Tanlac toned up my whole system and increased my weight 10.
lbs." If you suffer from indigestion, gas, dizziness, headaches, or torpid livertry Tanlac. One bottle often brings the needed relief. Tanlac is a good, pure medicine, made of roots, barks, and herbs. Get it from your druggist today. Your money back if it doesn't help you.
"Chiropractic Health Service" J. E. SCHROEDER, D. C. Phones: Wright City 16-Troy 194.
X-Ray Laboratory Neurocalometer Service. (39) Grow Chicks with 0 OATMEAL -as it is used in these two balanced poultry feeds. Feed Quaker, FUL-0-PEP CHICK STARTER for the first six weeks and then change to Quaker FUL-O-PEP GROWING MASH The combination has no equal for growing husky meat birds and healthy, energetic pullets. We can supply you. A.
STAMER CO. Wright City, Missouri Smith's Creek By MRS. AUGUST BRAKEMEYER (Too for last late week) Mrs. Annie Gruenewald of St. Louis spent a week with Mr.
and her brother, Julius, who is. improvher brother, JJulius, who is improving nicely. Dr. Goodrich of New Haven was called for Mrs. August Brandt, who is very ill.
Hope for a speedy recovery. Louis Schotte of Rocheport was a business visitor in this community this week. The election of Lawrence M. Hyde of Princeton as a member of the Supreme Court commission has been announced in Jefferson City. Nutrena makes.
Pert little Pallets and Toxy Little Roosters ta New Low Price SOLD BY Farmers' Elevator Wright City, Will We Dance AT YOCUM'S HALL WARRENTON, APRIL 25, 1931-AND HOW! There will be Music by the MISSOURIAN RHYTHMIC KINGS of St. Charles--and plenty of it. Admission 75c. LADIES FREEI Spectators Students Wanted to prepare for Private Secretaries, Bookkeepers and Auditors, Civil Service work, Commercial Teachers, Stenographers, Salesmen and Salesladies, Comptometer Operators, etc. Write for additional information and our illustrated catalogue.
Sanford -Brown Business College 5942 EASTON ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI We always try to print all the news of Warren County. What Is Thrift? Thrift is the buying of the greatest values for the least money. It is something far more than the avoidance of extravagance. Nation-Wide thrift principles consist of cutting to a minimum SERVICE GROCERS the three costs determining the price of pro; duction-the cost of handling--and the cost of selling to you.
SALADA TEA Combination Sale ORANGE PEKOE and PEKOE 1 Package Lb. 22c Lb. 43c Crystal White Soap Chips Size Size 2 Bars Trial Size, 9c. Write the Nation-Wide Service Grocers, Crystal White Soap 301 South 8th St. Louis, for interesting booklet, "Cup Reading." 22c Stringless Beans No.
2 Mississippi, Size Cans Cut, Tender, 3 for 25c Hominy Peoria Medium Brand, Cans 3 for 18c Blackberries Fine Cultivated, for Pies. Large No. 2 Fine Can Fruit 21c MANHATTAN, Vacuum Packed, '43c Coffee Steel Cut, NATION-WIDE, 1 Lb. Tin Steel Cut 31c 1 Lb Bag Lbs. Belleville House Coffee Steel Cut, in bags 4 99c Za For berry, Cherry, Lemon refreshing Grape, and drinks; Raspberry, Orange, Straw- Jug Pint 25c Specials for Saturday Fresh Picnic Hams Navel Oranges per 150's doz.
35c Breakfast Bacon Half or 22c Grapefruit Marsh Seedless 25c Ribs of Beef LB. La. Strawberries Pint 19c SATURDAY SPECIAL FLY -TOX PURE CANE SUGAR Be prepared for insect pests. Brand PINT BOTTLE Sanitarily packed in Muslin Bags 59c 10 lbs. 53c SOS 8 big Pad Package, Package, 4 Pads 23c.
The instead new of 3 13c Ivory Soap Me Guest Medium Size, Size 6 for 250. 2 for 15c Pickles 24 SOUR Ounce OR Jar DILL 25c FANCY SWEET, 24 oz. Jar 29c. LUNCHEON PICKLES, 14 oz. Jar 15c Graham Wafers 1 Pound KRAK-R-JAK, Package Honey Flavored 16c White Banner Malt Matter Wide, Large Cans, 3 for 87c.
49c NATION- WIDE Bread Large Twin Loaf 9c NATION- WIDE Butter 1 Saturday Pound only Carton 29c Nut Margarine Saturday Belleville Brand, Only--Lb. Ready Carton to serve, 15c THESE ARE NATION WIDE STORES IN THE VICINITY: Lohman W. E. Bruning, Warrenton, Missouri Wright City, Missouri Garver Wolbrink Howard Bottermuller Home Market, New Florence, Mo. Marthasville, Missouri.