Rare Cookies (2024)

Rare Cookies (1)

Rare Cookies are those of the second lowest Cookie Rarity in Cookie Run: Kingdom. The odds for obtaining them or their respective Soulstones in the Gacha are average. There are currently 14 Rare Cookies in the game.

The utility of different Cookies in this Rarity vary greatly; some can outperform Epic Cookies in certain roles, while others can be less effective than even Common Cookies. For new players, Rare Cookies will do the job of substituting for missing team roles as they clear through World Exploration Stages, as well as in the first few tiers of Kingdom Arena. While players are expected to replace them with Epic Cookies over time, higher Trays in the Tower of Sweet Chaos will restrict the number of higher-Rarity Cookies that a team can use, necessitating at least one or two high-level Rare Cookies to progress. Thus, investing some Toppings and Skill Powder in them can generally be worthwhile, as long as a player only invests as much as they need to.

A Rare Cookie's Soulstones can be farmed from multiple stages in Dark Mode, making them easier to max out than higher-rarity Cookies.

Rare Cookies (2)List of Rare CookiesRare Cookies (3)

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Cookie Rarities

Rare Cookies (18)


Rare Cookies (19)


Rare Cookies (20)


Rare Cookies (21)


Rare Cookies (22)

Super Epic

Rare Cookies (23)


Rare Cookies (24)


Rare Cookies (25)


(Rare Cookies (26) Guest)

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Rare Cookies (2024)
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