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  • Korea Visa Application Center

What is 'e-form' (visa application)?

  • An applicant can fill out an electronic visa application form online and submit it to the Visa Portal before he/she visits a Korean diplomatic mission in his/her country of residence.
  • In order to complete the application process, you must print the e-form (with a bar code) that you filled out on the Visa Portal (with other required documents) and visit the Korean embassy or consulate general in your country of residence.

Applicable Status of Stay for e-Form

  • Single-entry or multiple-entry visas for eligible applicants of A-1 Diplomat(A-1), Foreign Government Official(A-2) and International Agreement(A-3) status of stay.
  • 90 days or less single-entry visas for eligible applicants of C-1 Short-term News Coverage (C-1), Short-Term General (C-3), and Short-Term Employee (C-4) status of stay
  • 90 days or less multiple-entry visas for eligible applicants of Short-Term News Coverage (C-1) and Short-Term General (C-3) status of stay, only if the applicants are citizens of countries that have signed multiple-entry visa agreements with Korea
  • Visas issued at the discretion of the head of a Korean diplomatic mission abroad, such as 90 days or less single-entry visa for eligible applicants of Korean Arts and Culture (D-1) status of stay who are planning to engage in cultural arts activities upon invitation of the Korea Foundation or from Korean Culture and Arts Committee.

Application Procedure


  1. Send e-form
  2. Submission of Application at the Diplomatic Office & Payment
  3. Reception & Review
  4. Visa Issuance

Required Documents for Your e-Form

Scanned image files of passport pages, digital photograph (in natural color, size: 3.5cm x 4.5cm)

Required Document Before Visiting the Diplomatic Mission

Visa application form with a bar code, passport, photograph(natural color, 3.5cm x 4.5cm), visa fee and required documents

Fill out the e-Form



Is it difficult to get South Korean visa? ›

People that apply for the South Korean visa should know that getting it might not be too easy. The visa requirements are quite high, and the application process can be confusing as there are many ways to apply depending on what you do and need. The most straightforward part about Korean visas are the costs.

What is the reason for Korean visa rejection? ›

The documents that you have submitted cannot be verified. * The consulate officers will verify the documents you submitted to them. So make sure that they are authentic and that the contact numbers you gave can be reached. You failed to prove the purpose of entry to Korea.

How will I know if my Korean visa is approved? ›

1) Visit the Korea VISA Portal(www.visa.go.kr) -> Application Status/Issue -> Click 'Check Application Status & Print'. 2) Enter your Passport number, Name and Date of Birth, and Click the 'Search' button. 3) If your visa application has been approved, visa details will appear at page bottom.

How long does Korean visa application take? ›

The general visa processing time takes 14 working days from the date when you submit all the required documents to our KVAC team.

How much bank balance is required for South Korea tourist visa? ›

As a foreigner applying for a South Korean tourist visa, you are generally not required to show a specific bank balance. However, you may be asked to provide proof of sufficient funds to cover your travel expenses during your stay in South Korea.

How strong is South Korean visa? ›

As a result, the South Korea passport ranks 2 in the world. Separate from these South Korea visa-free countries and visa-on-arrival countries, there are 36 additional destinations which South Korea passport holders either need a physical visa to enter or an eVisa (i.e. visa required countries).

What to do if Korean visa is denied? ›

After a refusal, the applicant must wait for 6 months to resubmit visa applications.

How can I avoid rejection of visa? ›

Incomplete Application

Therefore, you must ensure that you fill in each detail carefully. You must also check the form for any errors before making the final submission. You must fill in the correct information in all the fields, as any piece of incorrect information can lead to a visa rejection.

Which country has most visa rejection? ›

Which countries have received the most visa rejections?
  • Algeria (48.2% of visa applications were rejected)
  • Nigeria (45.6% of visa applications were rejected)
  • Guinea-Bissau (45.6% of visa applications were rejected)
  • Ghana (44.2% of visa applications were rejected)
  • Sri Lanka (44.2% of visa applications were rejected)

How do I know if my Korean visa is denied? ›

Through visa screening, it might be requested you to submit additional documents or rejected to issue the visa. You will be advised at the time of your application the date your visa is estimated to be issued. On or after this estimated date, please check your visa status via VISA PORTAL website (www.visa.go.kr).

Does Korea stamp your passport? ›

You get those white stickers when you go pass immigration counter on arrival . On exiting Korea , only autogate or counter , but no exit stamps . PS : If you want passport stamps for some reason , they can also do that if asked . You can get extra blank pages added to your US passport.

Do they tell you if your visa is approved? ›

If your visa is approved, you will be informed how and when your passport and visa will be returned to you.

How early should I apply for South Korea visa? ›

Please DO NOT Apply more than 3 months prior to the date of travel. Please DO NOT PURCHASE ANY TRAVEL ARRANGEMENT PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL OF YOUR VISA.

What does status of stay mean on Korean visa application? ›

The status of stay refers to a legal status allowing an alien to stay in Korea and engage in certain activities. The Immigration Act grants certain rights to the status of stay which is divided into 36 categories.

Do US citizens need a visa for South Korea? ›

Asa US citizen planning to travel to South Korea, you cannot obtain a visa on arrival. US citizens don't require a tourist visa to enter South Korea. Normally, you must apply for a K-ETA before entering Korea for short-term stays. However, that requirementhas been lifted through December 2024.

How can I get Korean visa in USA? ›

A Korean entry visa must be applied for and issued in your home country. However, If you have a valid green card(re-entry permit) or valid entry visa to the U.S for a long term stay, you can apply for the visa at the Korean consulate.

Is it hard to get a Korean passport? ›

If your parents were Korean nationals or if you marry a Korean national, the process and requirements are simpler. However, most immigrants becoming naturalized through general naturalization. To be eligible for citizenship through this process, you must first live in the ROK for 5 years as a lawful permanent resident.

How hard is it to get a South Korean passport? ›

It is not necessarily easy to get a South Korean passport, but the process is generally straightforward and well-defined. South Korea has a set of requirements that applicants must meet in order to be eligible for a passport. To be eligible for a South Korean passport, an applicant must be a South Korean citizen.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.