What Is UPnP? Understanding Network Protocols By WireX Systems (2024)

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a set of networking protocols designed to enable devices to discover each other and automatically establish communication and collaboration. It was developed to simplify the process of adding new devices to a network, allowing them to seamlessly share resources and communicate with each other. UPnP is widely used in home networks, where various devices like computers, printers, media servers, game consoles, and smartphones can be connected.

UPnP consists of several protocols and standards working together. Here’s an overview of its key components:

  1. Discovery: UPnP uses the Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) to enable devices to discover each other on the network. When a UPnP device is connected to the network, it sends an SSDP message, announcing its presence to other devices. Similarly, when a device is searching for available UPnP devices, it sends an SSDP search request. Devices that match the search criteria respond with their information.
  2. Description: Once a device has been discovered, it provides a description of its capabilities in the form of an XML document. This description includes the device’s type, model, manufacturer, and a list of services it offers. Devices use this information to decide if and how to interact with each other.
  3. Control: UPnP devices communicate with each other using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). This protocol allows devices to send commands and receive responses in a standardized XML format. Devices can control each other by invoking actions defined in their respective service descriptions.
  4. Event Notification: UPnP devices can also send notifications about changes in their state or events that occur. This feature is useful for devices that need to be aware of the status of other devices on the network. For example, a smart home automation system may need to know when a door is opened or when a light is turned on. The General Event Notification Architecture (GENA) is used for subscribing to events and receiving notifications.
  5. Presentation: Some UPnP devices offer a web-based user interface for configuration and management. This interface is typically served over HTTP and can be accessed using a web browser.

UPnP has several benefits, such as ease of use, automatic device discovery, and interoperability among devices from different manufacturers. However, it also has security concerns, as devices can be exposed to potential threats if they are not properly secured. It is essential to ensure that UPnP devices are updated with the latest security patches and configured with appropriate security settings to mitigate these risks.

What Is UPnP

UPnP is a set of networking protocols designed to facilitate seamless communication, collaboration, and resource sharing among devices on a network. Developed to simplify the process of connecting and configuring new devices, UPnP is commonly used in home networks with various devices like computers, printers, media servers, game consoles, and smartphones.

UPnP enables devices to automatically discover each other, provide descriptions of their capabilities, control each other using standardized commands, send notifications about their state or events, and offer web-based interfaces for configuration and management. The main advantage of UPnP is its ease of use, as devices can communicate and work together with minimal user intervention.

However, UPnP also presents security concerns, as devices may be exposed to potential threats if not properly secured. To mitigate these risks, it’s important to keep UPnP devices updated with the latest security patches and configure them with appropriate security settings.

The Purpose Of UPnP

The purpose of UPnP is to simplify the process of connecting, configuring, and managing devices on a network, enabling them to work together seamlessly and share resources without the need for manual intervention. UPnP is designed to enhance the user experience and make it easier to set up and use devices in home and small business networks.

The main objectives of UPnP are:

  1. Automatic device discovery: UPnP allows devices to discover each other automatically as they are connected to the network. This eliminates the need for manual configuration and reduces the time and effort required to set up devices.
  2. Interoperability: UPnP promotes interoperability among devices from different manufacturers by adhering to a set of standardized protocols. This ensures that devices can communicate and collaborate regardless of their make and model.
  3. Dynamic configuration: UPnP enables devices to automatically adapt their configurations based on their network environment and the devices they interact with. This makes it easier to add or remove devices from the network without causing disruptions.
  4. Ease of use: UPnP simplifies the user experience by reducing the technical knowledge required to set up and manage devices on a network. Users can connect and use their devices with minimal hassle, making technology more accessible to a broader audience.
  5. Remote control and monitoring: UPnP allows devices to control each other and send notifications about their status, enabling remote monitoring and management of devices on the network.

Benefits Of UPnP

UPnP offers several benefits that make it an attractive solution for connecting, configuring, and managing devices in home and small business networks. Some of the key benefits include:

  1. Ease of use: UPnP simplifies the process of setting up and using devices on a network. With automatic device discovery and dynamic configuration, users can easily connect and start using their devices without having to deal with complex manual settings.
  2. Interoperability: UPnP promotes interoperability among devices from different manufacturers by using standardized protocols. This ensures that devices can communicate and collaborate, regardless of their make or model, providing users with a more seamless experience.
  3. Automatic device discovery: UPnP enables devices to automatically discover each other when connected to the network. This eliminates the need for manual configuration and speeds up the process of setting up devices.
  4. Dynamic configuration: UPnP allows devices to adapt their configurations based on their network environment and the devices they interact with. This makes it easier to add or remove devices from the network without causing disruptions or requiring manual intervention.
  5. Remote control and monitoring: UPnP enables devices to control each other and send notifications about their status. This allows for remote monitoring and management of devices on the network, which can be particularly useful in smart home and automation systems.
  6. Improved user experience: By simplifying the process of connecting and managing devices, UPnP enhances the user experience, making technology more accessible and enjoyable for a wider range of users.

Limitations Of UPnP

While UPnP offers several advantages in terms of ease of use, interoperability, and automatic device discovery, it also has some limitations and drawbacks:

  1. Security concerns: One of the main concerns with UPnP is its potential security vulnerabilities. Since UPnP devices can discover and communicate with each other without authentication, they may be exposed to unauthorized access and control. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain control over devices, execute malicious actions, or even gain access to the network.
  2. Limited to local networks: UPnP is primarily designed for use in local networks, such as home or small business networks. Its protocols do not work well across the internet or large-scale networks, which can limit its utility in certain scenarios.
  3. Lack of granular control: UPnP allows devices to automatically discover and interact with each other, which can be convenient, but it also means users have less control over device interactions. For example, users may not have the ability to selectively enable or disable specific services or connections, which could be a concern in certain situations.
  4. Inconsistent implementation: Although UPnP aims to promote interoperability through standardized protocols, implementation differences among manufacturers can still lead to compatibility issues or inconsistent user experiences.
  5. Reliance on UPnP support: For UPnP to function correctly, all devices on the network must support the necessary protocols. If a device does not support UPnP, it may not be able to take advantage of the benefits offered by the technology.
  6. Potential performance issues: In some cases, the automatic configuration and discovery process in UPnP can cause performance issues or conflicts, especially when multiple devices are competing for limited network resources.

How Does UPnP Work

UPnP is a set of networking protocols that enables devices to discover each other, communicate, and share resources on a network without requiring manual intervention. UPnP operates by using a combination of protocols and standards to facilitate seamless interaction among devices. Here’s a brief overview of how UPnP works:

  1. Discovery: The first step in the UPnP process is device discovery. When a UPnP-enabled device is connected to the network, it uses the Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) to announce its presence. Similarly, when a device is looking for available UPnP devices on the network, it sends an SSDP search request. Devices that match the search criteria respond with their information, allowing them to discover each other.
  2. Description: Once a device has been discovered, it provides a description of its capabilities using an XML document. This description includes information such as the device’s type, model, manufacturer, and a list of services it offers. Devices use this information to determine if and how they can interact with each other.
  3. Control: To communicate with each other, UPnP devices use the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). This protocol allows devices to send commands and receive responses in a standardized XML format. Devices can control each other by invoking actions defined in their respective service descriptions.
  4. Event Notification: UPnP devices can send notifications about changes in their state or events that occur, enabling other devices to stay updated on their status. The General Event Notification Architecture (GENA) is used for subscribing to events and receiving notifications.
  5. Presentation: Some UPnP devices offer a web-based user interface for configuration and management. This interface is typically served over HTTP and can be accessed using a web browser.

By automating these processes, UPnP simplifies the experience of connecting and managing devices on a network, making it easier for users to set up and use their devices. However, it is essential to ensure that UPnP devices are updated with the latest security patches and configured with appropriate security settings to mitigate potential security risks associated with the technology.

Security Concerns Of UPnP

UPnP has several security concerns due to its automated nature and lack of built-in authentication mechanisms. Some of the main security concerns associated with UPnP include:

  1. Unauthorized access: UPnP devices can discover and communicate with each other without any authentication or user intervention. This can potentially expose the devices to unauthorized access, allowing attackers to gain control over them or execute malicious actions.
  2. Network exposure: UPnP allows devices to automatically configure network settings, such as port forwarding, which can inadvertently expose devices to the internet or external networks. This can make them vulnerable to attacks from outside the local network.
  3. Information leakage: UPnP devices share information about their capabilities and services using XML documents. Attackers can use this information to gain insights into the network, identify potential targets, and craft attacks tailored to specific devices.
  4. Inconsistent security implementations: Different manufacturers may implement UPnP with varying levels of security, leading to inconsistencies in protection across devices. This can create weak points in the network that attackers can exploit.
  5. Amplification attacks: UPnP’s Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) can be exploited for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Attackers can send spoofed SSDP search requests to UPnP devices, which then send responses to the target, amplifying the attack traffic and overwhelming the target system.

To mitigate these security concerns, it is essential to take the following steps:

  1. Update devices: Ensure that all UPnP devices are updated with the latest firmware and security patches to protect them from known vulnerabilities.
  2. Disable UPnP when not needed: If UPnP is not required for your network or devices, consider disabling it to reduce the attack surface.
  3. Configure security settings: Configure appropriate security settings on UPnP devices, such as strong passwords, access control lists, or disabling unnecessary services.
  4. Network segmentation: Separate UPnP devices from other critical devices on the network to limit potential damage in case of a security breach.
  5. Use firewalls and intrusion detection systems: Employ firewalls and intrusion detection systems to monitor and block suspicious network activity.

By taking these precautions, users can better secure their UPnP devices and networks against potential threats.

Attack Example Using UPnP

One example is the Reaper Botnet, also known as IoTroop, which emerged in late 2017. The botnet targeted vulnerable IoT devices such as IP cameras, routers, and other connected devices. Reaper took advantage of various known security flaws, including issues with the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) protocol. The attackers used these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to the devices, and then subsequently infect them with malware, allowing them to be controlled remotely as part of a botnet.

While the Reaper botnet has not been directly linked to a specific large-scale attack, it demonstrated the potential for attackers to exploit UPnP vulnerabilities and compromise a significant number of devices. The existence of Reaper served as a reminder of the importance of securing IoT devices and keeping software up to date to prevent similar attacks in the future.

WireX Systems NDR can Help with UPnP Investigations

WireX Systems Ne2ition NDR (Network Detection and Response) is a cybersecurity solution that focuses on detecting and analyzing threats within an organization’s network by using advanced analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Ne2ition NDR can be helpful in investigating attacks over the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) protocol in the following ways:

  1. Traffic Monitoring: Ne2ition NDR solutions continuously monitor network traffic to identify unusual or malicious activities. By analyzing UPnP traffic, NDR tools can detect potential threats, such as attempts to exploit known vulnerabilities or malicious communications between compromised devices.
  2. Anomaly Detection: Ne2ition NDR uses machine learning algorithms to establish a baseline of normal network behavior. This helps in identifying deviations from the norm, which could indicate a potential UPnP attack. Unusual patterns or spikes in UPnP traffic could be flagged for further investigation.
  3. Threat Intelligence: Ne2ition NDR incorporates threat intelligence feeds, which provide up-to-date information on known threats, vulnerabilities, and attack patterns. This knowledge can help Ne2ition detect and alert security teams about UPnP-related threats faster and more accurately.
  4. Incident Response: Once a potential UPnP attack is detected, Ne2ition NDR can provide detailed information about the affected devices, network connections, and malicious payloads. This information can be used to guide incident response efforts, such as isolating infected devices, blocking malicious communications, and remediating vulnerabilities.
  5. Forensic Analysis: Ne2ition NDR solutions can help with forensic analysis by providing a wealth of data, including packet captures, flow records, and logs. This data can be used to reconstruct the timeline of a UPnP attack, identify the attacker’s tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and understand the full scope of the incident.
  6. Continuous Improvement: By gathering and analyzing data from UPnP attacks, Ne2ition NDR can contribute to the ongoing improvement of an organization’s security posture. Lessons learned from past incidents can be used to enhance detection capabilities, strengthen defenses, and better prepare for future threats.

In summary, Ne2ition NDR solutions can play a crucial role in detecting, analyzing, and responding to UPnP-related attacks by providing continuous monitoring, threat intelligence, and actionable insights for incident response and forensic analysis.

Overall, WireX Systems leverages the power of network analysis to detect and protect against cyber threats. WireX Systems Ne2ition analyzes UPnP traffic, extracts and indexes different attributes to provide in-depth visibility and context for detection, response, forensics and hunting scenarios over UPnP. These attributes will also help WireX Systems map into the MITRE ATT&CK framework techniques and tactics.


The MITRE ATT&CK framework is a comprehensive knowledge base of tactics and techniques used by adversaries in cyberattacks. While the framework doesn’t have specific techniques dedicated exclusively to UPnP attacks, several techniques and tactics can be related to such attacks. Here are some examples:

  1. Tactic: Initial Access (TA0001)
    • Technique: Exploit Public-Facing Application (T1190): Attackers may exploit UPnP vulnerabilities in routers, IoT devices, or other public-facing applications to gain initial access to a network.
  2. Tactic: Execution (TA0002)
    • Technique: Command and Scripting Interpreter (T1059): Once an attacker gains access to a device through a UPnP vulnerability, they may use command interpreters like PowerShell or Bash to execute additional commands or scripts.
  3. Tactic: Persistence (TA0003)
    • Technique: External Remote Services (T1133): Attackers might abuse the UPnP protocol to maintain persistence by creating port mappings that allow them to access devices or services inside the network remotely.
  4. Tactic: Privilege Escalation (TA0004)
    • Technique: Exploitation for Privilege Escalation (T1068): If a UPnP vulnerability allows for privilege escalation, attackers could exploit it to gain higher privileges on the compromised device or network.
  5. Tactic: Defense Evasion (TA0005)
    • Technique: Masquerading (T1036): Attackers might manipulate UPnP traffic to blend in with legitimate traffic or disguise their activities.
  6. Tactic: Discovery (TA0007)
    • Technique: Network Service Scanning (T1046): Attackers could use UPnP to discover devices and services on the network, which could then be targeted for further exploitation.
  7. Tactic: Lateral Movement (TA0008)
    • Technique: Exploitation of Remote Services (T1210): Once inside the network, attackers might exploit other UPnP vulnerabilities to move laterally and gain access to additional devices or systems.

Please note that the list above is not exhaustive, and attackers might use additional tactics and techniques in combination with UPnP attacks, depending on their goals and the specific vulnerabilities they exploit.


In conclusion, UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) is a set of networking protocols designed to enable seamless communication and device discovery across various platforms and devices. It simplifies the process of connecting and configuring devices on a network, allowing for automatic discovery, device configuration, and service advertisem*nt. However, despite its convenience, UPnP has several limitations and security concerns that must be addressed.

The main limitation of UPnP is its lack of built-in security measures, such as authentication or encryption. This can result in unauthorized access to network devices, exploitation of vulnerabilities, and potential exposure of sensitive information. Furthermore, the protocol’s automated nature makes it an attractive target for attackers, as it can be exploited to launch attacks on IoT devices, routers, and other connected systems.

Security concerns surrounding UPnP include the potential for attackers to exploit known vulnerabilities in the protocol or its implementation, compromise devices, and create botnets, as evidenced by incidents like the Reaper Botnet. These concerns underscore the importance of securing IoT devices, updating software, and disabling UPnP when it is not necessary.

To mitigate the risks associated with UPnP, users should take a proactive approach to device security, such as patching vulnerabilities, disabling UPnP on devices where it is not required, and using security solutions like WireX Systems Ne2ition NDR to detect and respond to potential threats. Organizations should also be aware of the MITRE ATT&CK framework, which outlines tactics and techniques that can be associated with UPnP attacks, and use this knowledge to improve their overall security posture.

In summary, while UPnP offers significant benefits in terms of device connectivity and ease of use, it also presents notable security risks. By understanding the limitations and security concerns of UPnP and implementing appropriate safeguards, users and organizations can better protect their networks and devices from potential threats.

What Is UPnP? Understanding Network Protocols By WireX Systems (2024)


What Is UPnP? Understanding Network Protocols By WireX Systems? ›

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a set of networking protocols designed to enable devices to discover each other and automatically establish communication and collaboration.

What is the UPnP protocol? ›

UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) is a service that allows devices on the same local network to discover each other and automatically connect through standard networking protocols (such as TCP/IP HTTP, and DHCP).

What devices need UPnP? ›

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a standard that lets network devices automatically find, communicate with and control each other. It is used by routers, computers, printers, game consoles and IoT devices. It uses industry standard protocols such as IP, HTTP and Extensible Markup Language.

Why is UPnP used? ›

UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) is a network protocol that allows apps and devices to open and close ports automatically in order to connect with each other. UPnP requires zero configuration — you can add a new device to your network and have it automatically connect with your other devices.

What is the use case of UPnP? ›

UPnP service is a powerful technology that enables seamless communication and cooperation among devices within a local network. It has numerous use cases, ranging from home automation and gaming to media streaming and remote device control. However, the convenience it offers comes with inherent security risks.

Should my UPnP be on or off? ›

Everyone is different so you'd need to determine that on your own. Turn it off if it's on (normally it's off anyways) then see if all your devices work how you want or not. If they do then you're all set. If not then you might need to look at port forwarding.

What remote feature should you disable on your router? ›

Turn off “remote management,” Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), and Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) features. Some routers have features that can be convenient but weaken your network security. For example, enabling remote access to your router's controls allows you to change settings over the internet.

Is UPnP a security risk? ›

As mentioned above, UPnP doesn't only work within your local network. It is also accessible remotely, making it a popular target for hackers. The problem is that automatically forwarded ports miss out on authentication and authorization protocols. As a result, they make your network vulnerable to unauthorized access.

Does UPnP work over WIFI? ›

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a convenient solution to connect devices to your Wi-Fi network. It's a commonly used protocol that lets a new device discover other devices on your network and have remote access to them. If you've ever used a wireless speaker or printer, you've used UPnP.

What issues does the UPnP setting on your router present? ›

If UPnP is not configured correctly, applications or malware may open ports without your knowledge, potentially exposing your network to unauthorized access.

How to connect UPnP device? ›

Q-4) How can I turn on UPnP?
  1. Open a web browser from a computer or mobile device linked to your router's network.
  2. The username and password for the router. Administrative is the user name.
  3. To enable UPnP, choose ADVANCED > Advanced Setup. The UPnP page is visible.
  4. Turn UPnP On can be turned on or off.
Jun 29, 2023

Which networking device connects two networks together? ›

A router is a device that connects two or more packet-switched networks or subnetworks. It serves two primary functions: managing traffic between these networks by forwarding data packets to their intended IP addresses, and allowing multiple devices to use the same Internet connection.

Is UPnP automatically enabled? ›

Turn UPnP on or off

UPnP is enabled by default.

What are examples of UPnP devices? ›

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a set of networking protocols on the Internet Protocol (IP) that permits networked devices, such as personal computers, printers, Internet gateways, Wi-Fi access points and mobile devices, to seamlessly discover each other's presence on the network and establish functional network ...

What does UPnP device host do? ›

The UPnP Device Host service facilitates device discovery and control, making it easier for devices to connect to networks without manual configuration. However, its convenience also presents potential security risks.

What is UPnP rules? ›

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a network protocol that allows compliant devices to automatically set port forwarding rules for themselves. These devices can be personal computers, printers, security cameras, game consoles or mobile devices that communicate with each other and share data over your network.

Is UPnP port 1900 TCP or UDP? ›

The Universal Plug N' Play (UPnP) system operates over two ports: UDP/1900 and TCP/5000. UDP protocol is used over Port 1900 because the UDP protocol supports a "broadcast semantics" which allows a single UPnP announcement message to be received and heard by all devices listening on the same sub-network.

Why is UPnP a security risk? ›

And since UPnP is a default feature of many routers, it leaves some room for cybercriminals to get through your router's firewall and compromise your security. For example, a hacker can perform an unverified connection to your router to infect other devices, steal your data, or use your network with malicious intent.

Do you need UPnP for Xbox? ›

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is what your Xbox uses to set up your router for multiplayer gaming and chat. If you see “UPnP Not Successful” in your console's Network settings, first see if your router needs an update.

Is UPnP used for gaming? ›

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is what the Xbox console uses to configure the router for multiplayer gaming and chat.

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