Research Guides: SCI 1001 & SCI 1002: Writing and Research in the Sciences: 3A. Google Scholar (2024)

Google Scholar searches for scholarly articles on the Internet, using Google’s familiar interface. Like regular Google it can generate THOUSANDS of results, even from resources the library does not have.Still, Google Scholar is a powerful discovery tool.

Here’s how to use it.

Step 1: You can access Google Scholar through this link:

Step 2: If you are off campus, you will need to set your "Scholar Preferences" so that Google will provide a link to the material that LSU Libraries owns.

  • To do this, you will need to click on the 3 lines at the upper left-hand side of the screen.
  • Next, click on "Settings"
  • Then "Library Links"
  • In the search bar type in "Louisiana State University"
  • From the resulting list, check the boxes for:
    • Open WorldCat - Library Search
    • Louisiana State University - E-Resources @ LSU
    • Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries - Full Text at LSU Library

Step 3: Now you are ready to search for material that LSU Libraries has access to!

  • If LSU has access to the article, a link will appear on the right of the article information. The link will say "E-resources @ LSU"
  • If you are on campus it will lead you directly into the article. If you are off campus you will have to verify your identify by signing into myLSU.

Remember, LSU does not have access to every single article that appears on Google Scholar. But, if there is not a link on the right side of the screen, you can make a request to borrow that article from another library using Interlibrary Loan. And it's free! More information about Interlibrary Loan can be found at this link:

If you have any questions about articles you find on Google Scholar, please reach out to us through Ask Us! at this link:

Research Guides: SCI 1001 & SCI 1002: Writing and Research in the Sciences: 3A. Google Scholar (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.