Where are Toyota Land Cruisers made? (2024)

Is the Toyota Land Cruiser a product of Mexico? I don’t know much about Toyota production in North America, but I don’t think there’s a factory in the U.S.

Where are Toyota Land Cruisers made? (7)

Liz Jenson · Updated on

Reviewed by Shannon Martin, Licensed Insurance Agent.

As of 2021 (when this vehicle was discontinued), the Toyota Land Cruiser was made in the Yoshiwara factory in Toyota City, ​​Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Previously, however, the Land Cruiser has been made in the following countries:

  • Japan

  • China

  • Venezuela

  • Indonesia

  • Brazil

The Land Cruiser has never been manufactured in the States, but other Toyota models are made at U.S. factories located in Indiana, Kentucky, Texas, and Mississippi. While buying a vehicle made in your home country won’t affect ownership costs, like your

Toyota car insurance

, your vehicle itself may be cheaper if it isn’t shipped in from another country.

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Where are Toyota Land Cruisers made? (8)

Where are Toyota Land Cruisers made? (9)Where are Toyota Land Cruisers made? (10)

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Where are Toyota Land Cruisers made? (2024)
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